Saturday, February 25, 2012

In My Mailbox, #28 (And I met Lauren Kate!)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme created by Kristi at The Story Siren. It is a great way to put a spotlight on books received during the past week.

Books Mentioned:
(click on title to go to GoodReads page)

Born Wicked, by Jessica Spotswood (Thanks to Kathleen @Kathleen
Bittersweet, by Sarah Ockler
Fallen (Fallen #1) by Lauren Kate
Torment (Fallen #2) by Lauren Kate
Passion (Fallen #3) by Lauren Kate
The Earthquake Machine, by Mary Pauline Lowry (Thanks to the author.)


  1. Ah! You met Lauren Kate! I would have done the same thing if I walked up to the door and she was right there. Like star struck. I LOVE her books. I may have fainted lol. I have been eyeing Bittersweet since it came out so I can't wait to see what you thought about it. Oh and your little gal is adorable lol. Great haul this week and happy reading!
    You can check out my IMM here
    Dreaming In The Pages Enter My Giveaway

  2. awesome haul!! I loved Bittersweet!!

  3. OMG, I love your daughter! How funny! So jealous you met Lauren Kate. Love that series!

  4. Awesome! I always get super nervous when I meet authors! I never know what to say because I don't want to seem like a crazy person but inside I really am a crazy person lol Yeah I never like Daniel much. I like Cam and that other guy that came in Miles or something I can't remember it's been so long since I read them. Bittersweet looks really cute. I'm not the biggest contemporary romance fan but I'm coming around to it.
    My IMM

  5. I got Born Wicked this week too! I get really nervous when I'm going to meet anyone famous. I dang near lost my mind when I got the chance to meet Kellie Pickler through our local radio station. NOT a pretty sight. Great IMM and happy reading!


  6. Bittersweet and Born Wicked are on my wishlist, I can't wait to get my hands on them! So nice your collection of personalized signed books is growing. :D
    It's always great to meet authors of the books you love, isn't it? Too bad not so many authors come to my country, so far I've only met Terry Pratchett (and he was hilarious).

    Have a fabulous Sunday!

    Here's my IMM. ♥

  7. I've been hearing good things about Bittersweet and the cover is so pretty! =)

  8. How cool that you got to meet Lauren Kate! It's always fantastic to meet authors. I hope you enjoy Born Wicked. I really liked it. I have Bittersweet, but haven't read it yet. The cover is so pretty though. :)
    My IMM

  9. you better give her that chocolate milk! lol.

    I didn't get to film mine yesterday like planned.. But she's feeling much better today so maybe I'll do it this afternoon. :)

    I still can't believe you won that copy of born wicked. Too funny. Mine says the same, but in gold ink. Thanks again for it btw. <3

    That's great that Lauren Kate is nice.. One of these days I'll have to try Fallen. Maybe when the angel craze dies down.

    Love the new camera.. looks much better because it's not just a sliver of the screen. you'll get used to it! :)

  10. I've been seeing a lot of good reviews for Born Wicked and I'm dying to read it! Enjoy all your books!

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  11. Sigh...Born Wicked. I want to read it so bad!

    Oh wow, you got to meet Lauren Kate and she was nice, too! So, I should go read Fallen as well now =D

    Here's my IMM

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

  12. I LOVED Bittersweet! And Born Wicked sounds like a great book. I hope you enjoy all you got :)

    Here's my IMM!

  13. Born Wicked was in my IMM this week as well. I've read it already, and really liked it. I hope you do as well. Enjoy your books!

  14. Awesome IMM Andrea. :) Glad you had a great time meeting Lauren Kate to.

    Here is mine: IMM (14)

  15. Awesome book haul this week and I am so excited for you to have met Lauren Kate! Honestly, her series is not exactly a favorite of mine, but I still think their super entertaining, and that would be so cool to get to meet her. She looks nice lol :D

    Hope you enjoy everything you got in this week! You can check out my IMM for this week by clicking on the link below :)

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  16. I'm so jealous of you meeting Lauren Kate. I've only read Fallen but i have Torment and I can't wait to read it! I hope you enjoy everything else you got this week! Come check out my IMM!

  17. Lucky meeting Lauren Kate!!! That's so awesome! I haven't even read any of her books to be honest. Great IMM!

  18. Ooh awesome! I haven't read Lauren's series but I have all 3 books at home haha. Yep that is me and unstoppable book shopping! Great haul Andrea! <3

    Xpresso Reads

  19. Born Wicked sounds aweosme and I look forward to know what you think of this one !!
    I'm glad you had such a nice time meeting Lauren Kate .. Your signed books look great !!
    Happy reading Andrea :)

  20. I can't believe you met Lauren Kate! She is my favorite author of all time! :D I envy you so much! :)

  21. Lauren Kate! I'm so jealous. Born Wicked is really good. Hope you enjoy all of your new goodies. Happy Reading!


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