Monday, November 5, 2012


Days of Blood and Starlight (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #2)Series: Daughter of Smoke & Bone #2
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Little Brown Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: 11/6/12
Format: eARC
Pages: 528
Source: Received from publisher for review.

In this stunning sequel to the highly acclaimed Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Karou must come to terms with who and what she is, and how far she’ll go to avenge her people. Filled with heartbreak and beauty, mysteries and secrets, new characters and old favorites, Days of Blood and Starlight brings the richness, color and intensity of the first book to a brand new canvas.
"Once upon a time, an angel and a devil held a wishbone between them.
And its snap split the world in two. "

**This review does NOT have spoilers for Days of Blood and Starlight**

Oh boy, can Laini Taylor write a book. Daughter of Smoke and Bone is undoubtedly one of the most beautifully written books I've ever read. The world she built, the characters she created, and her phenomenal words pulled me in and made me fall in love. There was never a doubt in my mind that I would love this sequel, though I admit, Days of Blood and Starlight did begin a bit slowly for me.

I'm not exactly sure why I had a problem falling into this book. The writing was certainly perfect. Maybe, it's because I was the biggest fan of Karou and Akiva together, happy, and seeing them at odds, though understandable, was hard for me. Another problem for me was the expanded cast of characters. I would be content to only focus on Karou, Akiva, and Zuzana (shout-out for one of the best characters, ever!) forever and ever. But since there is a divide, and Karou and Akiva are separated, there were many other characters brought into the fold. So I spent much of the first portion of DoB&S speed-reading, looking for the shift that kicked things into high gear.

Once the story gets rolling, Days of Blood and Starlight is phenomenal. We have Akiva and Karou, working separately, towards the same agenda: peace. Poor Akiva is resigned and heart-broken. Poor Karou is resolved and heart-broken. The sense of impending chaos, doom, and conflict builds at a brilliantly consistent pace until the very end. An end that leaves us with a promise of a better future?

Oh my. I am thisclose to completely losing my composure and fan-girling spoilers all over the place. So I will stop. Right here. Days of Blood and Starlight is gorgeous, exciting, and imaginative. But if you've read Daughter of Smoke and Bone, you already know that.

Favorite Quote:

  "You dreamed of a different way, Akiva, too. You, the pair of you, you had the capacity not to hate. The audacity to love. Do you know what a gift that is?"  (eARC, 66%)

  "What had she done, really, but fall in love and dream of peace?"  (eARC, 75%)

  "We dreamed together of the world remade, she kept thinking. It had been the most beautiful dream, and could only have arisen as it did: born of mercy and nurtured in love. And she couldn't think of the future, and peace, without remembering Akiva's hand to her heart and hers to his. 'We are the beginning,' she had said then, in the temple, and everything had seemed possible with his heart beating under her hand."  (eARC, 94%)

  "Good-bye. The word hurt. Good-bye was the last thing Akiva ever wanted to tell Karou. He thought of their first night together, how at the Warlord's ball and later at the temple they had whispered "hello" to one another, again and again like a shared secret. It had been on his lips the first time he kissed her. That was what he would say to her if he could have what he wanted."  (eARC, 95%)

You can purchase Days of Blood & Starlight at:
Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble  |  Book Depository

Daughter of Smoke and Bone Series
(click on cover to read my review)

Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #1)Days of Blood & Starlight (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #2)



  1. You dreamed of a different way, Akiva, too.

  2. I still haven't read DOSB, but it's on my list. Thanks for the spoiler free review, it sounds like I need to start this series soon.

  3. I just bought DoS&B last week!! I'm super excited to read it. I'm totally in love with the covers in this series as well. Just beautiful!

  4. I struggled with Daughter of Smoke & Bone for like the middle half. I loved the first quarter and I loved the last quarter. I think I will definitely have issue getting into this one too. But luckily the last 70 or so pages got me so excited that I WANT to give Starlight a shot and you make the ending sound great so I can't wait.

  5. Great review. I haven't read Daughter of Smoke and Bone yet, but have it on my list.

  6. I am dying to read this book! I have been waiting for what seems like forever for this to come out. It seems like this is as good if not better than the first one. All I have seen are glowing reviews for it. Fab review chick!!

  7. I too really struggled getting into this book, but the rest of the book definitely paid off! Laini sure knows how to weave an intricate tale, I can't wait for the next book! Lovely review Andrea! :)

  8. I love this fabulous spoiler-free review! I still have to read the first one, but can I just say how much I love these covers?? I definitely need to bump these to the top of the pile!

  9. I need to read these. Didn't April do a trailer for the first book?

  10. I canNOT wait to read this! I loved the first so very much and I'm very anxious to see where things go.

  11. Despite the slow start it sounds like a great read, this series is on my wishlist!

  12. I have the first one and really want to read it because it sounds beautifully creepy as hell but I kept forgetting about it. I ordered this one too so hopefully I find time to read both. This cover is soooo gorgeous!

  13. I agree, Lani Taylor writes so beautifully! I totally fell in love to Smoke & Bone until the insta-love part, which for some reason bugged me a lot more than it normally does. It was still an amazingly beautiful book, and I'm glad to hear the second one delivers!

  14. Yay -- I loved this one too. Her writing is so beautiful and there were so many OMG moments in there. It was hard to review without spoilers -- there were a LOT of things that I was dying to talk about but I really didn't want to ruin the experience of reading it for someone else.
    Thanks for linking up your review!

  15. That's such a great line opening the post. Everything says must read for me. As ever a great review.

  16. So need to read this series! I have it! The books are on my shelf and I own the audio too! I suck for sure.


  17. I have been seeing this book everywhere! I am so glad you loved it. I don't think I have seen a negative review yet. And take it from me, as someone who has fangirled one or twice, I know exactly what you mean ;)

    Great review, Andrea :)


    OK, seriously, I can't think of a single book I want to read more than this. But then... oh my word. Your review is... magic. And those quotes are so beautiful it hurt a little on the inside </3

  19. Yep, I already knew that. :P Awesome review...I thought it was a little slow in the beginning, too, but I knew it was building up to everything, and man, I was not disappointed. Love those beautiful quotes you chose, too.

  20. The romance was the part I liked best in DofS&B. Seeing that they are separated in most of this book and the fact that you had a hard time getting into this makes me want to push this off until the last one is out. We'll see. Wonderful review and quotes, Andrea. :)

  21. I keep seeing everyone say about it being slow in the beginning. Which stinks, but her writing is so good, I'm sure that I can over look it.

    I cannot wait to get my little hands on this one.. For sure getting it for Christmas. :) Great review as always. <3

  22. I absolutely LOVED this book! Laini knows how to create a world that can grasp you and tangle you in it! I couldn't get enough of Akiva and Karou. The other characters brought a lot to the table. I actually re-read Daughter of Smoke and Bones before diving into this book.

    Maycee Greene (One Way Link)


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