THE WEEKLY REWIND is a weekly post in which I
recap books received in the past week, what I'm looking forward to, and
Hi! I hope everyone is having a great weekend. We're having a birthday party for the oldest, who turns nine on Monday. Where does the time go! This kid is comes to my shoulders (I'm 5'11"!) and is entirely too big for his britches.
Okay, so in July - I think - I'd mentioned my plans to dial way back on books, and I have. It's been great. I don't many books that I've taken for review, so I'm proud of that. But here's the thing: I am in the midst of an obsession. After a year of prodding from my friends Jenny and Cindy, I finally started Outlander last month. I loved it like no other, and I love the show. It's all I've been thinking about, and all I want to read. And watch. Have you watched it? Absolute perfection. So why should I not let myself read what I want? And truthfully, it only leads me to resenting the books I feel obligated to read. So what I'm doing is just letting everything else go, which I think is okay, since I never commit to dates. I have reviews scheduled to near the end of October. By then, I may feel like going back to review books. I probably will. But I want to leave myself free to reading what I wish on any given day. Or not reading at all. I am pretty obsessed with Outlander, you know. And it obviously has nothing to do with the fact that Sam Heughan (JAMMF) is not too shabby to look at, you know.
So I will still be around, and still visiting my favorite blogs. And I will review the books I feel like picking up. Somewhat. I'm just trying to figure out where I want to go moving forward.
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Happy Birthday to your oldest spawn! :D I'm 5'11" too, and now my son is taller than me. Hell he was taller a few years ago. :-|
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm really liking Outlander. I read the book many years ago, but I'm actually remembering quit a bit from the book. I still haven't read the 2nd book though.
Ahh Storm is free?! Sweet - thanks for the heads up! And I totally respect dropping everything for Outlander. Thinking of doing it myself so I can catch up - those books are absolute bricks, but so worth it! Enjoy your new reads!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to your son!!
ReplyDeleteI love your enthusiasm for Outlander. I have tried it twice with no luck but I'm trying again. I got it on audible and read more on my Kindle last night. Just finally got to a part that I don't want to put it down. So maybe I will finally finish it?!? I'm hoping!! I've always wanted to be someone who likes these books!
I definitely feel like doing that sometimes too Andrea, just reading the books I'm feeling. I've heard so many things about Outlander, but never really knew whether it would be for me or not, but after your encouragement I certainly want to give it a go! I hope you have a great week Andrea! :)
ReplyDeleteI hope you find what works for you. I'm SO much happier these days reading for fun with a few review books in-between. Blogging is still a bit of a struggle but I'm getting there.
ReplyDeleteHave a great birthday celebration and enjoy Outlander!
Sometimes you just gotta do that. I try to only read what I want. Means some review books get pushed down the line and I take a LOT less these days. Makes for a much happier reader I think :) Glad you're enjoying the Outlander ones so much! I've got them. One day I'll give them a read :)
ReplyDeleteI need to make time to read the Outlander books and then I want to watch the show because damn Jamie is gorgeous haha. Glad to see you grabbed Storm, I really enjoyed that one. Happy reading.
ReplyDelete*Cries* I want to watch Outlander but I refuse to pay for Starz. SUCH a dilemma. Haha, well I hope you enjoy! Happy birthday to the big boy and happy reading to you! :)
ReplyDeleteAmber Elise @ Du Livre
Great to hear you are enjoying Outlander so much!
ReplyDeleteI sometimes feel like I can't read what I want to because of review copies. Still, the review books I get are usually pretty darn good, so I can't really complain, but like you, sometimes I just want to shut it all out and read whatever I want. I really, really want to start Outlander, the books and show! I I have the audio version of the first book because it was on an Audible Daily Deal and I couldn't resist. It's like 33.5 hours, though!! Wow! I'll have to get to it soon seeing as you're obsessed with it. :)
ReplyDeleteMy friend Steph is obsessed with outlander and all things Jamie too.
ReplyDeleteI am a firm believer of read-whatever-the-fuck-you-want. Hope you find some good 'you' books :)
I'm only 4' 10 1/2" but my 7 year old reaches my chin. I can't even come her hair unless she sits down. I feel like a midget...even more! Enjoy your books and your Outlander obsession. I love feeling obsessed with something.
Oh so proud!
ReplyDeleteOh I've been really wanting to start Outlander myself! I don't have Starz so I don't know what I'm missing there, but the Twitter buzz is contagious and now I want to read the books! I probably need to wait for a vacation though before I do.
ReplyDeleteThose look like very great reads! I received Romancing the Duke by Tessa Dare for review and I'm really looking forward to delving into it.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to your son! :)
If there's two things you know about me it's that I don't buy into hype, and I'm not into Historical Romance. Diana Gabaldon has cured me. Not only did I get sucked into the hype of the show (obsessively now) BUT I'm currently binge reading the books too. My obsession has gotten so bad that even though I'm barely 50% through the first book, I called Gloria and grilled her about everything that happens in the books she's read so far because my heart literally couldn't stand waiting to know. I'm still reading but at least I know what I'm in for. You know I can't handle angsty shit yo.
ReplyDeleteGOOD FOR YOU!! I'm happy you've found a series to obsess over (I have a friend who's been nagging me to read Outlander for more years than I care to count) and I'm glad you're working at figuring out what you want to do, what you want to read, and balancing it all. It's kind of liberating, I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to your son! (mine turns 12 later this month) And man, you're TALL! ;)