Sunday, February 24, 2013


THE WEEKLY REWIND is a weekly post in which I recap the bookish awesomeness from the past week, and post a book haul. Warning: I tend to ramble in my vlogs. Sometimes I get excited about things and I flail. Enjoy.

Book Haul

For Review:

The Wanderer (Thunder Point, #1)Dolls Behaving BadlyNocover-blank-133x176Love at First Sight: A Cupid, Texas NovelTemptationNever Too Far (Too Far, #2)


Hopeless (Hopeless, #1)Slammed (Slammed, #1)Point of Retreat (Slammed, #2)Close to You (Laurel Heights, #2)The Silken Edge (Silken Edge, #1)

Thanks to:
  •  Harlequin Mira
  • Grand Central Publishing
  • Entangled Publishing
  • Abbi Glines
Search Term Fun
  • "mike patton young" - How cool! Author Karina Halle used Mike Patton for a Dream Cast (as Dex!) Here's the post.
  • "allie larkin" - She's the author of Why Can't I Be You. It's on this book haul.
  • There were several searches for M. Leighton and Bookish Babe
  • WTF Search Term of the Week: "furance giveawaysfor 2013"
This Week's Posts
Reviews: A Song for Julia by Charles Sheehan-Miles, Hearts in Darkness by Laura Kaye, Rocked Under (Rocked #1) by Cora Hawkes, The Ambassador's Daughter by Pam Jenoff
In other news:
I had an awesome time in Orlando last weekend! I finally got to meet the fantastic, and fun, Abbi Glines. I had a lot of her books signed already, and got some more signed. The event was so crowded, and I was overwhelmed, so I didn't introduce myself but to a few people. I saw Jasinda Wilder, Katie Ashley, Raine Miller, and a few other authors. I also got to meet Katja Millay, who gave me some signed bookmarks! I did buy all three of Colleen Hoover's books (see above) and got them signed, but it was so packed that we didn't talk. Later Autumn, Gloria and I got to hang out with Abbi, Colleen, and Katja. Let me just say, that I sort of wanted to die sitting next to Katja. She is so nice, but I was so afraid of being a complete tool, so I kept quiet. It's so silly because we've actually been Twitter friends for a while. But I finally calmed down and talked her leg off about The Sea of Tranquility. It basically was me saying "I just don't understand how your mind works. How did you do that? Did you just write it? I don't understand how anyone can be that freaking smart and the book was soul crushingly perfect. Poor Nastya! Ohmygod I love Josh Bennett so freaking much and Drew Leighton is the best. Please write a book about him." Then she would laugh, answer my questions, and then I would start all over again. For hours. Poor thing, she's seriously the best.
Anyway, I had a blast.

Thanks for stopping by. Leave a comment, and I'll come check out your blog. Have a great week!


  1. Looks like you have some good ones. I loved your "In other news".

  2. Oh, that's so awesome that you got to meet Abbi Glines! I quite enjoyed her book "Fallen Too Far". It was a fun read!

  3. Oh it sounds like you had an awesome time in Orlando
    That is awesome you got so many signed books. I am finally starting Hopeless today and I cannot wait to see why everyone loves it so much. Happy reading!

  4. Laughing so hard right now, because I would have been exactly the same with Katja. I just need my fix of Drew and I beg to anyone who rules this universe that one will push Katja into writing this sequel, although.. I heard from a source that she might be working on it. Idk.. I hope she'll do it, because I need it BAD!! Luckily, we'll get Hopeless from Holder's POV and Will's story will be out in April. My life is complete now, heheee. Anywho, I hope you had the time of your life! I know how big of a fan of Abbi you are and it must have been a dream come true:) I only wish I could meet these three amazing ladies myself one day. What a great week for you, Andrea! Have a lovely Sunday! x

  5. I'm so glad you had an amazing time at the event. I can't wait for my first event in March(Autumn will be there!) So I'll be excited to meet her and all of the great authors, I'm sure I will be starstruck and super nervous about meeting them! Great books this week, and I like the smexy cowboy->guys in chaps, always a huge turn-on! lol Have a great week, doll! No post for me today--next week I'll be sharing the goodies! :D

  6. Oooo, I've been wanting to read "Hopeless". You'll have to let me know how it is...

    Here is my STS:

  7. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE... Signed copies of Colleen Hoovers books *swoon*. I have loved everything she has written!

    Seriously, The Sea of Tranquility was not even on my radar until your post. Something about your swooning made me look it up and now I am DYING for it... just requested it on NetGalley, lol.

    I hope you enjoy everything :)

    Lauren @ Lose Time Reading

  8. AGH! So jealous!! Glad you had fun :) Didn't get to go to this one, but off to Book Bash in June. CAN'T WAIT! I can't imagine you being a tool, Andrea. Really. Glad you got to talk her ear off! Can't imagine!!

  9. I've heard such brilliant things about Colleen Hoover's books, but I haven't had the chance to read any of them yet. It's great that you got to meet so many of those authors! :)

  10. Haha. I like your recap of your convo with Katja. That's the second time I've seen that Kate Perry book and it caught my eye immediately both times. I may need to investigate that one.

  11. The cover for Dolls Behaving Badly is adorable! I love covers that ham it up like they did with the dolls playing footsie. Imaginative and definitely eye catching! Also, I'm envious of your signed copies of Colleen Hoover's books! It's too bad it was too busy to chat, but that's really good for a book signing! I always wonder about events that don't have that many attendees and I wish I could attend them all so I could up the attendance...and also to meet all my favorite authors!

    Thanks for sharing, Andrea!

  12. Cannot wait to see what you think of Wait For Me!

  13. Oh Andrea I'm so glad you had a fab time with so many great authors, I think I would be in such awe that I wouldn't know what to say around authors either! I hope you enjoy all your reads! :)

  14. I'm glad you had such a fun time in Orlando! I totally understand the gushy and downright fan-girly moments when you meet/chat with authors. I've yet to read any Colleen Hoover books, but after a segment I saw on ABC regarding New Adult books--Hoover's in particular, I really think Slammed will be my first CH book.

  15. Oh gosh, Andrea!! What a dream team of authors you got to meet!! I always turn into a babbling idiot when I meet authors I love. Right now my dream would be to meet Tarryn Fisher who wrote The Opportunist. It would end in a restraining order, but what fun I would have before the cops came!! Lol! How nice that you met up with your blogger friends as well. No one understands us as well as fellow book lovers. Enjoy your monumental haul here. I guess I didn't comment on any of them, but I better cut this comment short or you're gonna block me!! ;)

  16. Glad you had fun in Orlando, I am reading Hopeless on my smartphone, about a chapter a day and ooh I loved Carr's new book..enjoy cupcake! The Sunday Post

  17. Sounds like a great time in Orlando! Enjoy all your new goodies!

  18. much fun! You got to meet Abbi Glines. I want to meet her too, hopefully I will soon. I'm happy you had fun and got soo many books signed! :D

    I can't wait to read Colleen Hoover's books. I have heard so many amazing things about them, so it's about time I picked them up. lol ;p Same for Abbi Glines books. I have the VB, I just have to read it. Can't wait though!

    Awesome haul! Hope you enjoy all your books! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

  19. I'm glad you enjoyed your time in Orlando! I've been in the same tent as Abbi and M. Leighton, but I'm a super introvert so there was no chit-chat, lol. I want to read Hoover's book as well as Abbi's since I've only read Vincent Boys.

    I hope you enjoy your week!

  20. The event sounds like it was incredibly awesome!! I am so glad that you had such a wonderful time and got to meet some amazing authors. I would have gone all total fan girl lol!! Great haul this week too hon!!

  21. Great book haul. I can't wait to real Abbi's new book. I have been waiting until I had them both so I can read them back to back. I won Hopeless a couple of weeks ago and hope to start it soon. I hope you loves Slammed and Point of Retreat. I thought they were fabulous. Can't wait to hear what you think.

  22. I have Slammed, Point of Retreat, and Hopeless and still need to read them! It's ridiculous really. So glad you had fun at the author event! I also never know what to say. I get so nervous and feel like a big idiot stalker and the best questions I can come up with are about the same as yours How did you write that and how in the world did you come up with it out of your mind?! LOL

  23. I won a signed copy of Hopeless from Autumn and I freaking LOVED that book. Now I need to read her others. :)

  24. Have owned Slammed for a while now. Cannot wait to read. Awesome haul.


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