Wednesday, May 7, 2014



I'm so excited to bring you Teaching Willow: Session 3. I am so into this series and can't wait to see how it all ends! Be sure to check out the promo and giveaway. Thanks for stopping by!

Series: Teaching Willow: Session 3
Author: Paige James
Publication Date: 4/21/14

It started with waking up in a strange place.

It ended with everything that I thought I knew coming into question. 

Now, I’m watching love turn into hate, bend turn into break and lies turn into truth that hurts worse than the deception ever did.

Such is my life, The Wicked World of Willow Masters.

Describe Ebon in Five Words
E- Eloquent. I find that he can express himself very well, even in his own mind.
B- Bound.  He’s bound to Willow even though he doesn’t fully realize it.  But I think, in this session, he’s beginning to.
O- Oh-so sexy.  I love the image of Ebon. The way he speaks and moves.  God, he turns me on!
N- Naughty.  Deep down, Ebon is very, very dirty.  And I foresee him unleashing more and more of that with Willow.
Describe Willow in Five Words
W- Willful.  Willow has been repressed and now that she’s coming into her own (over a guy, no less), I think she’s very willful.
I- Independent.  She’s fought hard to get where she is. You get to see a bit more of that in this session.
L- Liar.  We all know she’s becoming very adept at lying, but I’m not sure I could call her a liar in that most malicious way.  I think she is a girl who got caught up in her own damage control and turned a molehill right into a mountain.
L- Loving.  For all her faults and bad choices, Willow loves and she loves hard.
O- Ornery.  We are going to see a bit of this in her and I, personally, can’t wait!
W- Weathered.  When she comes out of this hurricane, she’ll be weathered, but she’ll be stronger for it.
Purchase Links
Amazon  |  B&N  |  Smashwords 


About the author
My name is Paige James. I'm a fairly shy bookworm and lover of all things romantic and steamy. I'm a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a drinker of wine, an animal advocate (even the ones that look like rodents) and a spinner of tales. Thank you for taking a chance on my work. You're making this working girl's dream come true.

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  1. This serial looks so sexy! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Every time I see this series on your blog I get excited all over again. I wish I had the time to just squeeze them in because they sound so good. Thanks for sharing.

  3. sounds delightful, thank you for sharing!

  4. This really has been my favorite in the series so far...but I'm looking forward to diving into session 4!! Those descriptions of Ebon and Willow were spot on! Thanks for sharing Willow's story. :)


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