Sunday, May 27, 2012

Review and Giveaway ~ THE VINCENT BROTHERS (The Vincent Boys #2) by Abbi Glines

The Vincent Brothers (The Vincent Boys, #2)
He may have given her up without a fight, but Sawyer Vincent is far from over losing the girl he’s loved all of his life. Instead of giving up his best friend and the girl he thought he’d spend forever with, he gave Ashton and his brother Beau his blessing. However, adjusting to seeing Ashton wrapped up in Beau’s arms isn’t easy. Complicating everything even more, Ashton’s cousin Lana is in town for the summer. Sweet, kind, soft-spoken Lana, who gets under his skin. Just being near her makes him forget all about Ashton and his broken heart. Lana is everything he wanted Ashton to be except she isn’t Ashton. She lacks the backbone to stand up for herself and confidence that Ashton wears like a crown.                                            Lana McDaniel has lived her life in her cousin's shadow. While Lana struggled with her grades no matter how hard she tried, her mother praised Ashton's intelligence. She hadn’t been blessed with Ashton’s blond hair and flawless skin, but that didn't keep her mother from lamenting her naturally red hair and freckles. But none of that would have mattered if Ashton hadn’t always had Sawyer Vincent wrapped around her finger -- the only boy Lana wanted. Once Ashton let Sawyer go, Lana had been so sure that he’d move on. Determined to make Sawyer finally see her, she'd talked her mother into letting her spend the summer with Ashton. But Sawyer is still in love with Ashton, and Lana isn’t going to be anyone's rebound girl. No matter how yummy Sawyer Vincent’s kisses taste.                   ~From GoodReads
"They're hard to resist." 
"Don't I know it."
(pg 35, eARC)

Sigh.... I don't even know how to write this review, y'all. I mean, I am a pool of goo. If you know me very well, you know I am a huge fan of Abbi Glines' books. Huge. I loved THE VINCENT BOYS (my review) and when Abbi told me she was writing another Vincent boys book, I'm pretty sure my squeals were heard miles away.

The number one thought I had when I started reading the book was, "Can Sawyer carry a book as well as Beau?". Beau Vincent, he's a tough act to follow. Beau and Sawyer are opposites in every way. Beau is full of swagger *swoon*, but Sawyer has a quiet demeanor. Beau is openly passionate about Ash, Sawyer is more reserved. Beau likes to drink and live it up, Sawyer goes to parties but doesn't drink much. All that may lead you to believe Sawyer is boring. I mean, I thought he was a big snooze in THE VINCENT BOYS. Ohhhhhh, how I was wrong. I should have known better. It's always the quiet ones who end up catching you by surprise, isn't it? I'm absolutely not going to give anything about this book away, but when I think about Sawyer...*shivers*.

I had the same issue with Lana McDaniel. Ash's cousin was in THE VINCENT BOYS long enough for me to think I knew her.  Lana thought Ash was crazy for leaving Sawyer for Beau. She thought Ash was handling everything wrong, and let her know it. All I thought about Lana was "What a buzzkill." Again, I was wrong. I only knew Lana from Ash's perspective. I was caught off guard by how quickly I began to love her. Lana is great. She's so strong, so forgiving, so loving.

Sawyer and Lana together. Gahhhh. I don't know how Abbi does it. There are some scenes that were so steamy, I had to stick my head in the freezer. And the funny thing is, the scenes aren't "graphic" at all. Or maybe I'm just easy, I dunno. Anyhow, it's good stuff.
Here's the deal. When Abbi sent me this book, I freaked out. I was so excited. One of my BFF's Autumn (from Autumn Review) and I read the book "together",which consists of DMs and texts since we live hours away from one another. We both stayed up until 3:30am reading THE VINCENT BROTHERS. As soon as we woke up the next morning, we started talking about the book again. Then, we talked on the phone for an hour that afternoon about all the little things that hit us so hard. I actually teared up when we were talking about it. I guess my point is, Abbi Glines' books have a special quality about them that resonates with me so deeply. I've called it her "special sauce". I can't tell you exactly what it is, but I know I'm going to find it each time I open her books. And that feeling, it is worth everything when it comes to reading.

Bottom Line: If you loved THE VINCENT BOYS, you will certainly love THE VINCENT BROTHERS.

Favorite Quotes:

" 'You think I'm a better choice than Beau? He's the bad one, you know. The dangerous one. Girls like bad boys.' His voice had dropped to a low rumble. I shivered as he took another step closer, his eyes never leaving their study of my lips. It had been awhile since I'd reapplied lip gloss. I wondered if they were dry.
Forcing myself to remain calm, I responded, 'Not all girls.' " (pg 21, eARC)

Expected publication: June 5th 2012

Source: Received from author in exchange for an honest review.


THE VINCENT BROTHERS releases the day after my birthday. So I thought, what better way to celebrate than to give one of you this series that has brought me so much happiness? Here's what I'm doing. I will gift the winner of the giveaway Kindle copies of THE VINCENT BOYS and THE VINCENT BROTHERS. If you already own or have read THE VINCENT BOYS, then I will gift you another of Abbi's books. If you've already read all of Abbi's books, then you are awesome and my work here is done. ;-)

The Rules:
  • You must be 18+ years of age to enter. I'm not personally into telling teens what to read, but I'm not about to get into it with your mom if she thinks the book is inappropriate for you.
  • Open to anyone who can received Kindle ebooks.
  • The only requirement is your name/email and a comment. Everything else is completely optional.
  • Giveaway ends June 3rd at 11:59 pm. I will gift the winner their books when THE VINCENT BROTHERS goes live on Amazon.
Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I haven't read this series yet so I have no clue who the Vincent boys are but...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANDREA! I hope you have the best day! :)

    And thanks for the giveaway!

  2. I haven't read these yet, but I'm thinking Beau. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ;)


  3. Wanting to explore more in the Contemporary YA books, and this looks like a good read. Can't wait!

  4. I love the quote! Not all girls are into the bad boy indeed! I was always a Sawyer girl. Beau was a bit too much swagger for me lol Glad to hear he finds happiness.

  5. OMW I LOVED BOOK ONE!!! I'm so excited book 2 is coming out soon! I have to say Idk if I could pick between the two boys! I LOVED Beau, but I also had a soft spot for Sawyer and I'm so excited he gets his own story! :-) Thanks for the giveaway!! and Happy birthday! *TACKLE HUGS*

  6. Happy birthday! (we are sharing it - mine too!)

    I am dying to meet these Vincents I keep hearing so much about!!!!


  7. Happy Birthday for June 4! I have The Vincent Boys on my Kindle app but I haven't read it yet and I have heard good things! I skimmed your review in case of spoilers but you have reminded me that I should read this book and soon!

  8. Happy Birthday!!! Vincent Boys has been on my to read list for a while... it just got bumped up to the top of the list...

  9. I am embarrassed to admit that not only have I not read about the Vincent brothers, I had not even heard about them. So happy birthday, Andrea, and thank you for giving us the gifts!

  10. thanks soo much!! I love Abbi Glines books!! I would choose Beau! but I think Sawyer will be interesting in this one!! Happy Birthday!!

  11. Happy Birthday Andrea! I would love to read this series!

  12. YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! I'm STILL thinking about this book! GAH! I love it so much! Re-read will be taking place soon! LOVE YOU

  13. OMG! I am DYING to read this book!! NEEDS IT NOW!!! The good thing is it's only like a week away so I won't be tortured for too much longer. Fantastic review chick!!!

  14. Oh man, Beau hands down! Of course, I had the same impression of Sawyer and Lana that you did, so that might change after I read The Vincent Brothers.

    Happy Birthday!!!

  15. I have the Vincent Boys on my Kindle, but I haven' have the chance to read it! So Happy Birthday!!! :)

  16. Sadly I don't know any of the Vincent boys so Happy Birthday Andrea!

  17. I haven't read the Vincent Boys but I've been dying to! Happy Birthday!!

  18. I haven't read the first book yet, but it's definitely been on my TBR! Thanks very much for this giveaway! And of course, Happy "early" Birthday Andrea! I will be wishing you one on your actual birthday too! :-)

  19. I currently like Beau, but will see what Sawyer has to offer! :) Happy Birthday!

  20. I haven't read the Vincent Boys yet, but would love to!

    Happy Birthday!

  21. Love this book so much. My favorite is Beau danger is sexy and bad boys will always intrigue us.

  22. Happy Birthday! I cannot wait to read the Vincent Brothers.

  23. Happy Birthday!!! I prefer Beau...I mean helllooooo, he's frickin hot!!!

  24. Happy Birthday!

    I would choose Beau.... soooo yummy!

  25. Beau hands down. But this book might change my mind!

  26. Happy birthday! I'm new to this author/series.

  27. Happy Birthday!
    I don't know which Vincent Boy I'd pick. I don't know Sawyer that well!
    I do like Beau though (:

  28. Beau is my favorite Vincent Brother

  29. Happy Birthday!
    I haven't read Vincent Boys yet but I love Abbi Glines :)

  30. Haven't read The Vincent Boys, but do love Abbi Glines! Sounds like this will be another great series! Happy Birthday and hope it's memorable!! :)


    1. Oops - forgot my e-mail: leannessf at gmail dot com

  31. SWOON! I am sooooo excited. Huge fan of Abbi's! I really love Beau, but we didn't get to see a lot of Sawyer, so I couldn't pick one yet!

  32. Beau for sure for a vincent boy, but neither compare to Marcus he's just the sweetest thing ever. ;)

  33. Happy birthday!!! (Random fact: My bro's birthday is on the 4th.) Well, I'd have to say Beau, but I'm definitely interested to see more to Sawyer. I've loved both of the books I've read by Abbi & can't wait to see how this book turns out.

    Another random fact, my phone froze when I was trying to enter the giveaway, so I had to get my computer out to finish. It probably looks like I'm trying to double-dip on the entries--which I'm not totally opposed to if it means getting this book, but I thought I'd confess anyway :)

  34. I don't have a Kindle but you better believe that I am so looking into these books. You have totally sold me!

    Sara @ Just Another Story

  35. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
    ~Stephanie T

  36. I've read and LOVED The Vincent Boys and I love love love BEAU VINCENT :) But I Sawyer is a nice guy too, so I'm excited to see him in The Vincent Brothers :)

    Happy happy Birthday! And what an awesome idea to give such an amazing book on your birthday =) Thank yoU!

    Cheers, April M. David (@Books4Juliet)

  37. I'm not sure if Sawyer can top Beau but I'm keeping an open mind until I read The Vincent Brothers. If he's as great as you say, that's when I'll have to make a tough decision.

    Hope you have a Happy Birthday:)

  38. Happy Birthday!!!! I absolutely loved this book. Had to read it twice already over the weekend. Beau will always be my favorite, but that Sawyer sure had me swooning and doing some major face fanning:). Great Review!

  39. Can't wait to read this!! Thanks for the chance and happy birthday!

  40. Sawyer is more my type! He seems sweet.

  41. I was always for Beau. The rebel without a cause. Hes just so yummy! I loved the Vincent Boys and am anxiously awaiting for the Vincent Brothers. Happy Birthday and thanks for the giveaway!

  42. I loved Beau but Abbi Glines has a tendency to make me fall for anyone she writes about - even though i loved Jax in Breathe i fell for Marcus in Because of Low. I have a feeling Sawyer won't be too far behind!

  43. Beau of course is my favorite....he reminds me of a boy that I used to know. :)

  44. I'd have to say Sawyer would be my choice (could be related to my crush from "Lost"). Can't wait to read this. Thanks for the giveaway.

  45. I have not read either books so I can't decide but I lean towards Sawyer just because Sawyer from Lost. *sigh* SWOOOOOOOOON, LOOOOVE!! But HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!<3<3

    Racquel @ The Book Barbies♥

  46. I'll say I like Sawyer more. Good boys FTW!

  47. Happy Birthday!
    I have never read this series so I have no clue which boy would be better but they both sound pretty darn hot! I'm going to have to get the first book now!

    Thanks for introducing me to something new to add to my ever growing pile!

  48. I know you were excited about this one! :)

  49. lol at Abbi's special sauce. Me being a fellow sauce hog, I feel it too with her books. I seriously can't wait to read this.

    for the record though, I'm still creeped out by the lolli pop covers. :)

  50. I'm back.

    At the Moment I like beau, but from your and autumns reviews, I think I may end up partial to sawyer when all is said and done.

    I'm not wishing you a happy birthday yet, it's too early silly!

  51. Happy Birthday! I have not read these books yet but would love to. Thank you for the giveaway.


  52. I have not read the Vincent Boys yet, but I am hoping to read about them soon. Maybe during the read-a-thon I am in this month. But anyways... HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! I hope you have a wonderful birthday, because your an awesome person, and you totally deserve to be spoiled!!


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