Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back to the Books Giveaway Hop

Hi, Book Lovers!! Once again, it is blog hop time.

This hop is hosted by Kathy at I Am a Reader, Not a Writer and Heather at Buried in Books.
Over 300 blogs are participating in book-related giveaways. We are all linked together so that you may hop from one blog to the next. The hop runs from Thursday, September 1 through Wednesday, September 7, 2011.

I have a great giveaway for you! There will be 1 winner.

The winner will receive 1 book of their choice (up to $15 value) at The Book Depository.

Giveaway Details
To enter this giveaway, you must follow this blog and fill out the form below.
The only mandatory entry is to follow this blog.
Entries will be accepted until 11:59 pm, September 7, 2011.

Optional Extra Entry
Follow The Bookish Babes on Facebook (+1)

This giveaway has ended. The winner is:

Marjorie (cenya2)!!

Congratulations to Marjorie!

Come back later next week for my Followers Giveaway, which will include lots of books, and later this month for the Banned Books Week Blog Hop!

Waiting on Wednesday

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week we're waiting on...

Daughter of Smoke and Bone

Around the world, black handprints are appearing on doorways, scorched there by winged strangers who have crept through a slit in the sky.
In a dark and dusty shop, a devil's supply of human teeth grown dangerously low.
And in the tangled lanes of Prague, a young art student is about to be caught up in a brutal otherworldly war.
Meet Karou. She fills her sketchbooks with monsters that may or may not be real; she's prone to disappearing on mysterious "errands"; she speaks many languages—not all of them human; and her bright blue hair actually grows out of her head that color. Who is she? That is the question that haunts her, and she's about to find out.
When one of the strangers—beautiful, haunted Akiva—fixes his fire-colored eyes on her in an alley in Marrakesh, the result is blood and starlight, secrets unveiled, and a star-crossed love whose roots drink deep of a violent past. But will Karou live to regret learning the truth about herself?
(From GoodReads)

Why we're waiting: Daughter of Smoke and Bone sounds completely out there, and completely awesome! I loved new concepts and can't wait to give this book a go.

What are you waiting on? Leave a link so we can check it out.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along, just do as following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
  • Be careful not to include any spoilers so as not to ruin the book for others!
Make sure to share the title and the author so other TT participants can add the book to their TBR piles.
This week's teaser is from Blood Bound, by Rachel Vincent.
Blood Bound
By blood, by word, by magic…
Most can't touch the power. But Liv Warren is special— a paranormal tracker who follows the scent of blood.
Liv makes her own rules, and the most important one is trust no one.
But when her friend's daughter goes missing, Liv has no choice but to find the girl. Thanks to a childhood oath, Liv can't rest until the child is home safe. But that means trusting Cam Caballero, the former lover forbidden to her.
Bound by oath and lost in desire for a man she cannot have, Liv is racing to save the child from a dark criminal underworld where secrets, lies, trauma and danger lurk around every corner…every touch…every kiss.
And more blood will be spilled before it's over…
(From GoodReads)

I finished Blood Bound on Saturday...and am still reeling. This book is so beyond great! I'm going to have a review up later this week, but in the meantime, enjoy the teaser.

"Being with her was like holding a bomb in both hands, watching the numbers tick back toward zero. I knew she'd eventually explode, and this time it might kill me."

If you haven't gotten this book yet, go get it now. Trust me, you want it.

You can find Blood Bound at:

GoodReads  |  Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble  |  Book Depository

Mass Market Paperback, US, 463 pages
Published August 23rd 2011 by Mira

Monday, August 29, 2011

Review of The Demon Trapper's Daughter, by Jana Oliver

The Demon Trapper's Daughter (The Demon Trappers #1)
Demon Trapper Riley Blackthorne just needs a chance to prove herself—and that’s exactly what Lucifer is counting on…It’s the year 2018, and with human society seriously disrupted by the economic upheavals of the previous decade, Lucifer has increased the number of demons in all major cities. Atlanta is no exception. Fortunately, humans are protected by Demon Trappers, who work to keep homes and streets safe from the things that go bump in the night. Seventeen-year-old Riley, only daughter of legendary Demon Trapper Paul Blackthorne, has always dreamed of following in her father’s footsteps. When she’s not keeping up with her homework or trying to manage her growing attraction to fellow Trapper apprentice, Simon, Riley’s out saving citizens from Grade One Hellspawn. Business as usual, really, for a demon-trapping teen. When a Grade Five Geo-Fiend crashes Riley’s routine assignment at a library, jeopardizing her life and her chosen livelihood, she realizes that she’s caught in the middle of a battle between Heaven and Hell. (From GoodReads)
My Review
For quite a while now, I've been hearing readers sing the praises of The Demon Trapper's Daughter.  So when I saw a copy at Barnes & Noble recently, I decided to see if the book lived up to the hype. It did, for the most part.

Author Jana Oliver built her fictional world in quite a clever way. She made the economic turbulence of the past three years almost the catalyst for the demonic presence. Atlanta in 2018 is depressing place to be. The citizens rely on the famous Demon Trappers to keep them safe. That mission is in Riley Blackthorne's blood.

Riley is brave, resourceful girl. She has a great come-back to almost any verbal assault. Riley has gone through more than any girl her age, or any age, should have to go through. But she always picks herself up and carries on. She never, ever comes across as whiny or self-absorbed. Riley Blackthorne is a Rockstar!

I'm a little ashamed to say this, but my favorite part of the story is the demons. Not the big baddies, the little guys. In particular, the biblio-fiends. A biblio-fiend is a hissing, pissing, profanity spewing, middle finger extending demon that destroys books. The best way to trap them is to read them to sleep. But you don't want to read a romance novel, that just revs them up! Something calmer, lengthier is what does the job. Riley's weapon of choice is Moby Dick, which I thought was perfect because that is the only book I could not read for an assignment. Oh, and after you get the biblio-fiend to sleep, they get stored in a sippy cup! Too clever.

The Demon Trapper's Daughter has some dark, tragic moments, as well. The pain that Riley must endure over and over is almost unthinkable. When the bad boys of demons come out, it's the stuff of nightmares.

Here's what bothered me about this book, Denver Beck. He is a partner to Riley's father and the thorn in her side. Beck is what you would consider a "good ole country boy". Beck himself actually grew on me, how his dialogue was written most decidedly did not. When Beck spoke, his "you's" were "ya's" and his "your's" were "yer's". I'm from the South, I know how some people sound. It just really, really annoyed me to read it. I found myself focusing on that annoyance instead of the dialogue.

Having said that, The Demon Trapper's Daughter was an extremely fun read. The action and dialogue (not withstanding Denver's) was gripping. The ending is filled with tons of action, and danger and a twist that I did NOT see coming. I'm looking very forward to reading the sequel, Soul Thief.

Favorite Quotes:

"As if on cue, the Offending Minion of Hell promptly sent an arc of phosphorescent green urine in their direction. Luckily, Demons of this size had equally small equipment, which meant limited range, but they both took a cautious step backward."

"Riley locked eyes with him. 'I learned that Holy Water better be fresh, that I need to practice throwing the spheres, and that someone has to watch my back, so asshats don't steal my demons.' "

You can find The Demon Trapper's Daughter at:

Paperback, US Edition, 340 pages
Published February 1st 2011 by St. Martin's Griffin

* The Demon Trapper's Daughter is a book that I purchased myself. *

Sunday, August 28, 2011

In My Mailbox #3

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme created by Kristi at The Story Siren. It is a great way to put a spotlight on books received during the past week.

Here are the synopses and links to the books mentioned.
Weaving Destiny
Malini Gupta thought Jacob Lau was her destiny, that they were meant to be together. But after months of failing to decipher how she fits into the Soulkeepers, frustration threatens to tear their relationship apart. As does a new Soulkeeper named Mara who is ready to stop time itself to earn Jacob's love.
When Malini faces her worst fears and even death, she learns a funny thing about destiny; nobody said hers couldn't change. The future is a tapestry of choices, and she's about to weave hers . (From GoodReads)   
Published 2011 by DarkSide Publishing     Find Weaving Destiny at GoodReads.

Leena Thomas’s senior year at boarding school begins with a shock: Frost House, her cozy dorm of close friends, has been assigned an unexpected roommate: confrontational, eccentric Celeste Lazar. But while Leena’s anxiety about a threat to her sanctuary proves valid, it becomes less and less clear whether the threat lies with her new roommate, within Leena’s own mind, or within the very nature of Frost House itself. Mysterious happenings in the dorm, an intense triangle between Leena, Celeste, and Celeste’s brother, and the reawakening of childhood fears, all push Leena to take increasingly desperate measures to feel safe. Frost is the story of a haunting. As to whether the demons are supernatural or psychological . . . well, which answer would let you sleep at night? (From GoodReads)
Hardcover, 400 pages
Expected publication: September 13th 2011 by Balzer & Bray    Find Frost at GoodReads.
Cold Kiss
“It seemed so right. Danny was mine, I was his, and that wasn’t going to work if he was dead. So I would make him not dead, not anymore. I didn’t think any further than what it would feel like to kiss him again, to wrap my arms around him and bury my head against his shoulder.
That was my first mistake. It also turned out to be the biggest.”

When her boyfriend, Danny, is killed in a car accident, Wren can’t imagine living without him. Wild with grief, she uses the untamed powers she’s inherited to bring him back. But the Danny who returns is just a shell of the boy she once loved.
Wren has spent four months keeping Danny hidden, while her life slowly unravels around her. Then Gabriel DeMarnes transfers to her school and somehow, inexplicably, he can sense her secret. Wren finds herself drawn to Gabriel, who is so much more alive than the ghost of the boy she loved. But Wren can’t turn her back on Danny or the choice she made for him—and she realizes she must find a way to make things right, even if it means breaking her own heart.
Amy Garvey’s transcendent teen debut is perfect for fans of Shiver and Beautiful Creatures. Wren’s unforgettable voice and story will stay with readers long after the last page is turned. (From GoodReads)
Hardcover, 336 pages
Expected publication: September 20th 2011 by HarperTeen       Find Cold Kiss at GoodReads.

Be sure and leave a link so I can check out your mailbox. Have a great week!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Review of Dead Witch Walking (The Hollows #1), by Kim Harrison

Dead Witch Walking (The Hollows, #1)

The underground population of witches, vampires, werewolves—creatures of dreams and nightmares—has lived beside humans for centuries, hiding their powers. But after a genetically engineered virus wipes out a large part of humanity, many of the "Inderlanders" reveal themselves, changing everything.
Rachel Morgan, witch and bounty hunter with the Inderland Runner Services, is one of the best at apprehending supernatural lawbreakers throughout Cincinnati, but when it comes to following the rules, she falls desperately short. Determined to buck the system, she quits and takes off on the run with an I.S. contract on her head and is reluctantly forced to team up with Ivy, Inderland's best runner . . . and a living vampire. But this witch is way out of her league, and to clear her name, Rachel must evade shape-changing assassins, outwit a powerful businessman/crime lord, and survive a vicious underground fight-to-the-death . . . not to mention her own roommate. (From GoodReads)

My Review

Dead Witch Walking is a book that I might have never found if not for the Preternatura Book Club ran by Suzanne Johnson at her blog. That would have been such a shame. Dead Witch Walking was a true pleasure to read.

The world that Kim Harrison built is truly ingenius. She has firmly woven the human and supernatural world into one unit. In the interest of not revealing spoilers, I'm not going to tell what brought about The Turn (kind of like The Great Revelation in True Blood), but it just makes me shake my head and laugh at the sheer brilliance.

Main character, Rachel Morgan is just so darn wonderful. She is the ultimate girl's girl, meaning a girl just can't help but love her. She is so, well, Rachel. If you've read the books, you'll know what I mean. She has the best of intentions, but sometimes, the follow through is flawed. She tends to jump into perilous situations without thinking. Most of the time to disasterous results. She is loyal and determined to use her powers only for good, no matter what.  Rachel is surrounded by a tremendous "supporting" cast. I say "supporting" because in many ways they steal the book. Ivy is a living vampire. She is a compulsive over-planner, methodical and pretty much the complete opposite of Rachel. There is also Trent Kalamack, a shrewd, ruthless, and (grudgingly admitted)handsome businessman that Rachel is determined to bring down. Seriously, my face is scrunching up into an ugly grimace just thinking about him. Rachel and Trent play a dangerous cat and mouse game throughout the book. Each remains determined to maintain the upper hand. And Jenks. Oh, Jenks. I think I have a little wee crush on Jenks, the magnificent pixie. The little guy possibly has the best one-liners I've ever read. He is my favorite character in the book.

Truthfully, I did have a little trouble maintaing my focus through parts of the book. The parts of the book that kind of backslid into the world-building started to lose interest for me. I just felt it went on a bit too long. But with the world of The Hollows fully established,  I don't think that will be much of a problem moving forward. This series has a cult-like following and I've heard that this series gets better with each successive book. So I am ready to jump into Book 2, The Good, the Bad, and the Undead with no hesitation.

You can find Dead Witch Walking at:

GoodReads  |  Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble

Mass Market Paperback, 416 pages
Published April 27th 2004 by HarperTorch

* This is a book that I won in a giveaway by no one affiliated with the author/publisher. *

Friday, August 26, 2011

(Mini) Vlog Review: Retro Demonology by Jana Oliver

Retro Demonology (The Demon Trappers, #0.5)

A Demon Trapper’s bonus story.

Before Riley Blackthorne can take on Grade Five demons, she has to trap her very first. Her debut solo trapping experience should be a breeze, just a harmless Grade One after all. But throw in some dippy hippies (whose peace signs and Patchouli really aren’t driving any demons away), one mischievous demon, and a run-in with the police, and Riley might not be able to pull it off... (From GoodReads)

Here is my attempt at a vlog review...

I hope that was tolerable.

You can find Retro Demonology at Amazon.
You can find Jana Oliver at the Demon Trappers website.
You can subscribe to Pixel of Ink here.

Kindle Edition, 15 pages
Published December 13th 2010 by St. Martin's Griffin

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Review of Descended by Blood, by Angeline Kace

Descended by Blood (A Vampire Born Trilogy, #1)

Brooke Keller is a high school junior who has never spent much time living in one place. She is finally in a town long enough to almost snag the boy of her dreams, until her life is threatened after killing a fanged man in his attempt to kidnap her. Brooke begins a dangerous journey in an effort to find out who is after her and how to stop them. In a world with powerful and prejudiced vampires, Brooke must tap into the side of her that she never knew existed at the risk of losing her life in order to save it. (From GoodReads)

My Review
Descended by Blood is the exciting first book in the A Vampire Born trilogy by author Angeline Kace.

From the opening chapter of the book, the action and suspense get a firm grip on the reader's imagination and doesn't let go. Descended by Blood opens with an intriguing first chapter, showing the reader that main character, Brooke Keller, has a deadly secret, one she isn't even aware of. The secrets to Brooke's past continually unfold throughout the book, keeping the reader on the hook all the way to the last sentence.

Descended by Blood is filled with characters from both sides of the spectrum. Brooke is instantly endearing, you just can't help but like the girl. Even with all the obstacles she faces, she never comes across as whiny or annoying. Her best friend, Kaitlyn, is another character that I was drawn to. She was pretty much the perfect best friend. Always a shoulder for Brooke, always accepting.  The "bad guys" are basically heartless and terrifying, with little regard for collateral damage.

However, I'm not completely on-board with the two guys vying for Brooke's affection. There wasn't, for me, a big choice. Jaren, who Brooke has wanted forever, kind of came across as, well, a jerk. He was very wishy-washy, someone Brooke can not rely on. Mirko, who becomes an ally to Brooke, is great. He's nice, tough, hot and totally dependable. It doesn't feel like it should be a huge decision for Brooke.

Angeline Kace is clearly a gifted writer. Her words flow like a good wine on a hot night. Seriously, the pacing of the narrative was brilliant. And the dialogue. Wow! The dialogue between the characters is spot-on. It never feels contrived or forced.

Bottom line? I thought Descended by Blood was a very good book, full of action, suspense and good  characters. I'm excited to see what the author has to show with her next book.

Favorite quote:

"Something stirred within me. Almost a flutter in my gut, but less gentle, like a lion stretching and flexing it's claws into the earth."

Descended by Blood Trailer

You can find Descended by Blood at:

* I received a copy of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review.*

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week we're waiting on:

Soul Thief by Jana Oliver

Riley has about had it up to here. After the devastating battle at the Tabernacle, trappers are dead and injured, her boyfriend Simon is gravely hurt, and now her beloved late father has been illegally poached from his grave by a very powerful necromancer. Add to the mix: Ori, one sizzling hot freelance demon hunter who’s made himself Riley’s unofficial body guard, and Beck, a super over-protective “friend” who acts more like a grouchy grandad, and Riley’s almost ready to leave Atlanta altogether. But as the demon count in Atlanta increases, the Vatican finally sends its own Demon Hunters to take care of the city’s “little” problem, and pandemonium breaks loose. Only Riley knows that she might be the center of Hell’s attention. With an extremely powerful Grade 5 demon stalking her, and her luck can’t last forever. (From Demon Trapper's website)

Release Date: August 30, 2011
Find it at:

The Demon Trapper's website  |  GoodReads  |  Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble

Why we're waiting: I am currently reading The Demon Trapper's Daughter right now.  And Loving it! Good thing I don't have to wait long because I might become a Grade-One Bibio-fiend! (Don't know what I'm talking about? Then you better read The Demon Trapper's Daughter now.)

So. What are you waiting on? Let me know so I can check it out.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Teaser Tuesday!

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along, just do as following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
  • Be careful not to include any spoilers so as not to ruin the book for others!
Make sure to share the title and the author so other TT participants can add the book to their TBR piles.

The Demon Trapper's Daughter (The Demon Trappers #1)

Demon Trapper Riley Blackthorne just needs a chance to prove herself—and that’s exactly what Lucifer is counting on…
It’s the year 2018, and with human society seriously disrupted by the economic upheavals of the previous decade, Lucifer has increased the number of demons in all major cities. Atlanta is no exception. Fortunately, humans are protected by Demon Trappers, who work to keep homes and streets safe from the things that go bump in the night. Seventeen-year-old Riley, only daughter of legendary Demon Trapper Paul Blackthorne, has always dreamed of following in her father’s footsteps. When she’s not keeping up with her homework or trying to manage her growing attraction to fellow Trapper apprentice, Simon, Riley’s out saving citizens from Grade One Hellspawn. Business as usual, really, for a demon-trapping teen. When a Grade Five Geo-Fiend crashes Riley’s routine assignment at a library, jeopardizing her life and her chosen livelihood, she realizes that she’s caught in the middle of a battle between Heaven and Hell. (From GoodReads)

My Teaser is from The Demon Trapper's Daughter, by Jana Oliver. This book has so many great lines to choose from. Here's my favorite so far:

"As if on cue, the Offending Minion of Hell promptly sent an arc of phosphorescent green urine in their direction. Luckily, demons of this size had equally small equipment, which meant limited range, but they both took a cautious step backward."

Isn't that funny?! I am having a seriously awesome time reading The Demon Trapper's  Daughter. Look for my review soon.

You can find The Demon Trapper's Daughter at:

Paperback, US Edition, 340 pages
Published February 1st 2011 by St. Martin's Griffin

Monday, August 22, 2011

Xoe: Vampires, and Werewolves, and Demons, Oh My! by Sara Roethle

Xoe: or Vampires, and Werewolves, and Demons, Oh My! (The Xoe Meyers Series, #1)

Alexondra Meyers, known to her friends as Xoe, had a normal life. She liked her normal life, but there's a new guy in the small town of Shelby, OR, and he is anything but normal. Before Xoe can say, "Werewolf," her world is turned upside-down. Between a dark secret in Xoe's past, a best friend who's been scratched, and not to mention high school, Xoe has a lot of thinking to do. She has to choose who she can trust, and fast . . . tomorrow's the full moon. (From GoodReads)

My Review

When I received Xoe: Vampires, and Werewolves, and Demons, Oh My! through the First Reads program at GoodReads, I was thrilled. I am always looking forward to a new (to me) book/author. And Xoe looked like it could be the start of a cool new series.

Xoe was an interesting character. She was funny and snarky and seemed like a wise-beyond-her-years girl. Her dialogue, both inner and verbal, had me laughing and shaking my head.  I’m sorry to say, though, that for me, she was the only character that I could really get behind. The other characters didn’t demand my attention like Xoe did.  Which reminds me, character reactions to insanely weird events. Either I was a extremely dramatic, over-reactive teenager or am tragically out of the loop, but if I encountered a werewolf, vampire or demon in real-life, I would be running myself straight to a therapist or checking to see if my friends spiked the punch.  The reactions of Xoe and her friends just didn’t add up, in my opinion.

Although I didn’t love or agree with all aspects of the book, I will say that it did hold my attention and I did actually like reading Xoe. Here’s the problem. I felt like I had read this book before, a lot of times before. Either the girl is new to town or meets a guy new to town. Weirdness ensues. The girl learns about a part of herself she never knew existed. She is determined to uncover the truth. To be fair, perhaps that is my problem, not the book’s. I just don’t know. And, hopefully, the second book, Accidental Ashes, will help set this series apart from the rest.

You can find Xoe: Vampires, and Werewolves, and Demons, Oh My! at:
GoodReads |   Amazon  |   Barnes & Noble
Paperback, 204 pages
Published October 3rd 2009 by Vulture's Eye Publications (first published 2009)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

In My Mailbox

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme created by Kristi at The Story Siren. It is a great way to put a spotlight on books received during the past week.

I'm posting links to the books mentioned so you can take a look. (Sorry for the lengthy format, Blogger and I are on the outs right now.) Leave a link in the comments so that I can take a look at what's in your mailbox.

Frost Moon (Skindancer, #1)
Frost Moon by Anthony Francis
The Vampire Relationship Guide, Volume 2: Secrets and Trust (VRG #2)
The Vampire Relationship Guide, Vol 2 by Evelyn Lafont
Ember by Carol Oates
My Soul to Take (Soul Screamers, #1)
My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent
My Soul to Save (Soul Screamers, #2)
My Soul to Save by Rachel Vincent
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (The Hollows, #2)
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead by Kim Harrison
Every Which Way But Dead (The Hollows, #3)
Every Which Way But Dead by Kim Harrison

The Right Path
The Right Path by Debra L. Martin
Zia's Path (Dark Future Series)
Zia's Path by Debra L. Martin

Friday, August 19, 2011

Review: Forever (Wolves of Mercy Falls #3), by Maggie Stiefvater

Forever (Wolves of Mercy Falls, #3)

The thrilling conclusion to #1 bestselling Shiver trilogy from Maggie Stievater
In Maggie Stiefvater's Shiver, Grace and Sam found each other. In Linger, they fought to be together. Now, in Forever, the stakes are even higher than before. Wolves are being hunted. Lives are being threatened. And love is harder and harder to hold on to as death comes closing in.(From GoodReads)

My Review

For some reason, still unbeknownst to me, Forever sat on my bookcase, unread, for a month. A month! I just don't know why I was putting it off. Maybe it's because I forgot how much I enjoyed Shiver and Linger, the first and second books in the series. Possibly its because I had huge expectations for this book. Most likely, it's because I did not want the series to end. I was terrified of what would happen to the characters that I love. With each of the previous books, the stakes were raised. I knew when I read Forever, I was going to have to take it all, the good, bad and the ugly. When I say bad and ugly, I don't mean bad writing or ugly choices by the author. Maggie Stiefvater's writing is beautiful, her choices painful but real. I mean bad situations and ugly outcomes the characters must face. I knew that everything would be on the line for Sam and Grace, Cole and Isabel and the wolves of Mercy Falls.

I'm striving to make this a spoiler-free review. I want each reader to experience the book the way I did. I had no idea how the scenarios would play out. There are no guarantees, up until the end. The tension builds thickly throughout the book. By the end, I felt like I had been drug through an emotional wringer.

Here's what I can talk about. Maggie Stiefvater's beautiful, torurous writing. Her writing has a poetic, even magical tone to it. Here's a line that captivated me, I read it over and over.

"In the syringe, the liquid was colorless as spit and thin as a lie. In my veins, it was razors and sand, fire and mercury."

Draws you in, huh? That kind of writing makes for delicious reading. Forever is a fast read in the sense that I read huge chunks at a time, unable to stop. But it also makes for a slow read in the sense that you find beautiful phrases that stun the brain, causing you to read them over and over, hoping to absorb them. I read the book so carefully, thoroughly, picking up insights into the characters.

Speaking of characters, if you (like me) liked, but didn't love, Cole in Linger, you are in for a treat. For me, Cole becomes the biggest, most interesting character in Forever. I won't say how (no spoilers, remember), but here's this tidbit into "All you need to know about Cole", according to Isabel:

"He saw something he didn't quite understand, liked it, and just took it to be his."

Each character's story is full of realizations, true growth. I think you can probably tell that I loved Forever, a lot. Forever is bound to stick with me for a long time. This is a book filled with hate, despair, ugly truths. But more importantly, love, friendship, selflessness. Maggie Stiefvater did her characters and their stories, justice. Forever is a book that beautifully closes the story of the Wolves of Mercy Falls.

Hardcover, 390 pages
Published July 12th 2011 by Scholastic, Inc.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Review of Click: An Online Love Story, by Lisa Becker

Click: An Online Love Story

Fast approaching her 30th birthday and finding herself not married, not dating, and without even a prospect or a house full of cats, Renee Greene, the heroine of Click: An Online Love Story, reluctantly joins her best guy pal on a journey to find love online in Los Angeles. The story unfolds through a series of emails between Renee and her best friends (anal-compulsive Mark, the overly-judgmental Ashley and the over-sexed Shelley) as well as the gentlemen suitors she meets online. From the guy who starts every story with "My buddies and I were out drinking one night," to the egotistical "B" celebrity looking for someone to stroke his ego, Renee endures her share of hilarious and heinous cyber dates. Fraught with BCC's, FWD's and inadvertent Reply to All's, readers will root for Renee to "click" with the right man. (From GoodReads)

Published March 29th 2011
347 pages

My Review

Click: An Online Love Story was a much needed change of pace for me. The story is told through emails exchanged between main character, Renee, and her friends Mark, Shelley and Ashley. The friends are rapidly approaching their 30th birthdays (oh, boo-hoo!) and Mark harasses Renee into joining an online dating service with him. From there, the hilarity ensues. Seriously, I smiled through the entire reading of this book. If you've ever exchanged emails with a group of friends (and these days, who hasn't) then you'll know what kind of mayhem goes on. Accidentally replying to the wrong person, who you have scathingly put down. Forwards meant for your eyes only going to the wrong people. The scenarios are endless. And endlessly funny.

Through each email, author Lisa Becker was able to give the reader a fabulous sense of each senders personality. To be able to take the journey of online dating through Renee's eyes was really, really fun. I only had one teeny problem. The book ended just a tad too abruptly for me. It wasn't a cliff-hanger or an ending that just left me unhappy, but I wanted to know more of the outcome.

The format of Click is addictive. I kept saying to myself "Just one more email" and soon enough, I had read 15 of them. I read the book within a few hours.
All in all, Click was a charming and thoroughly engrossing book. A really fun time and an excellent change of pace.

Find Click: An Online Love Story at GoodReads, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday...

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's WoW is...
Dead Sky Morning (Experiment in Terror, #3)

Dead Sky Morning (Experiment in Terror #3) by Karina Halle

the Experiment in Terror show finding some success, amateur ghost hunters Perry Palomino and Dex Foray embark on their most terrifying investigation yet. A tiny, fog-shrouded island in the rough strait between British Columbia and Washington State has held a dark secret for decades: It was a former leper colony where over forty souls were left to rot, die and bury each other. Now a functioning campground, Perry and Dex spend an isolated weekend there to investigate potential hauntings but as the duo quickly find out, there is more to fear on D’Arcy Island than just ghosts. The island quickly pits partner against partner, spiraling the pair into madness that serves to destroy their sanity, their relationship and their very lives. (From GoodReads)
Why we're waiting on Dead Sky Morning: The first two books in the Experiment in Terror series, Darkhouse and Red Fox, completely blew me away. The suspense level is always throught the roof and Perry and Dex are the hottest duo anywhere!

Expected publication: October 13th 2011 by Metal Blonde Books
Find Dead Sky Morning on GoodReads  or at the Experiment in Terror website.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It's Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along, just do as following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
  • Be careful not to include any spoilers so as not to ruin the book for others!
Make sure to share the title and the author so other TT participants can add the book to their TBR piles.

This week, my Teaser is from Descended by Blood, by Angeline Kace.
Descended by Blood (A Vampire Born Trilogy, #1)
Brooke Keller is a high school junior who has never spent much time living in one place. She is finally in a town long enough to almost snag the boy of her dreams, until her life is threatened after killing a fanged man in his attempt to kidnap her. Brooke begins a dangerous journey in an effort to find out who is after her and how to stop them. In a world with powerful and prejudiced vampires, Brooke must tap into the side of her that she never knew existed at the risk of losing her life in order to save it. (From GoodReads)   

"The nerves along my scalp tingled with the sensation that the lion hungered to attack me, but he couldn't . The only thing holding him back from pouncing me was my decree that he shouldn't. My beast had prevailed as the most dominant between us."

Expected publication: August 26th 2011 by Accendo Press
Put it on your to-read list at Goodreads.

Monday, August 15, 2011

New Cover Reveal and Giveaway! Dirty Blood by Heather Hildenbrand

A Little Something About Dirty Blood: I killed a girl last night. I did it with my bare hands and an old piece of pipe I found lying next to the dumpster. But that’s not the part that got me. The part that scared me, the part I can’t seem to wrap my head around and still has me reeling, was that when she charged me, her body shifted – and then she was a wolf. All snapping teeth and extended claws. But by the time I stood over her lifeless body, she was a girl again. That’s about the time I went into shock… And that was the moment he showed up.

Now, all I can do is accept the truths that are staring me in the face. One, Werewolves do exist. And Two, I was born to kill them.

Dirty Blood has received a facelift! Check out the brand new cover for Heather Hildenbrand's latest YA paranormal romance, now available as an ebook at Amazon, Barnes & NobleSmashwords and other major ebook outlets for $0.99! Also available in paperback at Amazon or CreateSpace for $11 plus shipping or visit her website, for more information or to order a signed copy.

A note from Heather: Thanks so much for all the support from readers and fans that has already made this book a huge success for me. I hope you love the new cover as much as I do. As a thank you I'm offering a giveaway! A free ebook (format of your choice) for a lucky winner. Also, thanks to my bloggers for helping to reveal the new cover in style! I couldn't do this without you!

Be sure to check in with my blog for the cover reveal of Book 2: Cold Blood, which is scheduled for unveiling in September. Cold Blood is due to release in November.

Thanks for stopping by!

Now for the giveaway!
All you have to do is leave a comment with your name and email address. If you would like to gain an +1 entry, you can follow this blog. The giveaway will run from today, August 15-August 21, 2011, at 11:59 pm.
Thanks and good luck!

Time's up, folks! The winner of the Dirty Blood ebook is:

Darkangel (Misty T)

Congrats, Darkangel! I hope you enjoy Dirty Blood as much as I did.

Thanks to all who entered!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

In My Mailbox {My 1st Vlog}

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme started by Kristi at The Story Siren as a way to share books received. The books can be purchased, won, borrowed, etc. It's a great way to spread the word about books!

Hey there! This is my 1st foray into vlogging. So, please be gentle...

Hope it wasn't too traumatic to watch!

Darkhouse (Experiment in Terror, #1)StarcrossedBetween Here and ForeverBlood Bound

Darkhouse (Experiment in Terror #1) by Karina Halle at GoodReads.
Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini at GoodReads.
Between Here and Forever at GoodReads.
Blood Bound by Rachel Vincent at GoodReads.

Be sure to leave a link so I can see what's in your mailboxes!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Review: Taken, by Zia Marie

Taken (The Taken Trilogy)

"Lately, I think you've forgotten which side you're on," he says to me. Instead of responding, I smile. I know exactly which side I'm on. Whichever one gets me the hell out of this place.
* * * *
All Jackson Smith wanted to do was take his little sister Aubrey to a county fair, but they ended up in the town of Wicker Farm, a place that doesn't even exist on Earth as he knows it. Run by the ambitious and diabolical Governor Richards, Wicker Farm is in the process of rebuilding following a disease that wiped out most of of the population of the state. Anyone who ends up there is expected to stay forever.

With the governor's forces everywhere, escape seems impossible-- not that Jackson can even begin to figure out how to escape. That is, until he forms an uneasy alliance with Russell Tremell, the young leader of The Resistance, the rebel group that oppose the governor.

If Jackson can lead two lives, moving up the ranks as the perfect Wicker Farm resident while working for The Resistance, he may be the key to getting everyone out. This means bringing the danger even closer, from Richards' security officers and from the temptations that Wicker Farm offers: the type of life he never would have had access to in his world.

But after finding himself torn between Charlie, the Resistance wild child, and Sasha, Governor Richards' daughter, the real danger could come from the unlikeliest source-- from falling in love.

First book in trilogy. (From GoodReads)

My Review

When I started Taken, I wasn't quite sure what I was diving into. Yes, I read the synopsis. But, I just wasn't sure what the book was. YA? YA Science Fiction? Psychological Thriller? Love Story? The answer. Yes, to all the above. Taken is a YA novel with some sci-fi, a lot of psychological thrills and a whole lot of love.

Taken opens in Wynn, USA, with Jackson and Aubrey. Jackson is a teenage boy who is more of a parent to little sister Aubrey than his needy, neglectful mom can ever be. When Jackson and Aubrey end up in Wicker Farm due to a portal to another dimension (hence, the sci-fi twist), the psychological aspect of the story begins. Children are being brought into Wicker Farm to repopulate after disease decimates most of the population. Imagine, just try to imagine, being taken away from your life. Not only your life, your Earth. The terror Jackson experiences at that realization is petrifying. And although he remains calm on the outside,the panic inside is chilling.

Once inside Wicker Farm, Jackson is torn by Russell, a Resistance leader, and Sasha, daughter of the head of Wicker Farm. Russell wants to bring down Wicker Farm, and enlists Jackson's help. Jackson is also drawn to Sasha, whom he wants to hate but can't help admiring because of her kindness to his sister. Once he gets to know her, Sasha becomes someone he can't resist. How can he be with her while trying to bring down her father behind her back? Will he use her for his own gain?

Although I initially had reservations about him, Jackson became a character I adore. The narrative, entirely from his perspective, almost seemed like that of a detached observer. But, and I might be reading entirely too much into this, I felt as if the seeming aloofness was a smart move by the author. I thought that she used that to make Jackson seem as if he were trying to spare himself from the pain of being too close to the events unfolding. The moments where Jackson seems to feel what he's relaying are more striking because of the detachment he has shown at other times. Because as the story moves along, and Jackson opens himself to Sasha, and when you see the love he feels for Aubrey, the rawness of his emotions is beautiful. And if this was the strategy, it was brilliant. Like I said, maybe I delved too deep into this thought...

The ironic thing about Taken is, Jackson and Aubrey's lives are much better at Wicker Farm than on Earth. The have a guardian who seems to genuinely care for them. Jackson has a career he would never have otherwise. Aubrey is a happier, more well-adjusted girl. And they have Sasha. But can you be truly happy with a life you didn't choose? Will he give up his true home for true love?

I won't answer that question. What I will say, the ending was a fantastic. I didn't see the twist coming. At all.I can't wait to read the next book in the series, Lost.

You can find Taken at GoodReads.
You can find author Zia Marie at her blog.

*I was given a copy of Taken by the author, in exchange for an honest review.*

Friday, August 12, 2011

Review: Forgotten Souls, by Tiffany King

Forgotten Souls, the follow-up to Meant to Be, by Tiffany King, is Book 2 in The Saving Angels series. In Book 1, we were introduced to Krista and Mark. Krista and Mark learned that they, along with two of their friends, Shawn and Sam, are descended from a line of Guides and Protecters. Their duty is to help forgotten souls, those who souls are at risk of being lost forever. In Forgotten Souls, their story continues. They have now been joined by Lynn and Robert, another Guide and Protector pair. Now that Krista, Mark and the others finally know what they are and what they have the ability to do, they must train with Haniel, an Archangel, to save the forgotten souls.

Forgotten Souls is the highly anticipated return to the world and characters author Tiffany King created in Meant to Be. If you ever read my review of Meant to Be, you'll know that I had high expectations for Forgotten Souls. The sequel does not disappoint. Within a few minutes of starting the book, I was back in Santa Cruz, on the beach and in main character Krista's head. King managed to slip me right back into the almost ethereal, dream-like mood that I experienced reading Meant to Be. I also felt that she has grown as an author and the writing reflects that growth.

In Forgotten Souls, we are given a more thorough explanation of the questions raised in Book 1. The background for the existence of the Guides and Protectors is given, as are the duties. While there is a religious background behind the existence, Forgotten Souls never sounds preachy. There is no delving into a particular philosophy, or denomination.

Here's my favorite part of Forgotten Souls ~ Haniel. Haniel is the Archangel tasked with training Mark, Krista and the two other couples. Haniel also worked with their parents, so there is a long history there. To truly appreciate Haniel, you should read King's contribution to The Glassheart Chronicles. Her story revolves around Haniel and the parents of Krista and Mark. It was tragic, beautiful and heart-breaking. That story will make you fall in love with Haniel.
And forgive me for saying this, but "Hallelujah" for no love triangles. Don't get me wrong. I like a good romantic rivalry as much as the next person. But I really, really love books that have a main couple who don't flip-flop back and forth, in and out of love. That's not to say that Krista and Mark don't have some serious obstacles to overcome. Their obstacles just happen to be a lot bigger than love triangles.

Forgotten Souls is a story of love, friendship, heartbreak, and ultimately good vs evil. No character is ever truly safe. The ending left my heart pounding. And, oh boy, what a cliff-hanger. That ending left me desperate, in the best of ways, for the next book in the series.

You can find author Tiffany King at her blog.
Go to GoodReads to take a look at Meant to Be and  Forgotten Souls.
To enter the Forgotten Souls Blog Tour/Giveaway, go to my Giveaways page.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Blog Tour: Forgotten Souls by Tiffany King

It's Day 4 of the Forgotten Souls Blog Tour/Giveaway

We are really excited to be part of the Forgotten Souls Blog Tour. The author of The Saving Angels series, Tiffany King has set up an exciting contest for the blog visitors. One blog per day is listing 5 couples from popular YA books. Participants who match the couples will be entered into a drawing to win an ecopy of Forgotten Souls or Meant to Be. Those that get their matches correct will also be entered into a Grand Prize drawing where they can win a gift card and signed copies of Meant to Be and Forgotten Souls.

Here is the Blog Tour schedule:
Wednesday- Fiktshun
Thursday- The Bookish Babes

The Couples:

  Jax and Sadie                              

   Henry and Kate

   Lucas and Helen

   Max and Abby                                                      

   Hasani and Macy

The Books:
  The Goddess Test by Aimee' Carter 

   Every Last Kiss by Courtney Cole                                              

   Breathe by Abbi Glines

   Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini

   Released by Megan Duncan

Be sure to hit each stop on the tour for another chance to win. Tomorrow, go to Two Chicks on Books to enter for Day 5 and the Grand Prize giveaway!

Contest ends August 19, 2011. To enter, fill out the form below:

The Bookish Babes segment of The Forgotten Souls giveaway is over. The winner is:

Megan Conway!

Congratulations to Megan! I hope you enjoy Forgotten Souls as much as I did.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's WoW is

Descended by Blood (Vampire Born #1)

Descended by Blood (Vampire Born Trilogy, #1)

Brooke Keller is a high school junior who has never spent much time living in one place. She is finally in a town long enough to almost snag the boy of her dreams, until her life is threatened after killing a fanged man in his attempt to kidnap her. Brooke begins a dangerous journey in an effort to find out who is after her and how to stop them. In a world with powerful and prejudiced vampires, Brooke must tap into the side of her that she never knew existed at the risk of losing her life in order to save it. (From GoodReads)

Why we're waiting: Since I read Chapter 1 on Angeline Kace's website, I've been intrigued by this book. I can't wait to see what happens.

You can find Descended by Blood at GoodReads.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Teaser Tuesday!

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along, just do as following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
  • Be careful not to include any spoilers so as not to ruin the book for others!
Make sure to share the title and the author so other TT participants can add the book to their TBR piles.

This week my teaser is from Taken, by Zia Marie.
Taken (The Taken Trilogy)

"Lately, I think you've forgotten which side you're on," he says to me. Instead of responding, I smile. I know exactly which side I'm on. Whichever one gets me the hell out of this place.
* * * *
All Jackson Smith wanted to do was take his little sister Aubrey to a county fair, but they ended up in the town of Wicker Farm, a place that doesn't even exist on Earth as he knows it. Run by the ambitious and diabolical Governor Richards, Wicker Farm is in the process of rebuilding following a disease that wiped out most of of the population of the state. Anyone who ends up there is expected to stay forever.

With the governor's forces everywhere, escape seems impossible-- not that Jackson can even begin to figure out how to escape. That is, until he forms an uneasy alliance with Russell Tremell, the young leader of The Resistance, the rebel group that oppose the governor.

If Jackson can lead two lives, moving up the ranks as the perfect Wicker Farm resident while working for The Resistance, he may be the key to getting everyone out. This means bringing the danger even closer, from Richards' security officers and from the temptations that Wicker Farm offers: the type of life he never would have had access to in his world.

But after finding himself torn between Charlie, the Resistance wild child, and Sasha, Governor Richards' daughter, the real danger could come from the unlikeliest source-- from falling in love.

First book in trilogy. (From GoodReads)

Here's my teaser:

"He reaches past me and shuts his door. 'So it's true. You are the one Russell got in the car with that day, and then you stole his gun.' "

You can find Taken, by Zia Marie, at GoodReads.

You can find Taken at GoodReads.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer Blog Hop Winner

Well, the Summer Blog Hop is over. We had so much fun meeting new people and finding new blogs. With over 400 entries, I would consider the hop a huge success.



I have sent Dinky an email. If he/she does not respond to the email, I will choose a new winner.


Review and Giveaway: Sleepers by Megg Jensen

Sleepers (The Swarm)

An adoptee raised in a foreign land, sixteen-year-old Lianne was content with her life as handmaiden to the queen, until a spell cast on her at birth activated. Now she's filled with uncontrollable rage and access to magic she thought had been bled from her people years ago. Even her years of secret training in elite hand-to-hand combat and meditation can’t calm the fires raging inside her.

Her heart is torn between two boys, the one she’s always loved and the one who always ignored her. But when the kingdom threatens to tear itself apart due to rumors surrounding the queen’s alleged affair, who will Lianne protect and who will she destroy? (From GoodReads)
My Review
Sleepers is the story of Lianne, one of three people who were given to the enemy at birth as a peace offering. Lianne is a servant to the queen, and her best friend. Upon her sixteenth birthday, Lianne experiences an Awakening, learning that she possesses the magic of her people, once thought lost. With magic also comes rage, and Lianne must struggle to control it, or be taken over. In addition to all this, she must choose between Kellan and Bryden, fellow adoptees. Each of whom want Lianne to fight, one with brute strength, the other with newfound magic.
Sleepers is a well-written, fast-paced read. I flew through this book in less than 24 hours. The characters were all fully developed. Lianne, was loyal, smart, and fierce. She was the ultimate warrior, with abilities so honed, she is virtually undefeatable. I love a strong girl who doesn’t need saving. Bryden was another great character. He was strong, yet quiet. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but in a way, he reminded me of Peeta from The Hunger Games. And Kellan, I can’t say a lot about Kellan without giving anything away. You’ll have to draw your own conclusions about him. In addition to the main characters, Jensen did a great job with the secondary characters. Each served a purpose in moving the plot forward. No character was disposable.
Towards the end of the book, certain events felt a little rushed to me. I felt a little bit of build-up would have helped me become more invested in the events happening.  Another little problem I had with the ending was a character revelation that really ticked me off. I’m not sure if that was because I felt it was too much/unbelievable or that I was just upset because the revelation left the character with no redeeming qualities.
Having said that, I still really enjoyed Sleepers. The story is full of deceit, manipulation, huge surprises and high adventure. Sleepers is full of heartbreaking moments and stunning plot twists. Every time I thought the story was moving in a particular direction,  Jensen virtually threw those plans right out the window. That always makes for an enjoyable read.

You can learn more about Sleepers at GoodReads,
You can find Megg Jensen at her website.
*I was given Sleepers by the author, in exchange for an honest review.*
Megg Jensen is giving one ecopy (via Nook, Kindle, PDF or Smashwords) of Sleepers to the winner. All you have to do is comment, leaving your email address. If you would like to earn an extra entry, you can tweet the giveaway, but please leave a link. This giveaway is International. This giveaway will run from Monday, August 8 through Saturday, August 13, 2011. Good luck! This contest has ended. The winner (using is:

 KrysyKat! I am emailing KrysyKat as soon as I finish this post. Thanks!

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