Publisher: Atria Books
Publication Date: 3/18/14
Format: ARC
Pages: 384
Source: Publisher
Rating: 5 stars
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover, a passionate tale of friendship, betrayal, and romance—and the enchanting music that inspires one young woman to put her life back together.
At twenty-two years old, aspiring musician Sydney Blake has a great life: She’s in college, working a steady job, in love with her wonderful boyfriend, Hunter, and rooming with her good friend, Tori. But everything changes when she discovers Hunter cheating on her with Tori—and she is left trying to decide what to do next.
Sydney becomes captivated by her mysterious neighbor, Ridge Lawson. She can’t take her eyes off him or stop listening to the daily guitar playing he does out on his balcony. She can feel the harmony and vibrations in his music. And there’s something about Sydney that Ridge can’t ignore, either: He seems to have finally found his muse. When their inevitable encounter happens, they soon find themselves needing each other in more ways than one…
From the author of the New York Times bestsellers Slammed, Point of Retreat, Hopeless, This Girl, and Losing Hope, Maybe Someday is destined to become another bestseller and long-lasting fan favorite.
WOW. I don't even know where to begin with Maybe Someday, for two reasons. One, Maybe Someday is a very unexpected and very surprising story with layer upon layer of elements that take what is a very good story, and creates something almost unbelievably heartbreaking, insightful, and gorgeous. I don't want spoil those moments for anyone because I truly do believe that what makes Maybe Someday so remarkable is the surprising layers. And two, if I truly let go and say everything I want to say about this story, it's possible that my brain will turn to mush. Also, you would likely think I am just a ridiculous fan girl who can't control herself. To be perfectly honest, though I own them all, I've only read one other of Hoover's books, Hopeless. So I don't qualify as a fan girl, though I am a fan. Hopeless is a great book, but it also made me hurt in a way I don't always like to willingly experience.
I really wasn't sure I was ready to go there again with Maybe Someday. Not that "there" is the same place is Hopeless, but I do know that Hoover has the capability to break me. I received a copy of Maybe Someday in the mail in late-January, and was happy yet hesitant. I put it in my "to-read-eventually" pile, and let it go. I later received an email from a publicist, and something about that email, between discussing the music that plays such a large role in the story, what a unique and gripping story it is, got to me. So I picked up Maybe Someday, and even though I finished it the same day, I don't think it's left my mind or my heart since.
Some may choose not to read Maybe Someday because of the relationship between the MCs, Ridge and Sydney. I went into this a lot of skepticism, and I am a very hard sell on this point. I won't lie, what happens in the story made me wince, make all sorts of strange noises and a few times I had rage face. But I also had tears streaming down my face at almost every moment. When I wasn't laughing, that is. Maybe Someday, for all of it's heart-wrenching moments, was also funny. If you've read Hoover, you know she can bring moments of levity to even the most tense of situations.
Maybe Someday... if it isn't the perfect story, I honestly don't know what is. Every single word, every single moment, combined to create a story that is magical and full of love and pain and complicated relationships that change and shift and hurt at the same time they are filled with joy. I was positive Maybe Someday could never end in a way that made me 100% satisfied. Happily, I was wrong. Colleen Hoover is kind of a genius. (I guess that's my fan girl moment?)
I feel as if my review might not be helpful in the slightest. And maybe it's not. But I feel like I owe it to other readers to discover this amazing story for themselves. You don't need me to tell you what happened, you need to experience it, to live it like I did. If you go into Maybe Someday with an open mind, reserve judgment until all the facts are in, and let the story unfold, I think you will be as satisfied as I was.
Favorite Quote:
(I have approx. 50-60 tabs in my book, highlighting favorite passages. So though I've chosen a couple, this doesn't even come close.)
My entire body is battling itself. My left brain is telling me this is somehow wrong, my right brain is wanting to hear her sing again, my stomach is nowhere to be found, and my heart is punching itself in the face with one arm and hugging itself with the other.
What happened between us didn't happen because we were weak. Ridge didn't run his hand up my jaw and around to the back of my head simply because I was in front of him and he was in the mood to make out. He didn't press his body against mine because he thinks I'm attractive and knew it would feel good. He didn't part my lips with his because he enjoys kissing and knew he wouldn't get caught.
Despite how hard we tried to fight it, all of those things happened between us because our feelings for each other are becoming so much stronger than our desire. Desire is easy to fight. Especially when the only weapon desire possesses is attraction.
It's not so easy when you're trying to win a war against the heart.
Purchase Links
Describe Maybe Someday, Twitter-style.
Colleen: A novel. A soundtrack. An unforgettable experience.
Whose point of view was harder to write, Ridge or Sydney?
Colleen: Typically, I actually prefer writing the male POV. I would say Ridge's POV was slightly more difficult, but for reasons I can't really explain because I don't want to give spoilers. I think once people read the book, they'll get it.
What part/aspect of Maybe Someday was the hardest to write?
What part/aspect of Maybe Someday was the hardest to write?
Colleen: Honestly, the hardest part was probably trying to put the music to the book. Don't get me wrong, the songs fit the story perfectly, but I've never done this before and there were a lot of extra steps involved in getting this book ready that I hadn't originally anticipated. The ending was really hard for me to write, too. I think I rewrote it 15 times before I finally felt satisfied. So, compared to those two aspects, the rest of the book was easy to write.
Did you already have lyrics that could be used for Maybe Someday, or did you use the story for inspiration?
Did you already have lyrics that could be used for Maybe Someday, or did you use the story for inspiration?
Griffin: It was a little of both. Some of the lyrics and songs were already written, some of them were brand new, and some of them were just tweaked to fit the story a little better. Colleen would send me scenes from the book, and I would respond with some lyrics set to music that I thought would fit the scene well. It was actually pretty crazy how well some of my songs fit the story. It just shows how relatable her story really is. Colleen also wrote most of the lyrics to the song "Maybe Someday." It was really fun to work with her on that one!
Maybe Someday made me cry. A lot. Did you ever get overwhelmed as you wrote it?
Colleen: I didn't cry, but I definitely get emotionally involved. My characters develop minds of their own and it gets to a point where I feel like I have no control over what they do, so sometimes they make me really mad. The only book that's ever made me cry while writing, though, is Ugly Love.
Have you read Maybe Someday? Did you cry?
Have you read Maybe Someday? Did you cry?
Griffin: I have read it! I can't say I cried, but it's a great book and I know everyone is going to love it.
Maybe Someday will likely push some readers boundaries in regards to relationships and choices. Do you worry about readers' acceptance, or do you trust they will take this journey with you and will be happy in the end?
Maybe Someday will likely push some readers boundaries in regards to relationships and choices. Do you worry about readers' acceptance, or do you trust they will take this journey with you and will be happy in the end?
Colleen: I do think some people will have a hard time accepting the story. I know a lot of people have already. However, I think if everyone goes into it with an open mind they'll understand why the characters do the things they do. Of course, readers should always keep in mind that I don't write my stories to condone certain behaviors; I tell stories about life, and sometimes life sucks and bad things happen and people make mistakes.
Is there anything you'd like to say to readers as Maybe Someday -and the music- is released?
Is there anything you'd like to say to readers as Maybe Someday -and the music- is released?
Colleen and Griffin: We would both just like to say we are SO excited about this project, and the amount of support we're receiving from readers (and listeners) has been amazing. We'd like to thank everyone for being a part of this with us, and we hope you like it!
I will give one winner my extra copy of Maybe Someday.
Must be 18+ years of age to enter; open to US only.
About the author

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ReplyDeleteThis book sounds like a great read. I do sing in church. But I did dream of bring a performer.
ReplyDeleteI cannot wait to read this book! I feel like I have been waiting forever... I'll admit to being a complete and total CoHo fangirl and now your review has me even more excited. Loved the interview as well!
ReplyDeleteYou talked me into wanting to read this eventually. Like you Hoover broke me with Hopeless as well so I wasn't gung ho about this one. You know I always wanted to be a drummer but you have to be fit to play and I'm a tub of guts LOL! Thanks for sharing babe! Great review!
ReplyDeleteI love anything Colleen Hoover and I've never wanted to write songs or sing bc I know I'll be crap at it :)
ReplyDeleteColleen Hoover Rocks!!!
ReplyDeleteI saw a trailer and read the excerpt and it sounds wonderful. I'm totally looking forward to reading this book.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE anything by Colleen Hoover! She's awesome!
ReplyDeleteI love Colleen's books. this one sounds so good. I use to dream about being a singer when I was younger, the only problem is I sound awful. Thanks for having the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like a great book and I've heard great things from those lucky enough to have an ARC. While I love music, I don't have the voice to be a singer.
ReplyDeleteI want to read this book because I am a HUGE fan of Colleen Hoover! Thanks so much for the post and giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to it, because I'm a huge Colleen Hoover fan! I dreamed of being a singer/songwriter as a young teenager, but it's not for me these days :)
ReplyDeleteI have already pre-ordered an ebook copy of Maybe Someday, but would love a paperback copy! Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI have not dreamed of it. But the story line of this sounds great
ReplyDeleteI'm getting the audiobook for this from S&S and I am so fucking excited because I love the guy's voice! Bring on the feels Colleen!
ReplyDeleteI am a fabulous shower and car singer! (yeah, I'm one of those)
I have never dreamed of being a singer or songwriter, but I have dreamed of being a musician. I played the violin most of my life and miss it, a lot.
ReplyDeleteThe music! Never mind the fact that Colleen's books are awesome, I love music and I'm excited to see how the two come together.
ReplyDeleteI tried to picture myself as a singer, I have a terrible signing voice so, no to that. :)
Thank you for the giveaway!
I want to read it because it's by THE Colleen Hoover! Not to mention, I love books about music and singers. :)
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I loved Hopeless. It was such an emotional read. Then I started buying Colleen's other books and became hooked. Just knowing Maybe Someday was coming out made it automatically go on my TBR list. But, after reading the teasers, I can't wait to read it. I cannot carry a tune in a bucket. I love to sing to the radio but I would not subject the outside world to my poor voice.
ReplyDeleteYou always have the best interviews! great questions. =)
ReplyDeleteI've been super excited for this one, but I'm not in the right mindset right now for another CoHo sobfest... it is inevitable though. Not sure how long I'll be able to last. <3
Now that would just be unkind for everyone hearing me if I sang so no. I don't think I'm poetic enough to write. I loved Slammed, a 5 star read for me, so I'm looking forward to reading Maybe Someday.
ReplyDeleteA surprising and layered story sounds great to me, I can't wait to get a chance to read it
ReplyDeleteWow, okay, I think I'll read this next week. I'm a Hoover virgin, even though I own two of her books. I know her books can be emotional, so I am prepared!
ReplyDeleteI love Colleen! She's one of my go to authors. But, I love these types of books, I can't wait!
ReplyDeleteI can't carry a tune in a bucket to save my life!
DeleteAre you kidding me? It's Colleen Hoover! That's the reason.
ReplyDeleteHoly wow, Andrea!! That was a lovely review, hon. I already wanted to read Maybe Someday but now I want to read it even more. I was first drawn to it because of the music element. I adore Colleen Hoover and I will read anything she writes! ;) *my fangirl moment*
ReplyDeleteI've never dreamed of writing music or being a singer, really. But I do love to sing! :)
ReplyDelete2. I totally wish I could sing!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway. 'Maybe Someday' I will win one of her giveaways!! <3
Wonderful interview and I have to try CHoover one of these days. I have a feeling I'll fast become a fan of hers too!
ReplyDeleteAll of Colleen's books are great and I really do want to read this one also. I know I am not a singer so I have never had dreams that big!!!
ReplyDeleteWOW. Andrea. This review just gave me chills and now I'm SO excited to start this! :) And a little nervous because of what you said. I can't wait to let you know what I think! :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Review Andrea! I am a fangirl of Colleen Hoover's and have read most of her books. I know what you mean about how her writing can break you, but at the same time she gives us moments of humor and levity. I have this story for review as well, and an interview. Your review has made me even more excited to pick up this book!
ReplyDeleteI love Colleen Hoover so much. Her books are amazing, and from your review, I can tell Maybe Someday is too. I can't wait to read it!! And I'm tone deaf LOL, so I never dreamed of being a singer.
ReplyDeleteGreat Review I want to read Maybe Someday because I've been dying to get my hands on a Colleen Hoover book for a long time now and because of the music in the book and sorry no I have not ever dreamed of being a songwriter or singer even though I love to sing and love music! thanks for the awesome giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI loved the interview . I haven't read any of Colleen Hoover's books but I would love to start with Maybe Someday. I love the cover and the fact that the book is dual pov. I've never dreamed of being a singer or songwriter but I love music. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI want to read Maybe Someday because I've read all of Colleen's other books & have loved them! I love music but have a terrible voice so I wouldn't be a good singer!! Thanks for the great giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI want to read Maybe Someday because I hear CoHo and the whole writing singing thing..... hmmmm..... I'm sure I rather write a song verses singing. But having someone sings me a song... YUMMM!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy family and I are into music, all my children play various instruments and my Son in law has a band and his own recording studio, so of course I read every book that has to do with music.
ReplyDeleteThe love triangle aspect to this story really has me scared, Andrea, but I know if you loved it, I will too. I'm going to buddy read this with another blogger who hates love triangles so it will be interesting to see what we think. I'm interested in all these song lyrics! Wonderful review, and interview, and thanks for the giveaway! :)
ReplyDeleteBecause I love Colleen's books - she's such a good writer!
ReplyDeleteI thought I had posted here, but I guess not! LOL I am easily distractable when I'm on an organizational kick. Any-who, I cannot carry a tune in a bucket with help and a detailed map, but I love how people who can can make their voices do such amazing things!
ReplyDeleteWould have loved to be a singer
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite authors! <3
ReplyDeleteI LOVE books with a musical element to it. I would LOVE to read this book as I have heard so much good about Colleens writing. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd love to read this one! and I think at some point everyone thinks it would be an exciting dream. But I cant carry a tune so its just a fantasy. :)
ReplyDeleteI want to read Maybe Someday because Colleen Hoover is an amazing writer! I love her books. And yes, I've dreamed of becoming a singer. I still secretly do! hahah thank you for this amazing giveaway! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to read more new adult, because I feel I've been neglecting the category, and I've heard such wonderful things about Colleen Hoover :)
ReplyDeleteI have an atrocious singing voice, so I've never wanted to go into music.
I want to read this cause I've already heard so many great things about it!
ReplyDeleteNot a song writer but I love everything Colleen Hoover writes!!!
ReplyDeleteI have heard raves about Colleen Hoover's books and am dying to read one! I would love to be a singer but just don't have the voice/talent for it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway :)
I've read two books by Colleen Hoover so far and loved them, I'm sure I'll love this one just as much. As to singer/songwriter? I wish, I have a horrible singing voice and no musical talent. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteOH my gosh, I have to come back and read this review.. I know it's not spoilery because you dont roll that way, but I'm starting this Monday with Jess, and I want my mind to be fresh and unswayed. I've already seen a few negative status updates on goodreads and I'm nervous.... but I have faith, because Colleen Hoover is the shit.
ReplyDeleteAnd now I've said shit twice on your blog in one day. That doesn't even remotely make up for lost time, but I'm going to try to be better at visiting. Life is just so busy. :)
This book was perfect.