Monday, February 4, 2013


Coming 2/5

Welcome to The Bookish Babe's stop on the Salvation Teaser Tour. This tour is being hosted by CBB Book Promotions. The excerpts have been schedule with the intention to read them in order; you can find the entire schedule below. My stop includes my teaser, and a swag giveaway.

  SalvationSeries: Stand alone
Genre: Contemporary Young Adult
Publisher: Penguin Young Readers Group
Publication Date: 1/10/13

A smart, unexpected romance from an award-winning author.

Salvador Resendez--Salva to his friends--appears to have it all. His Mexican immigrant family has high expectations, and Salva intends to fulfill them. He's student body president, quarterback of the football team, and has a near-perfect GPA. Everyone loves him.

Especially Beth Courant, AKA the walking disaster area. Dreamy and shy, Beth is used to blending into the background. But she's also smart, and she has serious plans for her future.

Popular guy and bookish girl--the two have almost nothing in common. Until fate throws them together and the attraction is irresistible. Soon Beth is pushing Salva to set his sights higher than ever--because she knows he has more to offer, more than even he realizes.

Then tragedy strikes--and threatens to destroy everything that Salva has worked for. Will Beth's love be enough to save him?

Thoughtful and romantic, this is a beautifully written story about following your heart and fulfilling your potential.

2/1 Pure Imagination
2/2 Always YA at Heart
2/3 Books With Bite
2/4 Live to Read
2/5 The Bookish Babe
2/6 Confessions of a Vi3tBabe
2/7 The Reading Date
2/8 I Am a Reader, Not a Writer


Somehow Salva made it through the rest of that torture session. He cruised through finance and survived the first-day lecture for AP calc. Mostly due to the promise of lunch.

He conquered the food line by piling his tray with as much protein as he could and snatching an extra milk, then touched down on the prime spot in the cafeteria, Table Numero Uno, bequeathed to him by last year’s seniors and now solely the possession of Salva and his friends.

“What the H, man? I thought you were takin’ PE. You know I had to run relay with Tosa here?” Pepe elbowed Ricardo Tosa, whom Salva liked almost as much as his best friend. Tosa was huge. Maybe six-three. Despite his extra height, he mostly just warmed the bench, but his goofy, lighthearted personality was the heart of the football team. Everybody loved him. Even Pepe, who was all about the win.

“D’you lose?” Salva asked, sitting down on the bench beside his best friend.

“No, of course not,” Pepe replied. “Class is mostly just sophomores. I had to talk Gregson into letting us in, you know. I thought you were comin’ with.”

“Markham,” Salva said.

Pepe just stared, French fries in his hand. Not as quick on the uptake as Luka.

“He stuck me in AP English,” Salva explained.

The fries dropped to the table.

Tosa picked them up, dipped them in Tabasco, and swallowed them before his friend had recovered.

“You aren’t serious,” Pepe said.

“As a playoff game,” replied Salva.

“F-it. Tell Markham to go for a dunk. I bet he never took an AP course in his life. You don’t wind up in a sinkhole like this with a high-powered degree.”

Pepe had a point, but it wouldn’t do any good to go on hating Markham. It was a little late to undo the decision to take freshman lit in the eighth grade. Salva explained the logistics.

“You see.” Tosa grinned. “It pays to be an underachiever.”

No way. Salva’s gut rebelled against the statement. The cost for that mind-set was far too steep. He glanced around the sunken cafeteria. Salva knew the life story of probably 90 percent of the kids filling the room. Despite the open campus, almost the entire student body was here for free and reduced lunch. The one thing that made you stick out at Liberty High like nothing else was money. No one had it.

If they had, they switched to somewhere out of the district, like Julie Tri-Ang. Not that Julie really had money. She just had the grades for a prep-school scholarship. And a set of parents who weren’t afraid to have their daughter board two hundred miles away.

Salva wasn’t interested in switching schools. He had friends here. And only one year left to spend with them. But he wasn’t hanging around afterward to run a gas pump. He’d seen plenty of guys who did that, and most of them ended up in prison for dealing.

“Luka was there,” Salva said, as if to validate his own part in the travesty that was AP lit.

“He would be,” Pepe groaned.

Tosa stole another handful of fries.

“Luka’s all right,” Salva said.

“Yeah, I guess.” Pepe shrugged.

“You’re just jealous ’cause he’s the only guy in this school who dominates a football field more than you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean, quarterback?

Salva dismissed the comment. He had a good head on his shoulders—could choose a play and run it. Strong enough for Liberty, but he wasn’t of the same caliber as the guys who played his position in college. And in truth, he didn’t want to be. He didn’t want to be crushed three million times before he got out of his twenties.

“Nalani Villetti was there, too.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Pepe had clearly lost interest, his eyes on something else. “Don’t look now, but guess who’s headed our way.”

Salva didn’t have to guess. He could tell by the heat in Pepe’s voice that Char was coming. And she wasn’t wearing a turtleneck.
Copyright @ 2013 by Anne Osterlund. Used by permission of Speak, a division of Penguin Young Readers Group, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. All rights reserved.

You can purchase Salvation at:
Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble  |  Book Depository

About the author:
Anne Osterlund is the author of four young adult books, including Aurelia and its sequel, Exile. Her second novel, Academy 7, won the OCTE Spirit of Oregon Award and was an ALA/YALSA Popular Paperback nominee. Anne works as a full-time author and presents for schools, conferences, and writing events. She grew up in the sunshine of eastern Oregon and earned a BA from Whitworth College, where she majored in elementary education with Spanish and English teaching fields. Anne lives in a cute little yellow house with her new feline friend, Simba, and her own library of young adult books. She and her characters can be found on her website at Salvation is her fourth novel, and she has dreams of many more in the future.

Connect with Anne at:
Website   |  Blog  |  GoodReads  |  Facebook

One random commenter will win a swag pack with items such as bookmarks, postcards, etc. The giveaway is open to US/Can entrants only. The only requirement is the comment, but you can gain an extra entry for tweeting or sharing on Facebook. Please leave a link and an email address.
One random commenter will win a swag pack that includes items


  1. I've been wanting to read this one! Love contemp! :D Great teaser!

  2. I like the teaser, and the writing style from this author. Seeing that I never heard of this book before, I'm glad I stopped by today! :) Thanks for sharing, hun!!

  3. Love the excerpt!! This book sounds so good. Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Starting to hear a lot about this one. Do you think it would make a good film? Any idea who should play Salva? How about Beth? I'm always curious about casting questions when I'm reading a really good book i hope will be a movie!

    1. Oh I bet this would make a good film! Actually I think it's a great idea for a tv show but obviously just one season. :( She'd have to write more, but it's a good start!

  5. Thanks so much for hosting a stop on the tour and sharing the excerpt with your readers!

  6. How refreshing to see a romance book with a couple from different ethnic backgrounds! Wish there were more books like this!

  7. Chapter One Scene Four wasn't enough..i want to know more! This sounds good and while I haven't read a lot of YA contemps..i am intrigued!

  8. Love the excerpt! Looks like a good read.

  9. This sounds really interesting!

    I'm stopping by your blog via Karen's recent post about fave bloggers!

  10. Nice excerpt.


  11. I am so enjoying this teaser tour. You and Candace have definitely convinced me that this is a book I am going to have to move to the top of my TBR soon list.

  12. I've never heard of this one but it sounds like I great read. I loved the exerpt.;)

  13. "Opposites attract" stories always seem to work for me. Thanks for hosting this teaser!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  14. Thank you! I can't wait to read this! It sounds so good, omg. <3

  15. Great teaser! Salvation looks like an interesting read! I have this book on my TBR :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  16. I've never heard of this book before, but I like the teaser, so I'll definitely check it out. Thanks!


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