Monday, November 18, 2013


I am so happy to be taking part in the Knights' Sinners Blog Tour. My stop includes a review and tour giveaway. The tour is being hosted by Love Between the Sheets. Thanks for stopping by!
Series: The MC Sinners #3
Genre: Erotic Romance/Biker

Publisher: Self-Published
Publication Date: 10/25/13
Format: eARC
Source: Tour Host
Rating: 4

Jackson is always considered the 'softie'. He's the first to help people out when they're in need. He's President of the Hell's Knights and is tired of being treated like a pushover. He wants to show the world how much of a sinner he can be.

Serenity has a dark past. Secrets haunt her and she has no way of escaping them. Hogan is the only family she knows and life with him is brutal. And it's about to get worse.

He sends her on a mission.

On a mission to destroy the Hell's Knights and the Heaven's Sinners.

Can she pretend with a club she doesn't know.

Or will she betray Hogan?
THIS SERIES. I am so happy the MC Sinners came my way, and that I've had the opportunity to read such a fun, dangerous, sexy series. In book one, Hell's Knights, heroine Addison is taken in by her long-lost father, Jackson. In Heaven's Sinners, we get to know Jackson a bit more, and got a naughty little surprise at the end. So without a doubt, I was thrilled that Jacks was getting his own book. It was interesting that the series switched from the younger MC Sinners to the older leader, but Jacks is such a cool guy, and he needed his story. 

I also found it very cool that Knights Sinner had Serenity as its heroine. If you've read book two, then you know how seriously complicated the situation is. If you haven't, then trust me, it's like falling for the enemy. Kind of. The story between Jackson and Serenity definitely has its complications, but it is really sweet, in a gruff yet romantic way. I really like that Bella Jewel took a really bad scenario for a relationship, and turned it into a winning love story. 

Like the first two books in the series, Knight's Sinner is a very fast read. There's something about this series that is addictive to me. I like the rough yet loving characters. I like that I am taken into a world that is so different from mine, yet I am so invested. And the writing just flows, keeping me saying "Just one more page..." and still not puttingit down for any reason. And did I mention the sexy? Jackson certainly brought his own brand of naughty to the table, and I liked it. The MC Sinners series is wicked hot.  

I keep finding myself wanting to call this series a guilty pleasure. I don't know why, other than the lifestyle extremes make me slightly uncomfortable, yet I love it. I won't call this a guilty pleasure because I don't actually feel guilty at all. And why should I? This is a well-written series that makes me feel, and more importantly, I have a fantastic time reading it. I really hate to say goodbye to MC Sinners, but wow, what a way to go. 

Favorite Quotes:
  I can't help but smile, seeing the way their faces are all lit up. Women are beautiful, don't matter what they look like, they're all beautiful. Precious damn gems that light up your life daily if you let the. They can also destroy it in a split second...
 "Three things," he growls. "One, you're too f*ckin' young for me. Two, because of that, don't ever kiss me again and three, f*ck darlin', you kiss like a f*ckin' angel."

“Whoa, what are you doin’?” he asks.
“I can’t be here, I can’t do this. I’m sorry. I should leave,” I ramble.
I rush past him and down the stairs. He follows; I can hear his heavy footsteps behind me. He reaches out just as I hit the bottom step, gripping my arm. I yelp loudly, spinning around and shoving at his chest so hard he stumbles backwards. His eyes widen and he quickly lets me go, throwing his hands up.
“Don’t touch me!” I scream.
His eyes are full of concern, and he gently shakes his head. “I’m sorry,” he says slowly. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I wouldn’t hurt you, I swear it. Don’t go runnin’ out in the middle of the night. It’s dangerous out there.”
“Please,” I say, my voice trembling. “I can’t be here. I appreciate your hospitality, but I can’t stay.”
“So you go runnin’ out onto the streets in the middle of the night? You know how dangerous that is?”
“I have no other choice, I can’t stay. I can’t…”
“Hey,” he says, stepping closer, his green eyes searching my face. “Ain’t no one gonna hurt you here. I swear it. Come on, darlin’…just go back and get some sleep. Sort yourself out. Then you can leave if you want.”
Why does he have to be so sweet? Why can’t he be vulgar, and rude, and awful…that would make this so much easier.

The MC Sinners Series
Hell's Knights  Heaven's Sinners (The MC Sinners, #2) 
(covers lead to GoodReads page)

Purchase Knights Sinners

Amazon Amazon-UK  |  Barnes & Noble  |  iBooks

(1) Signed Paperback of Hell’s Knights
(1) Signed Paperback of Heaven’s Sinners
Personalized MC Sinners Swag

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the author: Bella Jewel is an Aussie girl through and through. She spent her life in Western Australia, growing up in many different areas of the state. She now currently lives in Perth with her husband, children and mass amounts of pets. She's crazy, fun, outgoing and friendly. Writing is her passion, she started at the young age of 18 but finally got the courage up to publish, and her first novel Hell's Knights will be released in August 2013.

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  1. I love the book covers for this series! I think it's so neat when a book can make you experience something completely unique and different than anything that you've ever experienced before. There's something sexy about a man a little rough around the edges. I'm glad you really loved this one. I really enjoyed reading your review :)

  2. You sound exactly as my co-blogger. You both get so excited about these steamy, hot and addictive reads. I'm so happy you enjoyed it. Great review, Andrea :)

  3. I love books that keep you saying just one more page! Those are always the best. Great review!

  4. I know what you mean about the tendency to call a guilty pleasure even if well written, its a good feeling.

  5. I love how great writing can make you want to read more and more until you found yourself blowing through the book heh. sounds like the author made the unexpected happen with the least likely characters :D i do love the sound of this series!

  6. *sigh* I'm so glad this series is such a pleasure for you, guilt involved! I soooo want to read it. There is something intriguing about the discomfort of this extreme lifestyle. I love the sound of Jackson - and that quote...the 3 things...Wow! Thanks for a great review and for adding more to my TBR. :)

  7. This series sounds really intriguing but I fear It.may be too much for me to handle O.o

  8. I love when you meet a secondary character that piques your interest and then he finally gets his own book. I loved the excerpt on this, wonderful review Andrea :)

  9. Never fun when a great series is over!! That's awesome you loved these books though!!

  10. It sounds like this series has some great character building that just gets stronger and stronger as the books go on. That's such a great thing for a series to have!

  11. THAT second quote was...damn... good!

  12. I have yet to really warm up to biker romances but this series really comes with great recommendations from other blogs that I follow. From the few biker books i"ve read so far, what I liked about it best is its unapologetic behavior towards their respective badassery. Solid badassery.

  13. Hmmm.... this series sounds interesting. Not usually my sort of book, but I'm open to trying new things!

  14. I haven't read anything of this series, but I thought I saw something in a review on this one that made me think this isn't for me. Something about sharing. Hmm... Great review, Andrea. :)

  15. This is another one of those series I've had on my list since after reading how much you loved it. Awesome review.!


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