Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Taking ChancesSeries: Stand alone
Genre: Contemporary New Adult
Publisher: William Morrow
Publication Date: 10/16/12
Format: eARC
Pages: 432
Source: Received from publisher via Edelweiss

Eighteen year old Harper has grown up under her career Marine of a father's thumb. Ready to live life her own way and experience things she's only ever heard of from the jarheads in her father's unit; she's on her way to college at San Diego State University.

Thanks to her new roommate, Harper is introduced to a world of parties, gorgeous guys, family and emotions. Some she wasn't expecting yet, and others she never knew she was missing.

She finds herself being torn in two as she quickly falls in love with her boyfriend Brandon, and her roommate's brother Chase. Covered in tattoos, known for fighting in the Underground and ridiculously muscled...they're exactly what she was always warned to stay away from, but just what she needs. Despite their dangerous looks and histories, both adore and would do anything for Harper, including stepping back if it means she's happy.

Her first year away is turning out to be near perfect, but one weekend of giving in to heated passion will change everything.
Taking Chances is a story that will reel you in and break your heart. But it also gives you quite the dramatic and unconventional love story.

Harper is a girl who has never experienced a traditional family lifestyle. She grew up on an Army base with her widower father, a distant and overprotective man, and his soldiers, who were like older brothers to her. Harper decides she needs to get away, and goes to college across the country. She is immediately befriended by her roomie Bree, and is introduced to life as a co-ed. This means parties at the house Bree's brother Chase lives in with his buddies. Harper feels an immediate, intense attraction to Chase, but with his womanizing ways, he quickly scares her pff. His roommate Brandon, however, is exactly right for Harper. Brandon is kind, patient, and gorgeous. He and Harper quickly begin a relationship, yet she still harbors feelings for Chase. The triangle soon comes to a head, and the passion that ensues changes the lives of all three forever. What results is heartbreak, shock, pain, love that goes beyond expectation, friendship and family.

To make you understand what makes Taking Chances intense and shocking would require me to spoil the story. And this aspect is what has also made a lot of readers (according to reviews I've read) angry. And I get their feelings, to some extent, but then again, I don't. I feel uncomfortable when readers get angry when characters in books make mistakes, as if that doesn't happen in real life. Harper makes some really, really big mistakes. But she is an eighteen-year old girl with almost no life experience. She's never had anyone teach her how to handle her intense feelings and emotions. She's torn between two very appealing guys, and just doesn't know how to handle it. After a tragedy, Harper decides to make a life, in a unconventional, yet loving way. This seems to have angered readers, as well. To this I say, you don't know. Something very similar to what happens to Harper, happened in my own family. It's horrible. It's painful. And sadly, it's life. No person, especially someone in Harper's situation, should have to endure it. I know this seems vague and odd to people who haven't read Taking Chances. But to those who have, whether you agree with me or not, absolutely know what I'm saying here.

I will say there were a couple of issues I had with the book. For starters, I felt like many of the characters handle some very difficult situations a little too well. It was nice for Harper, and I loved the support she received, but in real life, I feel it would be a bit more dramatic. Also, the plot could used a lot of tightening. There was a secondary plot with an old friend of Harper's that added nothing significant to the plot other than unnecessary drama and length. And really, there was a lot in the last twenty percent that could have been left out, and still given a sweet, thorough ending.

Having said that, I truly enjoyed Taking Chances. I stayed up until 3am reading it, and had to force myself to close my eyes. It was addictive, and so freaking emotional. I was prepared by my cousin for the shock, and I was so glad. I still cried like a baby. I'm still a bit distraught. Taking Chances is a story that I don't think I can possibly forget.

Favorite Quote:

  "If you think acting like you don't exist isn't the hardest thing I've ever done, you're wrong. I hate not talking to you. I hate not bickering like we're an old married couple and I hate not spending every day right next to you. But this is how it has to be. Brandon hates me, and Princess, trust me when I say he has every reason to. So if after everything I've done to you, you'll still even consider being my friend, then it has to be Sundays only."  ~  eARC, 29%

You can purchase Taking Chances at:
Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble  |  Book Depository

About the author:

Molly McAdamsGrew up in California but now live in the oh-so-amazing state of Texas with my husband and furry daughter. Some of my hobbies include hiking, snowboarding, traveling and long walks on the beach…which roughly translates to being a homebody with the hubby and dishing out movie quotes. When I'm not at work, I can be found hiding out in my bedroom surrounded by my laptop, cell, Kindle and fighting over the TV remote. I have a weakness for crude-humored movies, fried pickles and love curling up in a fluffy comforter during a thunderstorm...or under one in a bathtub if there are tornados. That way I can pretend they aren't really happening.

Connect with Molly at:
Twitter  |  Website  |  GoodReads



  1. I am glad you liked this.. I have heard SO MANY mixed reviews on this.. I read it a little bit ago and I both loved and loathed it. The overall book, I LOVED. Like you, there were just certain things that seemed "off" to me & certain things that could have been left out to make the story flow little bit bitter. I still remember every single part of that book. Some books, just stick with you.

  2. Hmm, I'm not sure if this one is for me, just reading the blurb makes me nervous but I'm also quite intrigued by it & Harper's story.

    A wonderful review Andrea! Thankyou for sharing.

  3. Hmm not sure if I would like this one but I'm glad you did despite the issues you had with it. Great review!

  4. Hm I am very curious about this one. What happened that made people so mad? I feel like I need to read this now to see what side of the fence I fall on. I am totally guilty of rating a book for it's characters. If I don't like a character I have way too much trouble connecting to the story and that totally hinders my enjoyment of it. Very interested in this one now!

  5. I love a great emotional book. I hadn't really paid much attention to what this was really about. Seeing the cover, and my usual dislike of love triangles made me not really want to know more, but I am glad that you reviewed this. It sounds like I would really like it actually. Harper seems like a great character and now I am interested in what makes this book intense and shocking. I will be adding this to my TBR list. Great review chick!!

  6. Great review babe. Looking forward to reading this now.

  7. Great review! I am glad that you didn't spoil anything. I would rather take your word for it. I have seen a couple of really good reviews, but have to read it now, if not for any other reason but to see what kept you up until the wee hours of the morning.

  8. I was REALLY looking forward to this one and I even bought a copy. But then a stumbled upon a stupid person’s review on Goodreads that had the big spoiler on the first sentence of the “review”. Without a damn warning either. I don’t think this would have pissed me off like other readers, but I just don’t think I can get into it now that I know what happens. Glad you liked this one.

  9. OMG. I went to school at San Diego State. There were so many drugs and parties there that I only lasted 1 semester. :) Sounds like that aspect of the book is pretty realistic!

  10. I've heard so much about this book, and I know what the spoiler is, but your review actually made me much more curious to read it! Like you, I don't mind characters making mistakes if it's realistic.

  11. I love it when books make me stay up late reading.
    Happy reading,
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  12. I met Molly in Houston and she is unconventional for sure. I want to read one of her books but... I guess I'm just not feeling it.


  13. Good to see you ended up enjoying this one, Andrea. Great review. :)

  14. I read this book a while back and I really enjoyed it but half of me was irritated and sickened by a few of the major events. It's a good read for sure but it's nothing like I was expecting it to be (which is always good too).
    I like your review! Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts

  15. Life definitely isn't perfect and young adults, especially college students, make a lot of mistakes. Without mistakes, how would anyone ever learn or grow up. It's a bummer that part of the plot feels loose but I'm glad overall you enjoyed this one. It's been on my radar for a while now. How could anyway not give that great cover a second glance?!

  16. I read a bad review of this recently. It was spoilery, so I will mostlikely not be picking it up myself. I totally get what you're saying though. I don't get that upset when characters make mistakes. it happens. Real life mistakes happen too. I guess the one part of the review I had read pointed out that though these things happen, it's maybe not the best message to put out there for girls to read. But hey, neither is jersey shore show either. lol.

    I love that you point out the possitive sides of the "events" without spoiling though. <3 you have skills woman. lol


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