Monday, August 19, 2013


Saving AmySeries: stand alone
Category/Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Nicola Haken
Publication Date: 6/26/13
Format: ebook
Pages: 353
Source: Received from author for review
Eighteen year old Amy’s surname may be Hope, but her life contains anything but. She drinks, she sleeps around, she cuts… anything to help her escape the agonising existence growing up between her mother’s drunken wails and her father’s fists. But nothing works. There is no escape. And Amy wants out…

Enter Richard Lewis – the doctor responsible for saving Amy’s life after her drink and drug-fuelled suicide attempt. Thanks to his own hidden demons, Richard is drawn to Amy and her situation, and despite the incessant warnings from both his own mind and his jealous ex-lover Joanna, he feels compelled to help her.

But how will Amy feel when she discovers Richard’s attachment to her is born out of his own guilt? He was her last resort – her last chance at being saved. Can anybody save Amy, or has she finally reached the end of a very long, torturous road?

(Not recommended for younger readers due to language, scenes of self-harm and sexual content)
For a person like me who is very hands on and mechanical having been an orthopaedic nurse for my entire nursing career so far and being less than thrilled that my first clinical rotation is going to be in psych...I sure am drawn to books with a lot of psychological aspects, internal emotions, and hard to bear topics. Saving Amy is definitely like that in that the story is centered around her suicide attempt and her abuse at home.

I am a very emotional person, which I have mentioned before...but not just in the sense that it doesn't take much for me to cry. During this book I could feel her emotions of fear, isolation, desolation, and indifference to certain situations that she put herself in. Amy lives from moment to moment hoping to survive, until she just decides that she doesn't care. She gets involved heavily with drugs and encounters Dr. Richard Lewis for the second time.

I was skeptical of this plot line...with Richard. He is 28 and she is 18. He is a doctor and she didn't finish high school. I wasn't sure for a very long time, okay the entire book if he was sincere. He has his own demons and you wonder what his motivations are for helping Amy so much. I honestly was unsure how together they were until the epilogue...but I loved the epilogue! It was the perfect ending and far into the future so we really get to see how things turn out.

Richard and Amy are an unlikely pair, but I think the main reason that I was skeptical of their relationship and 'good times' was because she doesn't really deal with any of the choices that she has made or the trauma that she has been through. He helps her with it tremendously, sure...but for it to be so fresh and a new love and trusting in a new person...I wish she would have found outside, completely unbiased help much earlier. Joanna has 99.9% to do with this. She is a substance abuse counselor and if you don't want to cunt punt her before you are words! Sorry! She didn't help...if you couldn't already tell.

This is my second book by Nikola and I liked it, including the English phrases. No, they probably weren't supposed to be in there since it is set in Seattle, but I always enjoy them! This story is not for the faint of heart, and has several scenes of drug abuse, physical abuse, self harm, and be prepared. But it was a genuine representation for me, and a real story of the harsh realities of life and finding love even if it is mainly love for yourself.

Purchase Saving Amy 

About the author:
I live in Rochdale, England with my wonderful family. I have two novels under my belt (Inevitable and Saving Amy) and am currently working on a new book to be released in the next few months.

When I'm not playing with my imaginary friends I can usually be found looking after my four adorable (sometimes!) children (five if you include the dog, six if you include the hubby!) or studying towards my English Literature degree.

All in all I'm just an ordinary mum with an addiction to reading about hot book guys, writing about hot book guys and Pepsi Max!

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  1. I haven't heard of this author but I like hard-to-read-about topics. They always bring more emotions. Great review :)

  2. Oh no, this book will probably ruin me, but it just sounds so good! I've been looking for some good New Adult for awhile and even though I'm mentally crying this does sound like something I'd enjoy. All I can think is what that poor girl must have gone through to go down the route she did. I really enjoyed your review and thanks so much for sharing it. :)

  3. This does sound like an emotional read. Nice review Courtney!

  4. Great review, Courtney. It sounds like a gritty and realistic read that would absolutely tug at your emotions. I like that you felt it was genuine. Thanks!

  5. OK I missed the first one, I thought Andrea was the nurse. Sorry about that, Courtney!

    Lovely review and I love reading contemporary books with unconventional plotlines. I find it most interesting compared to the usual ppback romance novels. Lovely review, I now want to read this!


  6. Oh wow, this sounds intense, but I am thrilled it's a standalone. Wonderful review Courtney!

  7. Not sure I could handle this one - it does sound good but...

  8. Emotional books are hard for me to read and the romance sounds a bit different but I am curious.

  9. This is my first time hearing of this, and it sounds really emotional. I really enjoy emotional books, so I am definitely drawn to this. Although, I am very skeptical about the age difference. Usually, I am very lenient about things like this and don't really have a problem with it, but I would find it hard to imagine a concrete connection between an 18 year old and a 28yr old, an adult and a kid (technically speaking). But I am glad you enjoyed this overall, Courtney. I'm debating if I should pick this up. Great review! :D

    ~ Maida
    Literary Love Affair 

  10. I have to admit that I have a thing for dark contemporaries that deal with tough issues and from the description of the book and even more so from your review, this book sounds so up my alley! I love that this was an emotional read! I love that you totally felt the MC's emotions while reading. I like that Richard's motives are mysterious and I have high hopes that this one will totally intrigue me. I've never even heard of this book before and I'm so glad I stumbled upon your review. I'm convinced that I need to read this one for sure! Absolutely amazing review. Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)

  11. I just finished it the other day and loved it! The story was very emotional and at times gut wrenching. I was extremely happy with the epilogue! Your review makes mine look like a toddler wrote it LOL!


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