Tuesday, October 2, 2012


The Devil's Metal (Devils #1)Series: Devils #1
Publisher: Metal Blonde Books
Publication Date: Sept. 21, 2012
Format: ebook (Kindle)
Source: Received from author for review.

It’s the summer of 1974 and 21-year old Dawn Emerson has only three things she wants to do: compete one last time in the Ellensburg Rodeo, win back her ex-boyfriend Ryan, and become the best damn music journalist at Central Washington University. But all her plans are left in the dust when she’s contacted by Creem magazine to go on the road with one of her favorite groups, the up-and-coming metal band, Hybrid.

At first the assignment reads like a dream come true. Not only will Dawn land some much-needed credibility as a female music journalist, but she’ll finally get to experience life from the other side of the stage, and maybe crack the drunken, enigmatic code that is guitarist Sage Knightly. Instead, Dawn finds herself on an aging tour bus filled with ego-maniacs, band politics and a whole lot of sex, drugs and rock n’ roll. When monsters start showing up in dressing rooms and some of Sage’s groupies become increasingly strange and dangerous, Dawn discovers the band is not only going places – they’re going straight to Hell.

And Dawn has a backstage pass.


The Devil's Metal is the first book in a two-part New Adult Horror/Paranormal Romance and very (very!) loosely based on the author's exploits as a music journalist. Hell comes in different forms.

A Twisted Tale of Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll

Aspiring music journalist Dawn Emerson is offered a once in a lifetime opportunity: Tour with her favorite band, Hybrid. Wanting to earn a credible reputation, Dawn strives to get her story, but stay above the scandalous adventures the band has behind the scenes. The lure of drugs and seduction is hard to resist, particularly when it's offered by your idols. Day by day, Dawn becomes closer to the band, and even begins to join them in the fun. But soon enough, the demons come out to play, and people begin to die. Turns out, someone made a dangerous deal to secure Hybrid's place in the music industry, and it's time to pay up.

The best way I can describe The Devil's Metal is... Almost Famous with demons. Sounds incredibly strange, yes? Much like that iconic movie, you have a young protagonist (but in this case, older and female) touring with her favorite band, in an effort to get the "big" story, and make a name for herself as a music journalist. Because I consider Almost Famous one of the best movies ever, and because I'm obsessed with music, this story held automatic appeal for me. If The Devil's Metal had been simply that story, I would have been fine with that.

But, this isn't simply that story. This is also the story of a band that paid a steep price for success. A price that is now being collected. Karina Halle is fantastic at delivering the creepy. I'm a huge fan of all her books, surprising since I don't typically read or watch horror. But I find her style works for me. It's scary enough to give me the heebie-jeebies, but not so much that I'm tempted to sleep with a steak knife under my pillow.

I tend to like my books with a contemporary setting. I usually find myself annoyed by the constant references that are meant to remind me of the specific time in which the story is set. The exception are books set in the 1990s (THE BEST!!) and 1980s. The 1970s are my hard limit. This era is doable; any further back and I'm done. The fact that The Devil's Metal is set in the 1970s means that you  get tragic fashion and decor, but rad music. Due to the very thorough inclusion of the era's lingo, trends, and pop culture, Karina Halle gives the reader an authentic look at at that place in time.And truly, from a rock history stand point, the story is fascinating.

From beginning to end, I found The Devil's Metal to be a very good book. The story had a fairly solid resolution. The Prologue, however, delivered another big dose of WTF, and you better believe that I'll be on board for book two.

The Devil's Metal is another solid, unique story from the very gifted Karina Halle.

Favorite Quotes:

"During that show I forgot all about the talk I had with Robbie earlier, or the unexpected sass I delivered to Sage. I was just a fan, always a fan, a worshipper who talked to God in her head but fell to her knees at church." (eARC, 31%)

  "He patted the top of my head gently with his hand, his expression melancholic. 'Are you here? Right now? There are different ways to run away and I know them all. Whatever you run from will always find you.' " (eARC, 36%)

You can purchase The Devil's Metal at:
Amazon  |  Smashwords 

Karina Halle is offering one lucky winner:
  • A print copy of The Devil's Metal
  • A Hybrid v-neck shirt
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I loved that quote about worshipping the music too! Great review!

    1. Thanks, Stephanie! My review in no way compares to yours, though!

  2. First off, I've been wanting to read this book ever since you started reading it and your review made me want to 10x more! Thanks for the giveaway and I'm glad you enjoyed it! (:

    If I could tour with Sleeping With Sirens I'd die. <3

    1. I've never heard of Sleeping With Sirens. I need to check them out!
      Good luck, Kylee!

  3. New Adult/Horror/paranormal/romance? What an interestin combo!

  4. What a tough question.... I mean I love so many bands Kings of Leon, Dave Matthews, Audioslave, Tool, I mean the list is really never ending...How can I choose just one?

    Great review, and you have me really curious about this one!

  5. Thanks for this opportunity!

  6. If I were to Tour with any band I would pick MatchBox 20

  7. Deftones. I would absolutely love to go on tour with them! I <3 Chino!!!

  8. I am so excited to read this!! I will be reading it next month. It sounds really awesome. Fab review chick!!

  9. Wonderful review. This sounds great!


  10. I haven't heard of this one yet, so thanks for putting on radar. Glad to hear you enjoyed.
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  11. Ooh, this sounds really good! Almost Famous meets demons?? I am in! Nice review, Andrea!

  12. I'd love to tour with Evanescence!!!

  13. I'd want to tour with Pearl Jam because I've loved them since I was a teen.

  14. Scary cover but it sounds intriguing. Great review.

  15. Ooh, this book sounds good! Very sexy AND creepy. I feel like it'd be an interesting read even without the demon-y aspect and is just an added bonus with. I'm not a big fan of uber-scary stuff so I'm glad you said it's eery but not *nightmares* creepy. Great review :)

    1. Verrrry sexy and verrry creepy!

      And, Thanks!

  16. I can't even think about this one yet until I finish the EIT books. Honestly from the description I'm kinda like, meh. but that's how I felt about Dark house. I watched you and jess review all the books and rave about how good they are, and thought, creepy really isn't my thing. Not sure I'll like those.

    I'm learning pretty friggen quickly that creepy is pretty awesome, and I already know I have to own all of Karinas books now.

    Great review. :)

  17. Evanescence is my all time favorite rock band. I LOVE Amy Lee's voice.

    I'd tour with Tatu if they were still together. Those girls would turn me lesbian. ;)

  18. Kings of Leon, Glasvegas, or Mr. Bungle would be the choice for me. Just love their music and it would be nice to see how far they really push it backstage.

  19. I would want to go beck in time and tour with The Doors!!! While reading the book I kinds fantisized that Sage looked like Jim Morrison!!!

  20. This sounds like a pretty interesting read! And I can just imagine with it set in the '70s :) Awesome review!

    zaira of Hunting and Fishing Stores


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