Monday, October 31, 2011

Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along, just do as following:
·         Grab your current read
·         Open to a random page
·         Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
      ·         Be careful not to include any spoilers so as not to ruin the book for others!
Make sure to share the title and the author so other TT participants can add the book to their TBR piles.
This week's Teaser is from
Starting over sucks.

When we moved to West Virginia right before my senior year, I’d pretty much resigned myself to thick accents, dodgy internet access, and a whole lot of boring…. until I spotted my hot neighbor, with his looming height and eerie green eyes. Things were looking up.
And then he opened his mouth.

Daemon is infuriating. Arrogant. Stab-worthy. We do not get along. At all. But when a stranger attacks me and Daemon literally freezes time with a wave of his hand, well, something…unexpected happens.

The hot alien living next door marks me.

You heard me. Alien. Turns out Daemon and his sister have a galaxy of enemies wanting to steal their abilities, and Daemon’s touch has me lit up like the Vegas Strip. The only way I’m getting out of this alive is by sticking close to Daemon until my alien mojo fades.
If I don’t kill him first, that is.(From GoodReads)

I got to read/review an eARC of Obsidian last week. (You can check out my review here.) I LOVED it! There were so many quotes that I wanted to spotlight in my review, but I chose only one. That was a tough choice! So I want to share another Teaser from Obsidian.  Hope you enjoy!

"For a moment, all I could do was stare at him. He was probably the hottest guy I'd ever seen in real life, and he was a total douche. Go figure."

Paperback, First, 266 pages
Expected publication: December 6th 2011 by Entangled Publishing
You can find Obsidian at GoodReads .

You can pre-order Obsidian at: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Find Jennifer Armentrout at her blog.

Review ~ Dark Eden, by Patrick Carman

Fifteen-year-old Will Besting is sent by his doctor to Fort Eden, an institution meant to help patients suffering from crippling phobias. Once there, Will and six other teenagers take turns in mysterious fear chambers and confront their worst nightmares—with the help of the group facilitator, Rainsford, an enigmatic guide. When the patients emerge from the chamber, they feel emboldened by the previous night's experiences. But each person soon discovers strange, unexplained aches and pains. . . . What is really happening to the seven teens trapped in this dark Eden?

Patrick Carman's Dark Eden is a provocative exploration of fear, betrayal, memory, and— ultimately—immortality.
(From GoodReads)

My Review

In One Word ~ Confused

I think my one word summary pretty much explains my thoughts on Dark Eden. I wasn't confused by the storyline, it wasn't hard to follow. I wasn't confused by the characters, their reactions or motivations. I was confused by my complete lack of feeling toward this book.

I'm an emotional creature. If you've ever read my reviews, you'll know that. I'm dramatic, emphatic, prone to extreme reactions when it comes to reading. If I love a book, I will shout it through the blogosphere. I've been known to cry (sob actually) while reading a book. I cried last night while writing a review for a book that I loved. So, I was caught totally off-guard about my reaction, or lack thereof, for Dark Eden. I just kept reading and waiting for that moment when the book would suck me in. It simply never came. There was a moment towards the end of the book where main character, Will's,
big, dramatic secret was revealed. I'm sure I was supposed to be shocked by that moment. I simply thought "Huh" and turned the page.

I think the main reason I had very little reaction to the characters and what they went through was because there was very little background given into their pasts. I knew they all had debilitating phobias, but there was nothing there that made me actually care.  The barest glimpse into the psyche of each character, Will excluded, was given. And to be honest, I felt little more treatment was given to him. Shouldn't I at least know and care about the main character of the book? I think so.

Another aspect of the book that really bothered me was the ending, the motivation given to the man behind all the machinations at Eden camp. It felt rushed, completely off-base and not very well explained. When I read this, I just felt...disappointed.

I know that I have given several reasons why I didn't like Dark Eden. I absolutely hate when I have to write a review like this.  But if I can't be honest, what's the point. I will give a couple of positives, though. While I didn't care for some parts of the story, I do like the author's style. Much of the book was extremely easy to read, with a nice pace. Dark Eden is an extremely quick read. The idea in general was a good one. If I could have really gotten behind the story, it could have been fantastic.

Favorite Quote:

"That's the way it is with secrets. They pile on top of the other until it's like a house of cards that 
 requires a lot of work to maintain."

Hardcover, 336 pages
Expected publication: November 1st 2011 by HarperCollins Children's Books                      
Find Dark Eden at GoodReads.
Purchase Dark Eden at:
Barnes & Noble (Best Price) |  Amazon  |  Book Depository
*I received an ARC of Dark Eden from Harper Teen, in exchange for an honest review.*

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Author Beth Revis is having a fantastic giveaway. Seriously, I've seen nothing like it before. Turns out, she's a big fan of Thanksgiving and showing gratitude. She wants books lovers to highlight the book they are most thankful for.

Here's mine

Twilight (Twilight, #1)

That's right. I chose Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer. Before you start throwing things and calling me an idiot, hear me out. When I read Twilight, I had just moved, became a stay at home mom to a two year old and had a new baby. I was exhausted, isolated, and apathetic. So, when my Mom of all people begged me to read this book about vampires, I was more than a little skeptical. I was not a fan of YA or paranormal books at all. Boy, was I wrong. I actually enjoyed eating my words over this one.

Once I had read the series twice, I decided to venture a little further into the YA/paranormal genre. I was so scared to try anything else. But then I saw a book that was blurbed by Stephanie Meyer. I thought, If Stephanie Meyer blurbed it, it must be good. I tried the book, and loved it. I devoured the entire series. That book was City of Bones, the series was The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare.

That one book, Twilight, sent me on a whole new trajectory. I went from Cassandra Clare to Andrea Cremer, to Julie Kagawa... the list is endless. All because of that one book.

I would love to hear what books have changed your lives. Leave a comment letting me know.
To learn more about Beth Revis' Gratitude for Books Giveaway, go to her blog.

Cover Reveal ~ Betrayed by Ednah Walters


Lil isn't just an average teenager. She's one of the Nephilim--the descendants of humans and angels--which gives her some serious psi skills and a mission for redemption. Just when Lil thinks she's found a balance between her normal life with human friends and her training to become a Guardian, she's warned that someone close to her will betray her. When the boy she loves starts acting strangely and one of her human friends acquires a supernatural ability, Lil begins to realize that someone is manipulating the people she loves... and won't stop until she's been lured to the dark side.

 I'm really excited to take part in the cover reveal of the re-release of Betrayed by Ednah Walters.
Talk about a HOT COVER! June can't come fast enough.

Title: Betrayed
Series: Guardian Legacy
Author: Ednah Walters
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press,
ISBN: 978-1-937053-18-5 (Trade Paper), 978-1-937053-19-2 (e-book)
Release Date: June, 2012

In My Mailbox #12

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme created by Kristi at The Story Siren. It is a great way to put a spotlight on books received during the past week.

For Review:
Obsidian, by Jennifer L Armentrout (Thanks to Entangled Publishing)
Hushed, by KelleyYork (Thanks to Entangled Publishing)
Laddertop, by Orson Scott Card and Emily Janice Card (Thanks to Tor Publishing)

Iron Knight, by Julie Kagawa - Two copies (Thanks to Page Turners and Fiktshun blogs)
Through Her Eyes, by Jennifer Archer (Thanks to the author and Teen Shiver blog)
Enthralled: Paranormal DiversionsEn Anthology (Thanks to Karen at FWIW reviews)

Hollowland, by Amanda Hocking (Free on Smashwords!)
Beautiful Darkness, by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
My Soul to Keep, by Rachel Vincent
My Soul to Steal, by Rachel Vincent
Dearly, Departed by Lia Habel

Be sure to leave a link so I can check out your mailbox!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Review ~ Don't Fear the Reaper, by Michelle Muto

Grief-stricken by the murder of her twin, Keely Morrison is convinced suicide is her ticket to eternal peace and a chance to reunite with her sister. When Keely succeeds in taking her own life, she discovers death isn’t at all what she expected. Instead, she’s trapped in a netherworld on Earth and her only hope for reconnecting with her sister and navigating the afterlife is a bounty-hunting reaper and a sardonic, possibly unscrupulous, demon. But when the demon offers Keely her greatest temptation—revenge on her sister's murderer—she must uncover his motives and determine who she can trust. Because, as Keely soon learns, both reaper and demon are keeping secrets and she fears the worst is true—that her every decision will change how, and with whom, she spends eternity.(From GoodReads)

My Review

In One Word ~ Stunning

I have been trying to start this review for an hour. I have typed and erased my opening at least ten times now. I just don't think I can explain what this book did to me. I don't know what I expected from Don't Fear the Reaper. I do know that I was really excited when author Michelle Muto sent me the book. I had read another of her books, The Book of Lost Souls, and adored it. So I went into reading this one with no trepidation, an awesome feeling.

I knew I was in for an emotional journey within the first few lines of Don't Fear the Reaper. The main character, Keely, emotionally devastated after the murder of her twin, commits suicide while in the midst of desperate grief. After months of torture, praying for a sign that her sister is safe on the other side, a sign that never comes, Keely just wants peace. She wants to be reunited with Jordan. At first, Keely doesn't realize her attempt was successful. And she's relieved. But then she is greeted not by Jordan, but by Banning and Daniel, a Reaper and a Demon. Keely learns that to decide her fate, she must pass a "test" with guidance from Banning and Daniel, all while searching for her sister.

I found Don't Fear the Reaper to be one of the most unique books I have ever read. To be honest, I haven't read much involving suicide and certainly nothing from the perspective of a "successful" suicide. I have to give the author kudos on the first chapter. It is dark and overwhelming. I re-read it a few minutes ago, just to be sure that my feelings were accurate. It literally took my breath away again. I know I said it is dark and overwhelming, but it is also, and I know this may sound weird, peaceful and delicate. She handled it with respect, without judgment towards Keely.

That respect towards Keely is what makes Don't Fear the Reaper so unique. Although Keely regrets the inevitable pain her parents will endure, and hates that she has done this to them, I never felt anger or judgment towards her. Muto gave such a detailed background and relayed Keely's anguish so well, that you understand why she felt she had no other choice. I just wanted to hold her hand and take the painful journey with her.

But Keely does have someone to take the journey with her, Banning and Daniel. As a Reaper and Demon, they should be used to this routine. But something about Keely makes them throw everything they should do out the window and put their eternal fates on the line to help her. As much as I loved Keely, I think I loved Banning and Daniel equally. They also have tragic pasts that drew and attached me to them.

Don't Fear the Reaper is a story about the love of two sisters. Love that would cause each one to make radical, ultimate sacrifices if it meant the slightest chance at peace for the other. It is about taking chances. In the case of Banning and Daniel, it's taking a chance on someone who may not seem likely to succeed, but who is worthy of the risk. It is about letting go.

I feel truly honored that Michelle Muto asked me to read Don't Fear the Reaper. This book was a privilege to read. And I look forward to reading it again in the future. This book will haunt me for a long, long time.

Favorite Quotes:

"The mystery that was Banning reminded me of an old book tucked into the farthest crevices of a
  library shelf; dusty and forgotten, his painful memories cast in ink and meant for no one else to see,  
  but committed to fragile paper nonetheless."

"I'd lost sight of heaven, God, and everything good, but not Jordan. Some things transcended both life
 and death. Some things never died."

Kindle Edition
Published September 23rd 2011 by Dreamscapes, Ink
Find Don't Fear the Reaper at:
Find author Michelle Muto at her website.
*I received a copy of Don't Fear the Reaper from the author, in exchange for an honest review.*

Review ~ Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout

Starting over sucks.

When we moved to West Virginia right before my senior year, I’d pretty much resigned myself to thick accents, dodgy internet access, and a whole lot of boring…. until I spotted my hot neighbor, with his looming height and eerie green eyes. Things were looking up.

And then he opened his mouth.

Daemon is infuriating. Arrogant. Stab-worthy. We do not get along. At all. But when a stranger attacks me and Daemon literally freezes time with a wave of his hand, well, something…unexpected happens.

The hot alien living next door marks me.

You heard me. Alien. Turns out Daemon and his sister have a galaxy of enemies wanting to steal their abilities, and Daemon’s touch has me lit up like the Vegas Strip. The only way I’m getting out of this alive is by sticking close to Daemon until my alien mojo fades.
If I don’t kill him first, that is.(From GoodReads)

My Review

There are a few authors that I know I can always count on, my "Old Faithfuls".  I can always count on their books leaving me satisfied, thrilled and usually wanting for more. I'm talking about authors such as Cassandra Clare, Jeri Smith-Ready, and a few others. Now, I am without a doubt adding Jennifer Armentrout to that list. I loved the first book of hers that I read, Half-Blood. And to be honest, I went into Obsidian expecting another good book from Armentrout. What I didn't expect was for Obsidian to completely rock my world!

I don't even know how to start explaining my love for this book. Maybe the story. New girl in town meets hot, snarky guy. Sparks fly. Literally. Their being together is bad news. Like, deadly bad news. Seriously, in Obsidian, the author has taken the teen alien story and given it the coolest, most unique spin. I always strive for spoiler-free reviews. I love for the reader to be able to discover the intricate details of the story for themselves. So I'm not going into the nitty-gritty of the story. Just trust me when I say that as far as these books go, Obsidian is, to me, heads and shoulders above books such "I Am Number Four", which I really liked.

The characters in Obsidian are so vivid, alive. Katy, the main character, is...wait for it....A BLOGGER! Katy loves to read and blog. She checks her comments, her follower count and films IMM vlogs! That just felt like a huge shout-out to the book bloggers of the world and made me totally love Katy. But that's not all I loved about her. She is independent, self-reliant and does not take any crap off of people (or aliens!). She's quick to call Daemon out on his crap and flip him the bird as she's walking away. What's more, she is a loyal friend. Katy holds the fates of her new friends and never once considers giving them up, even when her own life is at risk.

One of Katy's new friends is Dee, the girl next door and sister to Daemon. Dee is completely, 
 squish-ably, adorable. She is like a breath of fresh, drama-free air. Especially when compared to her brother.

Daemon. Where to begin. Okay. You know those hot, sarcastic, can-be-a-real-jerk guys that we all know and love? For example, Jace from The Mortal Instruments series, or Adrian from Vampire Academy. Take everything you love, and what drives you crazy about those guys, and multiply that by 10. Or 20. Possibly 100. Are you picking up on what I'm saying here? For real. Daemon made me bonkers. Take a look at the cover of Obsidian. He's hot, right. Devastating. Who wouldn't want some of that? I wanted to like him. And he did have some nice moments in the first half of the book. But then he would do or say something that made me want to scream.  He comes across as an arrogant, rude... ass hat. I actually tweeted Jennifer Armentrout at one point and said that "I want to punch Daemon in the throat and make out with him, simultaneously". Her response was, he would probably like that. I swear, I felt everything that Katy was feeling about him. I honestly wondered if there was any coming back for Daemon.

There was. Like many tortured heroes, Daemon's startling behavior is explained by a look at his past. Once you know why Daemon is so guarded and hostile, you can start to understand his actions. And why he is so desperate to hang on to what's left, especially his sister. The sibling love between Daemon and Dee was so beautiful, it just broke my heart.

Obsidian left me emotionally exhausted. I'm still reeling. And the ending? Evil. A good evil, for sure. But I want need more, soon. I have no idea when book two is even planned to be released. Or if Armentrout has even started writing it yet. But you better believe, with the track record she is building for herself, the next book will be fantastic. I will be stalking the Internet for news in the meantime.

Favorite Quote:
I bookmarked seven quotes that I loved. It was hard to choose only one.
"Daemon's stare was so concentrated I took an unintentional step back, but we didn't break eye 
 contact. A craving unfurled deep in my stomach, shooting through me like heated lightning, and that-
 that was the kind of feeling you couldn't force, couldn't even replicate if you wanted."

Paperback, First, 266 pages
Expected publication: December 6th 2011 by Entangled Publishing                      
You can find Obsidian at GoodReads .

You can pre-order Obsidian at:  Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble  
Find Jennifer Armentrout at her blog.

I've decided to have a giveaway of Obsidian in mid to late November. Be sure to come back and enter.
*I received an eARC of Obsidian from Entangled Publishing, in exchange for an honest review.*

Thursday, October 27, 2011


The other night, my husband and my mother-in-law got into a discussion about my bookshelves, and the fact that they are overflowing. I wanted to be mad. I mean, what woman wants their husband complaining about her, to his mom. I mean, I was sitting right there. But, they had a point. My bookcase is less than two years old and the poor shelves are already trying to buckle. I literally have books double shelved, with more piled up on the floor in front of the bookshelf. Then and there, I decided to Thin the Shelves.

So. What's up for grabs? I'm starting with a big batch of books.

The HOUSE OF NIGHT series, by PC and Kristin Cast.

This includes:
Marked (House of Night #1)
Betrayed (House of Night #2)
Chosen (House of Night #3)
Untamed (House of Night #4)
Hunted (House of Night #5)
Tempted (House of Night #6)
Burned (House of Night #7)
Awakened (House of Night #8)

These books are in good shape, they've only been read once. I was really hot for the first four or five books in the series. But now, I'm just not into it anymore. Lots of people love them. I hope the winner will, too.

*This giveaway is for US Residents only. This will be a hefty box of books, shipping is expensive. (Unless, you have someone with a US address that will accept the box on your behalf. )
*Winner must be 13+ years of age.
*You must be a follower of this blog to be eligible.

The giveaway will run from Friday, October 28-Thursday, November 10, 2011.

The winner of the HOUSE OF NIGHT giveaway is Chaundra at Unabridged Bookshelf!
Congrats, Chaundra!

Review ~ Remembrance (Transcend Time Saga, #1) by Michelle Mado

New Hampshire high school junior Lizzie Davenport has been reincarnated from Regency Era, England ... but she doesn't know it yet.

Then Drew Carmichael transfers into Lizzie's school at the beginning of the year, and she feels a connection to him, almost like she knows him. She can't stop thinking about him, but whenever she tries talking with him about the mysteries behind her feelings, he makes it clear that he wants nothing to do with her. Reaching him is even more difficult because she has a boyfriend, Jeremy, who has started to become full of himself after being elected co-captain of the varsity soccer team, and her flirtatious best friend Chelsea starts dating Drew soon after his arrival. So why can't she seem to get him out of her mind?

Even though Lizzie knows she should let go of her fascination with Drew, the pair of them soon find that fighting fate isn't going to be easy.(From GoodReads)

My Review

I don't know why, but I always want to start my reviews with a one-word summary of the book. Not easy to do if you just feel "Meh" about the book, or worse, you hated it. But when you really enjoy or are swept away by, it's astonishing how easy it is. My one-word summary for Remembrance is ENCHANTING.

Remembrance swept me up and carried me away on a romantic, exhilarating ride. The ride started with the cover. This cover is just simply beautiful and full of promises. I've seen bloggers get aggravated because people like me talk about covers. And yes, I know "You can't judge a book by it's cover". I am a firm believer that for people, no it's not right. But for books? Oh yes, you can judge a book by it's cover. And the cover for Remembrance is spectacular. In fact, I noticed it a few months before the author asked me to review the book.

Once I began reading Remembrance, the joyful ride continued. Michelle Madow's writing has such an ease about it. I don't know if it's her natural writing style or if it was polished until it shined, but every word, every gesture, every nuance was perfectly placed. That perfection made Remembrance such an easy, enjoyable read.

I learned before reading Remembrance that one of the inspirations was Pride and Prejudice. I love that book, it's without a doubt my favorite from Jane Austen. I enjoyed being able to pick up on the influence while reading and loved the references to P & P from main character, Liz.

Speaking of Liz, I have to say that I loved the characters in Remembrance. Except the ones I didn't, but I'm pretty sure that was the author's intentions. Liz is what you find in a lot of YA heroines. She's bright, brave and reliable. Liz's love interest Drew was sexy, charming (sometimes) and romantic. Because of his actions at the beginning of Remembrance, I was afraid that I wouldn't warm to him. But as the story unfolded, Drew's motivation became clear and understandable.

The main arc of Remembrance is the hidden past/connection between Drew and Liz. The handling of that connection could have gone very wrong and become frustrating. Luckily, Madow handled it just right. As a reader, you know immediately about the bond between the two, but you don't know exactly what it is. The author builds the understanding at a nice pace. She gives Liz, and the reader, enough insight that any possible frustration is held at bay. Bit by bit, the realizations come, leaving you hanging on and wanting more.

Because of the slow reveal, I found Remembrance impossible to put down. Desperate to learn the whole truth, I kept telling myself "One more chapter". But I just couldn't stop. In fact, I stayed up way past my bedtime. Actually, I never went to bed. If you must know, a zombie who somewhat resembles me is typing this review.

Remembrance is the perfect book if you're looking for a girly, swoony (but not over the top) romance. Just be sure you don't start it close to bedtime.
Favorite Quote:

"My feelings for Drew couldn't just disappear. They were ingrained within every fiber of my being, and I needed them just the same as I needed air to breathe."

Paperback, 314 pages
Published July 27th 2011 by Dreamscape Publishing
Find Remembrance at:
Find author Michelle Madow at her website.
* I received a copy of Remembrance from the author, in exchange for an honest review.*

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

This week's WoW is...

 by Jennifer Armentrout
Pure (Covenant, #2)
Some rules are made to be broken. but breaking the ultimate rule can change everything. Alex lives--and loves--recklessly, until a single decision leads to a heartbreaking revelation. As a mysterious threat closes in and she confronts a Council that wants to see her in servitude, Alex face a choice between love that is fated... and love that is forbidden.(From GoodReads)
Paperback, 330 pages
Expected publication: April 3rd 2012 by Spencer Hill Press
I have been wanting to post this book for a few weeks now, but wanted to at least wait until book one in the series, Half-Blood was out! Now that Half-Blood is out in the world, I am happy to say that I cannot wait for Pure. And lucky me, I received an email saying that I would be receiving an ARC! <insert happy dance>

So, what are you waiting on? Be sure to leave a link so I can come check out your post.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along, just do as following:
·         Grab your current read
·         Open to a random page
·         Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
·         Be careful not to include any spoilers so as not to ruin the book for others!
Make sure to share the title and the author so other TT participants can add the book to their TBR piles.
This week's Teaser is from

Recovering con artist Ciara Griffin seems to finally have it all. A steady job at WVMP, the Lifeblood of Rock ’n’ Roll. A loving relationship with the idiosyncratic but eternally hot DJ Shane McAllister. A vampire dog who never needs shots or a pooper-scooper. And after nine years, it looks as if she might actually finish her bachelor’s degree!

But fate has other plans for Ciara. First she must fulfill her Faustian bargain with the Control, the paranormal paramilitary agency that does its best to keep vampires in line. Turns out the Control wants her for something other than her (nonexistent) ability to kick undead ass. Her anti-holy blood, perhaps? Ciara’s suspicions are confirmed when she’s assigned to a special-ops division known as the Immanence Corps, run by the Control’s oldest vampire and filled with humans who claim to have special powers. To a confirmed skeptic like Ciara, it sounds like a freak fest. But when a mysterious fatal virus spreads through Sherwood—and corpses begin to rise from their graves—Ciara will not only get a crash course in zombie-killing, but will be forced to put her faith, and her life itself, in the hands of magic. (From GoodReads)

You guys. You have NO IDEA how much I LOVE the WVMP Radio series by Jeri Smith-Ready. This series has quickly shot up to the top of my favorites list. Almost every page has quote-worthy lines, but you know I can't do that. So I chose two, one funny and one romantic. As usual, my teasers are too long. Oh well.  Enjoy!

"Lori took Maggie's hand. 'Um, Regina's a vampire. But it's okay-she's a nice one.'
 'Hey!' Regina rubbed her knuckles against her Husker Du t-shirt. 'I am not nice.'
 'Sorry.' Lori turned back to Maggie. 'She's actually a bitch, but she doesn't kill people.' "

"The tension lines between his brows vanished. 'Amazing,' he whispered, then kissed me hard, with a
 deep, human sigh. I reveled in the feel of his lips against mine, and didn't care that they'd be the only
 lips I'd ever taste again. If I lived to be a hundred, my life with him would be too short."

See what I mean? This series makes me insane. I go from laughing to swooning, and sometimes crying. My family has gotten used to it. Thankfully.

Find Bring on the Night at:
GoodReads  |  Barnes & Noble  |  Constellation Books (where you can get a signed copy!)  |  Amazon   Book Depository

The WVMP RADIO website, where you can learn more about the series, including backstories on the DJS. (I'm sort of obsessed!)

Find the amazing Jeri Smith-Ready at her website. Where you can find info on all her books and the serial novella LET IT BLEED.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Spooktacular Giveaway Hop

Hi, Book Lovers!! Once again, it is blog hop time.

This hop is hosted by Kathy at I Am a Reader, Not a Writer and Rhiannon at Diary of a Bookworm.
Over 400 blogs are participating in book-related giveaways! We are all linked together so that you may hop from one blog to the next. The hop runs from  October 24-31, 2011.
I have a great giveaway for you! There will be 1 winner.


Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #1)The Survivors

Daughter of Smoke and Bone (ARC), by Laini Taylor
The Survivors, by Amanda Havard

Saturday, October 22, 2011

In My Mailbox #11 {Vlog}

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme created by Kristi at The Story Siren. It is a great way to put a spotlight on books received during the past week.

For Review:
Last of the Reverse Cowgirls, by John Anderson (Thanks to Lillibridge Press)
Two Moons of Sera, by Parvati Tyler (Thanks to the author)
Love and Leftovers, by Sarah Tregay (Thanks to Harper Publishing)
Dark Eden, by Patrick Carman (Thanks to Harper Publishing)
The Last Sand, by Richard Denning (Thanks to the author)
The Deepest Cut, by JA Templeton (Thanks to the author)
The Vincent Boys, by Abbi Glines (Thanks, Abbi!!)

Daughter of Smoke and Bone, by Laini Taylor (Thanks to Mundie Moms and Hachette Group)
Ruby Red, by Kirsten Gier (Thanks to Goldilocks & The Three Weres blog)

If I Die, by Rachel Vincent
Promise, by Kristi Cook (available free for Kindle!)

So. What did you get this week? Leave me a link and I'll come check out your mailbox. Have a great week!

Review - All Men of Genius, by Lev AC Rosen

All Men of Genius
Inspired by two of the most beloved works by literary masters, All Men of Genius takes place in an alternate Steampunk Victorian London, where science makes the impossible possible.

Violet Adams wants to attend Illyria College, a widely renowned school for the most brilliant up-and-coming scientific minds, founded by the late Duke Illyria, the greatest scientist of the Victorian Age. The school is run by his son, Ernest, who has held to his father’s policy that the small, exclusive college remain male-only. Violet sees her opportunity when her father departs for America. She disguises herself as her twin brother, Ashton, and gains entry.

But keeping the secret of her sex won’t be easy, not with her friend Jack’s constant habit of pulling pranks, and especially not when the duke’s young ward, Cecily, starts to develop feelings for Violet’s alter ego, “Ashton.” Not to mention blackmail, mysterious killer automata, and the way Violet’s pulse quickens whenever the young duke, Ernest (who has a secret past of his own), speaks to her. She soon realizes that it’s not just keeping her secret until the end of the year faire she has to worry about: it’s surviving that long.(From GoodReads)
My Review

  I'm in love. Yes, in love. I didn't think it would happen again so soon. But then, I am sort of easy when it comes to a fabulous book. I found All Men of Genius to be an insanely clever, delightful and captivating book, worthy of a spot on any book lover's shelf.

  My love for All Men of Genius happens to be of the "At First Sight" variety. When I eagerly opened the package from Tor, and slipped the book out, I sighed. Yes, I happen to be a cover snob. I'm not ashamed of that. I thought the cover was beautiful, with a picture of Violet as Ashton with the gears placed behind her. 

  Then, I actually opened the book. When I read Lev Rosen's author notes and acknowledgements, I knew I would adore All Men of Genius. Honestly, when an author writes such witty lines there, you know the book will be brilliant.

  And it was. I can't think of one single aspect of All Men of Genius that I didn't love.  The characters were radiant, courageous and charming. The main character, Violet was fabulous. She is a feminist way ahead of her time. She is fully committed to showing the world that women have a place in the scientific community. Violet is willing to do whatever is necessary to prove her worth, knowing that abuse, prison or death may await.
  Ashton, Violet's twin brother whom she impersonates, is what in late-1800s England, called a "dandy", a gay man.  Rosen took a character who could have become a caricature a wrote him brilliantly. Here's why. Ashton is not exactly flamboyant, but he doesn't hide his true self, either. In fact, Ashton's orientation isn't an issue at all amongst his family and friends. Even when Violet inadvertantly catches him in compromising positions, she is embarrassed only because she caught him in general, not because she saw him with another man. Ashton is completely devoted to Violet and her cause, helping her in any way he can.

  I want to include all of the many characters I loved in my review, but I simply cannot because the list is long. There are so many characters in All Men of Genius. In another author's hands, the amount of characters would be too much. But Rosen managed to subtly weave new characters into the story, bit by bit. There's Jack, Ashton and Violet's best friend and confidante, who plays an integral part in the story. Ernest, the head of Illyria, and his cousin Cecily, Toby and Drew, Mrs. Wilkes, the many professors, Marion (perhaps my favorite character) and Fiona. See what I mean? All of those characters deserve a place in this review, but I'm sure you don't want to read a book about a book!

   I read that All Men of Genius was inspired in part by The Importance of Being Earnest. The book is full of mistaken identities, gender confusion, comedic situations and misunderstandings, so I definitely picked up on that. I happen to love that movie (check out the version with Rupert Everett and Colin Firth, my favorite). 
  Besides being a completely delightful and thoroughly entertaining book, All Men of Genius does, in it's own clever way, touch on serious issues.  Even though the book is set in 1880s England, I found the themes regarding sexual orientation and gender roles and discrimination to still be shockingly relevant today.

  And though All Men of Genius is considered a steam punk novel, it's a must-read for anyone who loves witty, funny and thought-provoking books. And really, who doesn't?

  On a side note, I adore author Lev AC Rosen's writing. He is an outrageously talented author who I can't wait to read more from in the future.

Favorite Quote:
 I usually quote passages from the actual book, but I loved the Author's Note so much, I had to include 
 a few lines from that.

"Furthermore, I don't recommend emulating the behavior of any of the characters contained within.
 They're all quite mad.
 The truth is, I have no idea what I'm talking about.
 Except about love. We all know a little about that. Or nothing at all."

Hardcover, 462 pages
Published September 27th 2011 by Doherty, Tom Associates, LLC
Find All Men of Genius at:
*I received All Men of Genius from Tor Publishing, in exchange for an honest review.*

Friday, October 21, 2011

Review & Giveaway - Sundial, by CF Fruzzetti & MI Pearsall

Teenager Whitney Forbes thought her biggest problem was surviving high school and determining if there was more to handsome Reid Wallace than just his looks and popularity. She was wrong; her problems were about to get a lot more complicated. Whitney always knew she was special. But when she discovers she is more “special” than she ever imagined, surviving another school day takes on a whole new meaning. Caught in the middle of a CIA plot and her undeniable magnetic attraction to Reid, she will need to decide who she can trust and what it means to become the Sundial...before she risks her heart and an alarming plan goes into motion. Will she have what it takes to not only survive but also prevail? Time brings the truth to light in this epic adventure about love, trust and the process of turning adversity into advantage.
(From GoodReads)
My Review

When I read the synopsis for Sundial, I was definitely curious. A girl with unique abilities who is involved with secret government agencies sounded like a good time. When you add in a good-looking, mysterious guy? Even better.

  I'll start with what I liked about Sundial. I thought that the idea behind the story was very interesting and extremely intelligent. The fact that so much apparent thought and brain power went into writing this book is what appealed to me the most. I wasn't quite sure what was behind Whitney and Reid's extra abilities, but then, I like a mystery.

  There were a few characters in Sundial that I really liked. Whitney was strong, capable, and definitely not a whiner. I also liked Reid. He seemed to be very much like Whitney, super smart, athletic, capable. Both Whitney and Reid really seem to have it all. Whitney's best friend Blair was undoubtedly the most fun character to read. She was funny, a little pushy and could be frivolous. Those aspects to Blair made her the perfect counterpart to Blair, who was ever practical.

  So, here's the hard part, because I have to admit, there were a few things about Sundial that I had issues with. Starting with, the characters. I know I said I liked Whitney, Blair and Reid, and I did. But it seemed that every single character was rich, athletic, smart, just too perfect. There was a lot of clothing and accessory labels mentioned that I had never heard of. Maybe I'm lame, I dunno. That made it hard for me to identify or empathize with them. To be fair, maybe the area in which Sundial is set is exclusively wealthy. But still, hard to identify with.

  Another issue I had was the transitioning between paragraphs. For example, several times Whitney would suddenly pass out at the end of the chapter. Then, in one instance, at the beginning of the next chapter, she and Reid are on a boat with friends and she's mad that another girl is coming on to him. That left me flipping back and forth, making sure the pages weren't stuck, or missing. I found that to be very disorienting and distracting.

  So. I've been trying to sum up exactly how I felt about Sundial. I didn't dislike it, but I had issues. Issues I could just not overlook. I still think it was a very interesting idea with a lot of potential.

Favorite Quote:
" 'You are no ordinary girl but you are still a teenage girl,' Dr. West said with a twinkle in his eye. 'Love is something no of us have any training for, but love and empathy are what make us uniquely human.' "

Paperback, 328 pages
Published July 19th 2011 by Pure Energy Books

You can find Sundial at:
GoodReads  |  Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble

In an effort to get this book into more readers' hands, I would like to offer my copy of Sundial up for a giveaway. I will also include another random book to include and maybe a bookmark, also. To make this easy, all you have to do is enter your info into the form below.

I'm sorry, but I have to make this giveaway for US Residents only (unless you have a contact in the US I can ship the books to).

The Winner is

Jessica Bronder!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Review - Guardians of the Grimoire by Natasha Slight

What are the realms to do when a corrupt god seeks to destroy three girls? When his greed extends into the human world, and sorcerer and king alike are seduced by the promise of ultimate power hidden in the Grimoire.
(From the Grimoire series Facebook page) 
My Review

I don't read a lot of fantasy books. So when I was approached about reading Guardians of the Grimoire, by Natasha Slight, I was torn. But when I read the synopsis, I was intrigued. Mainly by the fact that Guardians of the Grimoire is a story about three strong, fearless girls. I don't know if this is actually a fact, but I, myself, do not come across many fantasies with female leads.

That fact is what intrigued me most about Guardians of the Grimoire. I especially felt affection towards two of the three girls, Gaia and Kerani. In my view, Gaia was a terrific main character. She was strong and a great leader, without relying on a man for advice or assurance in her decisions. Kerani was my favorite character. She was the ultimate feminist. At one point, even fighting men to the death in order NOT to be married!

My only point of contention with the story was the fact that there were so many characters. But that's a problem that I have with fantasy books in general. So many names, places, different story lines just tend to overwhelm me. I suppose that perhaps that's my problem, though. I'm not sure.

Overall, I found Guardians of the Grimoire to be extremely well-written (in respect to editing and word flow) highly imaginative fantasy with excellent, strong female characters.

Favorite Quote:
"Kael whipped out of sight in a swirl of black smoke, as the first flicker of flame came to life in the
straw-filled barn. Death was about to knock at the door."

Author Natasha Slight will be making an announcement November 1st, regarding the release of Guardians of the Grimoire. Soon, The Bookish Babes will be hosting a giveaway of the book, so stay tuned! For now, you can learn more by following the links below.

Find Guardians of the Grimoire at:
The Grimoire Series Facebook page.

Find author Natasha Slight at:
Smashwords | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads

I received a copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
This week I'm waiting on

What happens when you are stalked by Death? You fall in
love with him, of course. Pagan Moore doesn’t cheat Death, but instead, falls in love with him.  

 Seventeen year old, Pagan Moore, has seen souls her entire life. Once she realized the strangers, she often saw walking through walls, were not visible to anyone else, she started ignoring them. If she didn’t let them know she could see them, then they left her alone. Until she steps out of her car, the first day of school and sees an incredibly sexy guy lounging on a picnic table, watching her with an amused smirk on his face. Problem is she knows he's dead. Not only does he not go away, when she ignores him, but he does something none of the others have ever done, he speaks. Pagan is fascinated by the soul. What Pagan doesn’t realize is that her appointed time to die is drawing near and the wickedly beautiful soul, she is falling in love with, is not a soul. He is Death and he is about to break all the rules.
(From GoodReads)

Whoa, I do believe this is going to be a HOT ONE! Just look at his eyes, evil and sexy. Win!
Seriously, Abbi Glines is a fantastic author. I love all of her books and I can't wait to dig into this delicious book.

Expected publication: December 2011 by Wild Child Publishing
Find Existence at:
GoodReads  |  Abbi Glines' website  |  Wild Child Publishing

Monday, October 17, 2011

Teaser Tuesday


Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along, just do as following:

·         Grab your current read

·         Open to a random page

·         Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page

·         Be careful not to include any spoilers so as not to ruin the book for others!

Make sure to share the title and the author so other TT participants can add the book to their TBR piles.

This week's Teaser is from

Bad to the Bone (WVMP Radio, #2)

If you're just joining us, welcome to radio station WVMP, "The Lifeblood of Rock'n'Roll." Con-artist-turned-station-owner Ciara Griffin manages an on-air staff of off-the-wall DJs — including her new boyfriend Shane McAllister — who really sink their teeth into the music of their "Life Time" (the era in which they became vampires). It's Ciara's job to keep the undead rocking, the ratings rolling, and the fan base alive — without missing a beat.
For Halloween, WVMP is throwing a bash sure to raise the dead. They've got cool tunes, hot costumes, killer cocktails — what could go wrong? Well, for starters, a religious firebrand ranting against the evils of the occult preempts the station's midnight broadcast. Then, when Ciara tracks down the illegal transmission, the broadcast tower is guarded by what appears to be...a canine vampire? And behind it all is a group of self-righteous radicals who think vampires suck (and are willing to stake their lives on it).
Now Ciara must protect the station while struggling with her own murky relationship issues, her best friend's unlikely romance with a fledgling vampire, and the nature of her mysterious anti-holy powers. To make it to New Year's in one piece, she'll need to learn a few new tricks....
(From GoodReads)

My Teasers:

"People speak of 'emotional roller coasters' as if they're a bad thing, but those people are on the part of 
 the roller coaster that makes you throw up, not the part that makes your blood sing and your heart leap
 into your throat, the part that makes you smile so hard your cheeks hurt."

Paperback, 384 pages
Published May 12th 2009 by Pocket

You can find Bad to the Bone at:

GoodReads  |  Barnes & Noble   |  Amazon  |  Constellation Books

You can find the fabulous Jeri Smith-Ready at her website.

Review & Giveaway! The Vincent Boys, by Abbi Glines

Being the good girl isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Ashton Gray has grown weary of playing the part to please her parents, and to be worthy of the town’s prince charming, Sawyer Vincent. Maybe That’s why she’s found herself spending time with Sawyer’s cousin, Beau, while he’s away for the summer camping with his family. Beau is nothing like her perfect boyfriend. He’s the sexiest guy she’s ever seen, dangerous in ways she’s only day dreamed about, and the one guy she should stay away from.
Beau never envied Sawyer his loving parents, his big nice home, or his position as quarterback. He loves him like a brother. Which is why he's tried everything in his power to keep his distance from Sawyer’s girlfriend. Even if he has loved her since the age of five, Ashton is Sawyer’s girl, so therefore she’s off limits. But when Sawyer leaves for the summer, Ashton, the one girl Beau would move Heaven and Earth for, decides she wants to get into trouble. Stabbing the one person who’s always accepted him and stood by him in the back, is the cost of finally holding Ashton Gray in his arms. Is she worth losing his cousin over?.... Hell Yeah.
(From GoodReads)

My Review

  I'm going to break a little hard-and-fast rule I have for myself. It's no biggie, just something I try to never do. Here goes:  OMG, Y'ALL!! Ridiculous right? I have no problem with others saying OMG, it's just sounds ridiculous when I say it. But, OMG, OMG, OMG! The Vincent Boys completely rocked my world!

   I was in a bit of a reading slump. I had been reading some awesome books (The Iron Queen and Bad to the Bone). And then, Zzzzzzz. The books (who will not be named) are not bad, just, ya know, not what I was looking for.  When author Abbi Glines sent me the email with the book attached, I wanted it, bad. But, I had other books to read first. Still, I just kept looking at it, and still wanting it. So, yesterday afternoon, I looked around me, and said "Eff it. I'm reading The Vincent Boys now." But I was actually alone in my living room, so that was weird.

  Anywayyy, I am SO, SO glad that I chucked everything out the window and opened up the delicious file that contained The Vincent Boys. This book had everything that makes for a fun, sexy, and enjoyable read.

  Starting with the characters. Ashton was so fabulous. She is the perfect preacher's daughter, with the perfect boyfriend and perfect life. But, she's perfectly bored, as well. Her inner turmoil over what she should do and what she wants to do felt authentic. She wants to be what is expected of her, but she also wants to be the girl who knows how to have fun and get into a little trouble.

  As for the Vincent boys, Sawyer and Beau, oh boy! I don't even know where to start with these two. Their both gorgeous, athletic, and have both been in love with Ashton for years. But they also couldn't be more different, personality-wise. Sawyer is sweet, respectful, everyone loves him. He has his, and Ashton's, whole future planned out. He's a really great guy.

  And then, there was Beau. This is where I start OMG-ing again. Good lord, Abbi created quite a specimen when she invented Beau! I think we've all come across a Beau before (mine's name was Jody, looong story. I still smile like an idiot when I think about him. Heck, my mom still talks about him!). You know, the kind of guy who makes you want to do really bad things? Beau is trouble. Well, he seems to be, anyway. But Ashton knows a Beau no one else knows. Beneath his swagger and tough guy exterior, lies a guy who would do anything for the girl he loves.

   I have to say, Abbi Glines did a terrific job incorporating a "true" Southern dialect into her story. I've come across some really bad attempts at Southern dialect before. Some that tried too hard, some that just downright offended me. She used terms and phrases that I never get to see when I'm reading and I adored it. Everytime I came across a phrase that I use in real life, I couldn't help but smile.

  On a serious note, this book should come with a disclaimer. The disclaimer should read:
Do not attempt to read this book while using your elliptical. You will fall when the author shocks your ass off with a revelation of epic proportions.

  You're laughing, but that's a true story. My knee still hurts.

  The moral of the story? Be careful, people. The Vincent Boys is so awesome, it hurts.

Favorite Quote:

" 'Good isn't my thing but Sawyer's important to me. Please remember I've got my limits and you
   studying my mouth like you want a taste is pushing me dangerously close to the edge of those  

Kindle Edition
Expected publication: October 21st 2011
Find The Vincent Boys at:


You guys are so lucky! Abbi Glines, the author of The Vincent Boys, is giving one lucky winner a Kindle copy of The Vincent Boys. I'm going to make this simple. All you have to do is:

*Leave a comment, answering the question "Do I want the Good Guy or the Bad Boy?" Be sure to 
  leave your name/alias and a contact email address.
*You can gain an extra entry for tweeting this giveaway. Please leave a link with your comment.

Contest ends Sunday, October 23, 2011, at 11:59 pm.
The giveaway is now over and THE WINNER IS:


Thanks for the comments. Be sure to check out the upcoming The Vincent Boys blog tour, where more books will be offered up as prizes!
*I received an ARC of The Vincent Boys from the author, in exchange for an honest review.*

Saturday, October 15, 2011

IMM #10 {Vlog}

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme created by Kristi at The Story Siren. It is a great way to put a spotlight on books received during the past week.

For Review:
The Vincent Boys,  by Abbi Glines

Under the Never Sky, by Veronica Rossi
Her Fearful Symmetry, by Audrey Niffenegger

Jenny Pox (The Paranormals, #1), by JL Bryan (Free on Amazon!!)
Carrier of the Mark, by Leigh Fallon

Leave a link so I can check your book haul. See ya next week!

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