
Monday, January 21, 2013


Coming 1/21 and 1/22Welcome to my second stop on the Just Breathe Blog Tour! The tour is being hosted by Mirely at Rumor Has It; you can find the entire tour schedule here. Today's stop is a little bit different, a little bit crazy, and a whole lot of AWESOME.  But first, take a look at Just Breathe, and be sure to check out the blog tour GIVEAWAYS at the end of my post!

Just Breathe (Just Breathe, #3)

He made a deal with the devil to save the woman he loves…

After tragedy rocks the foundation of their relationship, Australian Sentinel Gavin Cassidy and whale biologist Zoe Morgan call it quits. Gavin can’t forgive himself for shattering her trust, and being with the sexy rock star is killing Zoe. Literally.

But love—and duty—are powerful motivators, and alliances are forged in the most unlikely places. With the key to salvation locked inside the mind of an unconscious child, Gavin must find another way to snuff out the Fyre Elementals before millions of humans die, or make good on his deal with the devil and lose the one he loves. Again.

*This book contains graphic language, sex, and violence. Not suitable for readers under the age of 18.

**The author will donate all profits from the sale of the JUST BREATHE trilogy to programs that educate people about whales and the challenges they face.

Okay, at the top of the post, I promised you AWESOME. Now I'm going to deliver. I had the chance to open a discussion with the characters from the series. So, yes, I had the opportunity to ask about important subjects such as Elements, the fight to keep the balance, undying love, death, etc. I chose to ask the characters about...CARS. See what happened when Zoe, Gavin and the gang were unleashed. Enjoy the chaos!

Andrea: Hey, Just Breathers! So, my question is this: What kind of car do you drive? Does it match your personality?

Byrn: Busted-ass '99 Ford Focus. I may be a Fyre Elemental, but that don't mean I'm rich.

Andrea: Huh. I would've maybe pegged you as a motorcycle man.

Bryn: Lemme borrow your car, Andrea. I’ll take you for a ride, baby.

Andrea: Only if you promise to take me to Carnival. *wink*

Vexx: *Busts out laughing* Byrn, I just pictured you on a kid’s bicycle, wobbling all over the road, tires all fat and plumping out to the sides. Best part? Your hair blowing in the wind like Fabio as you struggle to maintain control of the tiny handlebars. "Hey, Andrea, your ride's here, baby!" *Dissolves into uncontrollable giggles*

Andrea: Vexx - I like you already.

Gavin: *Eyes Andrea warily* You really have no idea what you're getting yourself into, do you? He's never gonna leave you alone now.

You asked about cars. Mine's a beaut. A black 1970 Holden HT Monaro. Stripes on the bonnet. Looks like this one, though it's the wrong color and off by a year. Close enough. My favorite part about the car is the bench back seat. Though, if you push the front seat back far enough, you can find additional...leg room. *Lifts a brow at Zed*

Andrea: Happy sigh... Gavin, you'll always be my #1. If I can't have you, Byrne's not a bad runner-up. Oh, and that's a sexy car. Too bad I'll never get to test out the leg room.

Gavin: Thanks, love. Byrn's had everyone and their donkey. No telling what sorts of buggery buggers are on him. *Shivers*

Hop in. I'll take you for a quick ride. *Dangles keys and grins*

Andrea: I'm coming!!!

Kendall Grey: Oh, I'll bet you are! ;-)

*An hour later*

Zoe Morgan: Did you guys have fun? Andrea, your hair is a mess. *Raises a brow at Gavin* He took you mudding, didn't he? Please tell me you took Mike's Jeep.

Andrea: *smooths hair* Whew, that was fun. Thanks for letting me borrow Gavin for a bit, Zoe. You're one lucky chick.

Gavin: *High fives Andrea and winks*

Andrea: *looks at hand Gavin touched* *faints*


*A blood red Porsche 997 Turbo Cabrio rolls up in third gear with a mighty growl* *Scarlet gets out, looks Andrea over*


Scarlet: Well, at least you're not bimbo-blond, doe-eyed, and full of Water. Had fun with him, huh? Don't we all... *Cracks a knowing grin* His car's cute. Mine's a fucking beast. I'll take you for a ride you'll never forget.

Andrea: *blushes* Uh...hi, Scarlet. Nice car. I think I've had enough for tonight.

Scarlet: *Flicks Andrea's hair, then circles her* You've got a lot of Earth in you. It's not Fire, but it's also not Water. I like you. If you change your mind about the ride, strike a match and call my name. I can be there in a flare. *Laughs*

Andrea: *blinks* I think Scarlet just hit on me. She's so hot. Must...stay...strong.

Amy (Book Loving Mom): Haha!! Probably one that's way better than she deserves! Maybe some type of tranformer car to be as deceptive as she is. Oooh, you are asking for trouble!

Jack Weaver: Never underestimate the power of a Fyre with all of her screws loose.

So, cars, huh? I drive all kinds. Motor home, cab, tractor, ambulance on occasion. I like to keep my options open. Though I gotta say, I sure wouldn't mind snagging Gavin's ride. That's a sweet piece of vehicular pie right there. *Whistles appreciatively and crunches apple*

Zoe: *Laughs* That's Jack. He's got more outs than a baseball game in overtime. Gotta love him!


* * * * FIN * * * *

See? I told you it would be fun! I had such a blast participating, well, actually, just trying to keep my head from spinning. That Gavin sure is dreamy and, wow, Scarlet HIT ON ME! I may never recover.

Just Breathe Series
(click on cover to hit the GoodReads page)

InhaleExhale (Just Breathe, #2)Just Breathe (Just Breathe, #3)
My Reviews of:
Just Breathe Ephemera
(click on cover to hit the GoodReads page)
StifleLetting GoDirtyVexxed
My Reviews of:

Purchase Inhale at:

Purchase Exhale:

Purchase Just Breathe:

About the author:

Word diddler and whale warrior, Kendall was born without an off-switch between her brain and mouth. She's been called the "Flux Capacitor of Twitter" and "A little package of love all wrapped up in F-word paper," but she's really just a maniacal writer relaying eyewitness accounts of the rave inside her head. She writes urban fantasy with strong romantic elements and also dabbles in erotica and horror on occasion.

Kendall lives off a dirt road near Atlanta, Georgia, but don't hold that against her

Be sure to check out the Just Breathe Trilogy website for all things Just Breathe!
All profits from the sales of INHALE, EXHALE, and JUST BREATHE will be donated to whale education.

Connect with Kendall at:

Kendall is currently holding a giveaway for a Kindle Fire HD

CRN Care Package
One CRN T-shirt
One Signed Inhale Postcard
One Signed Exhale Postcard
One Inhale USB
One Exhale paperback
One Just Breathe paperback
One Mug
Scarlet's Chai
Zoe's fave brew
Sinnder's Ginger Snaps
Gavin and Yileen's Tim Tams

I also have one ecopy of any book in the series, including the Ephemeras, to give away. To make this super easy for you, simply comment to enter on my review of Just Breathe. You can also tweet or share the giveaway on Facebook for an extra entry. Just leave a link.



  1. Loving the cover of this, it sounds like a really interesting story!

  2. I loved watching this discussion happen. And Scarlet totally hit on you. ;) Great post hon!!

  3. You actually let Scarlet hit on you? Hahaha. I'm torn between being scared of her and wanting to cut her for messing with OUR Gavin, lol.

    Cars are awesome so I totes love the idea for your post :)

    Isalys / Book Soulmates

  4. Hah! I'm not sure I could resist the power that is Scarlet!! LOL.

  5. The care package looks good.. maybe lip balm.


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