"Spring is here, and pollen is in the air. While you're sneezing your way towards Summer, pop those Claritin and lose yourself in a Sultry Spring Read."
Sexy Saturdays is a weekly post we started to challenge ourselves to read more steamy books and have a lot of fun. Feel free to join in. (let us know so we can add a link to your post).
The Autumn Review
Sim-Sational Books
Paranormal and Urban Fantasy Reviews
Insightful Minds Reviews
My Secret Romance
Globug and Hootie Need a Book
**The books featured on SULTRY SPRING SATURDAYS are for adults. If you are under 18 years of age, or do not like smexy books, please stop here. **
Category/Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Omnific
Publication Date: 5/20/13
Format: Kindle
Pages: 254
Source: Purchase
Drew Evans is a winner. Handsome and arrogant, he makes multimillion dollar business deals and seduces New York’s most beautiful women with just a smile. He has loyal friends and an indulgent family. So why has he been shuttered in his apartment for seven days, miserable and depressed?
He’ll tell you he has the flu.
But we all know that’s not really true.
Katherine Brooks is brilliant, beautiful and ambitious. She refuses to let anything - or anyone - derail her path to success. When Kate is hired as the new associate at Drew’s father’s investment banking firm, every aspect of the dashing playboy’s life is thrown into a tailspin. The professional competition she brings is unnerving, his attraction to her is distracting, his failure to entice her into his bed is exasperating.
Then, just when Drew is on the cusp of having everything he wants, his overblown confidence threatens to ruin it all. Will he be able untangle his feelings of lust and tenderness, frustration and fulfillment? Will he rise to the most important challenge of his life?
Can Drew Evans win at love?
Tangled is not your mother’s romance novel. It is an outrageous, passionate, witty narrative about a man who knows a lot about women…just not as much as he thinks he knows. As he tells his story, Drew learns the one thing he never wanted in life, is the only thing he can’t live without.
Let me just go ahead and warn you, this will be a completely ridiculous and fun (for me) review. I'm kind of a ridiculous person anyway, and this book just brought it out in me even more. I don't do "scholarly" reviews, but I'm guessing you've already figured this out, amirite? I write FEELINGS reviews, and Tangled gave me a lot of FEELINGS.
My feelings for Tangled include, but are not limited to: happiness, pure joy, lust, shock, awe, lust, outrage, pity, lust, enlightenment....
Speaking of enlightenment, Tangled taught me a lot. The story has a unique narrative. The fourth wall is down, and Drew is directly speaking to the reader, making asides as he tells the story of falling in and earning love. I mentioned to some friends that Tangled made me feel powerful, like I had been given a handbook to the male mind. I really like men. I like to know how the really think and feel. I have a guy sense of humor, so any book that gives me that is a treat. So back to enlightenment, Tangled offered some nice gems. Such as:
- Men really do think about sex as much as you
thoughthoped they do. That's right, I said hoped. I've been with the same man since 1997, sixteen years, and after all this time, this is reassuring and hilarious to me. This knowledge makes me feel powerful.
"Men pretty much have sex on the brain twenty-four-seven. The exact figure is like every 5.2 seconds or some shit like that.
The point is, when you ask, 'What do you want for dinner?' we're thinking about screwing you on the kitchen counter. When you're telling us about the sappy film you watched with your girlfriends last week, we're thinking about the porno we saw on cable last night. When you show us designer shoes you bought on sale, we're thinking how nice they would look on our shoulders.
I just thought you'd want to know. Don't shoot the messenger.
It's a curse, really."
- Older sisters are the best. Drew's older sister Alexandra was hilarious and scary, maybe my favorite character in the book. Alexandra will rage on Drew and call him out for his stupid man ways. Her husband, Drew, and their friends don't dare cross Alex, but they love her fiercely. She will be the first to call Drew out for being an idiot, but also the first to have his back. Did I mention her title?
"On no.
It's The Bitch. Otherwise know as my sister, Alexandra.
When I say the word bitch I mean it in the most affectionate way possible, I swear. But it's what she is. Demanding, opinionated, relentless."
- Ladies, men are on to us. Yep, they know that we talk about them, in and out of the bedroom. When I read this, I immediately asked my husband if this is true. I mean, I talk about him with my BFF to his face, but I was curious if all men knew this. Apparently, they're not as oblivious about some things as we'd thought.
"--I've heard my sister and her little friends have their chats too. Some of the things that came out of their mouths could've made Larry fcking Flynt blush. So don't act like women don't talk just as much as us guys do..."
- Men love your body and they want you to love it too. They want to see you, and they want you to embrace being seen. When you are comfortable in your skin, there is nothing sexier to a man. I already knew this, but it's nice to have it reaffirmed. It is an amazing and powerful thought.
- Smart men have a healthy and respectful fear of women.
- Smart men also know who really holds the power.
- Any man, even the most revered of bachelors, is capable of falling in love. That's not to say that any woman will do-- only the right one. But when he does finally fall, he falls hard. Forever.
I'd do anything for her.
I want her near me, with me. All the time.
- Men screw up sometimes. They do. It's inevitable, and besides the point. What's important is that when he does make a huge jackass of himself, the man that is worth your love will do anything to prove his love and make things right.
"...sometimes a guy can't become a man until he's met the right woman."
So you see, reading can be fun and informative. Use this knowledge!
Tangled was such a great experience for me. I started chuckling on the first page, and the story only got better and better from there. Drew was a hot mess. Sexy. Intelligent. Arrogant. Ridiculous. Honest. It was an absolute joy to watch this man fall in love. Kate was amazing, too. She was also intelligent, but also sexy, strong, willful. She stood toe-to-toe with Drew each step of the way. He didn't seduce her against her will, she chose him. And that, to me, is the sexiest part of their relationship. The entire story had me hooked, and wow, was that climax (literal and figurative) EPIC.
Just like the characters themselves, Tangled was Sexy, Intelligent, Charming, and Witty. I cannot wait for more of Drew and Kate, and author Emma Chase.
Purchase Tangled at:
About the author:
Connect with Emma at:
WHOO!! I've heard this book has been burning up the kindles, and has so many fans gushing over it! I guess it's a must buy, and will do that right now! Thanks for sharing your "feelings" and love for this book. I can't wait to tear into it!!
ReplyDeleteOH, and I see your currently reading Sweet Thing, I just finished it this week and really loved it, if not for anything other then Will-Swoon- :D Enjoy it!
OMG this sounds fantastic!! I love the way you formatted your review too. It was really entertaining to read!! I hadn't heard of this, but now I will have to add it to my already impossible tbr list haha!
ReplyDeletehehehe that was so funny! awesome review! My goodreads friends cannot stop talking about this book so naturally I was curious :D I kind of want to read it, looks really fun. Maybe after I clear some time first ehhe
ReplyDeleteLOVE this review, Andrea! Like you, I'm not a "scholarly" type of reviewer either, and while they do have their place, I enjoy just getting to the heart of the matter, plain and simple! I'm so excited to read this. I already have it on my kindle, but after reading your review (and laughing) I can't wait to start it. I might try to sneak it in this weekend! Excellent review! :)
ReplyDeleteOh Lordy...I love this review and you have me buying this book even if my tbr pile is starting to resemble an episode of hoarders! I love that the wall comes down and let me tell you that cover is very inviting!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Rachel. Reviews for scholars have their place, but I want to know all about the feelings! :) I love the line vaginas beat penises every time. Hee! Reading can be both fun and informative. ;) I'm glad you enjoyed this one so much!
ReplyDeleteHaha, I loved this review! Feelings reviews are the best! This is on my ever-growing TBR list but I think I'm jumping it up the list. =)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the suggestion! I have been looking for a good steamy book to read.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds great. You have definitely convinced me to check it out.
ReplyDeleteOMG! Andrea, I've laughed and cried (literally) while reading this review!! Thank you so much for sharing your feelings about Tangled. ;) It was already on my TBR but I'm gonna be reading a lot sooner than planned! LOVED your review!!!!
ReplyDeleteHehe this book looks like it was totally written for you! Love that.
ReplyDeleteOMG...I'm so excited to read this one now! I'll be reading it this week. can't wait!
ReplyDeleteLOVED this review, Andrea! I want to feel powerful with the knowledge of men's brains too mwa ha ha!
ReplyDeleteOr do I really? Seems like a scary place in there. ;-) Hmm.
I have to admit that I kept seeing this one on Goodreads but as soon as I saw you were reading it I went out and bought it. Read it in one day. So freaking hilarious! Loved Drew! Loved the way he was talking to us (kind of reminded me of the Wonder Years). I loved every single freaking thing about this book. Can’t wait for book two! I wonder if it’s Drew’s book, Kate’s book, one of the other guys?
ReplyDeleteOh and The Bitch was awesome!
This is one of my favorite reviews. Kicks ass!