Saturday, July 13, 2013


THE WEEKLY REWIND is a weekly post in which I recap the bookish awesomeness from the past week, and post a book haul. Warning: I tend to ramble in my vlogs. Sometimes I get excited about things and I flail. Enjoy.
Book Haul
For Review:

The Christmas He Loved Her (Bad Boys of Crystal Lake, #2)I Dream of Danger (Ghost Ops, #2)IndeliblePoint of Origin (The Survivors, #2)


Rock My World (Black Falcon, #2.5)Conviction (Club Destiny, #1)Temptation  (Club Destiny, #2)Addicted (Club Destiny, #2.5)Seduction (Club Destiny, #3)Infatuation (Club Destiny, #4)Devotion (Club Destiny, #5)Diamond Girl (G-Man, #1)Love Plus One (G-Man, #2)

Amazon Freebie:
 Surrender (Surrender, #1)Mountains WantedRock Hard Love (Rock Hard, #1)

Thanks To:
  • Sourcebooks
  • William Morrow
  • Inkslingr PR
  • My husband ERIC, for letting me use all of his Amazon GC money to buy smutty books!
Too many books! Some of them must go.
Great condition; US Only.
The Dead Girls Detective AgencyHaunted (Dreaming Anastasia, #2)


  1. LOOOOVE all the books you got! Most of them I don't recognize and I have to check them out! I especially love all those books you bought! They look like super sexy reads ;) I especially have my eye on I Dream of Danger! I haven't seen that one around and the cover looks awesome. Hope you enjoy all these amazing books! Happy reading (:

  2. Wow, huge haul of sexiness! :D Enjoy!

  3. I always need a cold shower after your book hauls! LOL That Club Destiny series looks hot. I also want to read Indelible by Bethany Lopez! Her books are great. Enjoy!

  4. Great haul!! Most of these are new to me, though I'm loving many of those covers!! :) I hope you enjoy your goodies this week!

  5. Indelible looks good, hope you enjoy

  6. OMG there are sooo many pretty covers in this post. I'm really excited for Indeliable. Love Bethanys writing. Happy reading Andrea!

  7. I really enjoyed Diamond Girl and Love Plus One. Hope you do too, Andrea. Aww, such a sweet husband to share his Amazon money with you! I'd say he's a keeper! :)

  8. Look at all of those fabulous covers!! You got a ton of really great books!! Your hubs is really sweet for letting you use his GC for books! Sweet hubby's for the win!! Mine got me a laptop when my computer died. :)

  9. Look at all those yummy covers! Your hubby is the best!

  10. OoO I love the cover and sound of The Christmas He Kissed Her, have I told you what a sucker I am for any book with a holiday theme?!? Enjoy your haul and my wallet and I await your reviews! The Sunday Post

  11. Lots of great looking books! Happy reading!

    My Stacking the Shelves post!

  12. Awesome haul. Happy reading, Drea :)


  13. I should keep track of more of the Amazon freebies, but I don't. Great haul this week!

    My Haul

  14. You bought some books with sexy covers girl! I love it! I can't wait to hear what you think of Indelible!!

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  15. Wow! Epic Haul!!! I love all the smexy books you bought! Can't wait to read your reviews on some of those books!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  16. So excited to be included in your haul! Happy reading! :)

  17. Holy hawtness! Look at all the yummy in your haul! :) Hope you enjoy all your new reads!!

  18. I guess you can see I am playing catch up on comments today. I have had a crazy week. Well you got some hot books there. Love all the bare chested males on the covers. I saw on Facebook this week that someone posted a picture of a little girl praying and the caption read something like "Dear God, please send some clothes to all those poor naked men on my mommy's computer." It was hilarious and I could totally identify.


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