Friday, July 4, 2014

Sexy Saturdays: Straddling the Line (Play by Play #8) by Jaci Burton


Sexy Saturdays with Andrea and Autumn is a weekly feature created to spread the word about spicy reads. 

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Straddling the Line (Play by Play, #8)Series: Play by Play #8
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Berkley
Publication Date: 7/1/14
Format: ARC
Pages: 320
Source: Publisher
Rating: 4 stars

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Trevor Shay has it all—a successful football and baseball career, and any woman he wants. But when he finds out his college mentor’s daughter is in trouble, he drops everything to come to her aid.

Haven Briscoe has finally landed a dream job as a sportscaster for a major network. But she hasn’t been able to move past the recent death of her beloved father, and it’s affecting her career. A plum assignment following the daily life of sports superstar Trevor Shay might be just the inspiration she needs…

Trevor will do anything to spark life back into Haven, including letting her into every aspect of his world. The chemistry between them flames higher than one of Trevor’s home runs and faster than his dashes to the end zone. But as they grow closer, Haven stumbles onto Trevor’s closely guarded secret, one he’s hidden his entire life. And despite his protests, now it’s Haven’s turn to put everything on hold to help Trevor. Will he let her in and trust her with a secret that could blow his professional and personal world apart?

My Review
Dammit. I love the Play by Play series, and I loved Straddling the Line. This is only the second book in this series I've read, in addition to Burton's Hope series, and I have to say, this was one hot, really heartfelt story.
Once I began reading, the reason Straddling the Line initially won me over was not the obvious. I mean, yeah, the sexy was A-Okay with me, obviously. But what got me truly invested was Haven Briscoe's love for her recently deceased father. After nearly a year, Haven is still mourning the loss of her dad. Haven's dad taught her the love of sports, that love is what bonded them in a lot of ways. Though I still have my dad, he's recently coming through a severe health crisis, and his mortality is often on my mind. Like Haven and her dad, my dad and I always shared a deep love of sports, especially baseball. So many of my childhood memories involved us watching sports together (Go SF Giants!) while he explained the rules and how much he loved to play, and could have done well if he'd lived in a larger town. No matter how strained things were between us at various points, we always had sports. To this day, I randomly find myself spouting off trivial facts about players or games because I absorbed everything we talked about. So this, Haven's memories of her father and that bond they shared, that is what drew me into Straddling the Line.
Besides my personal feelings about the book, this was a damn good story! We have sexy Trevor Shay, a dual threat in that he's a great baseball player and football player (tight end, FTW). Because he also shared a strong bond with Haven's dad that began in college, he wants to help her through her rough time. She comes to stay with Trevor for a story, but this is when they begin to really get to know each other. Trevor didn't have time for Haven in college, but he's certainly making the time now. I like that the relationship begins with an emotional connection, with the two really doing the work to get to know each other.
But oh, that physical connection between Trevor and Haven will not. be. denied, yall! And wow, Trevor Shay can bring on the dirty, filthy, yet somehow sweet talk like a boss. I think I likely speak for a lot of women when I say that the one time in which a bossy, mouthy man is welcome is when getting naked is involved. And let me tell you, in that respect Trevor Shay is a champ. I repeat: dirty, dirty, filthy talk that made me shiver. Nice.
Straddling the Line wasn't all sex and fun, though. There are some serious issues in regards to Trevor, his past and his career. I didn't pick up on the clues throughout, but once the situation was laid out, I was really invested and thought Burton did a great job with this plot point. It was very meaningful and well-detailed.
Straddling the Line has solidified my love for the Play by Play series. Not only am I excited about the books I've read and the future installments, but I really want to make the time to read those I've missed. If you're looking for sexy, fun Sports Romance, give this series a try.

Favorite Quotes
  He dropped down beside her, cupping her face in his hands to kiss her.
  They rolled over on their backs and stared up at the ceiling.
  "Okay, now I might be a little out of breath. But I think my brains also might be leaking out of my ears."
  She laughed. "That good, huh?"
  "Yeah. That good."
  She flipped over on her side and rested her head in her hand, content to just look at him. He really was an amazingly beautiful man. If she could go back in time and tell her younger self that she'd be here in bed naked with Trevor Shay, her younger self would laugh at her and tell her there was no way in hell that was ever going to happen, because Trevor was way out of her league.
  Yet, here she was. and Trevor seemed...content. Happy.

 The Play by Play Series
The Perfect Play (Play by Play, #1)  Changing the Game (Play by Play, #2)  Taking a Shot (Play by Play, #3)  Playing to Win (Play by Play, #4)  
Thrown by a Curve (Play by Play, #5)  One Sweet Ride (Play by Play, #6)  Melting the Ice (Play by Play, #7)

About Jaci Burton
Jaci BurtonJaci Burton is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling, award-winning author of over 50 books. She lives in Oklahoma and when she isn’t on deadline (which is often), she can usually be found wrestling with her uncooperative garden, wrangling her dogs, watching an unhealthy amount of television, or completely losing track of time reading a great book. She’s a total romantic and longs for the happily ever after in every story, which you’ll find in all her books.. Visit her website at for excerpts, her blog and contest information.

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  1. EEP! I have this in my pile! I really want to read it.

  2. My dad sucks so I probably wouldn't connect with Haven in that area but I like the sound of the couple connecting. These books look and sound yummy! Thanks for sharing

  3. Wonderful, I want sexy with substance and note to that guy... yes, you can straddle me anytime...

  4. Damn those are some pretteh pretteh covers all together like that. I'm so glad you loved it too! I really liked he had a relationship with her father. I can't imagine her ending up with someone who didn't. And omg I didn't pick up on the clues as I was reading either about his secret but once she spelled it out had a :facepalm: moment. Can't wait to see what she comes up with next :)

  5. It's always special when you can connect with a book on a deep and personal level, Andrea. And I'm glad you connected with this one in that way. (I'm sorry to hear your dad has been sick, but hope he's on the mend!) Aside from that connection, Straddling the Line sounds downright sexy. I'll have to pick up this series because I love sports and bossy, mouthy in bed men! ;)

  6. Wonderful review. I can't wait to get started on this.


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