Sunday, October 14, 2012


Welcome to The Bookish Babe's stop on the Iridescent Blog Tour! Iridescent is book tour in the Ember Series by Carol Oates. The tour is being hosted by AToMR Tours, and you can find the complete tour page here. My stop includes my review of Iridescent, and a tour giveaway

IridescentSeries: Ember #2
Genre: Paranormal YA
Publisher: Omnific Publishing
Publication Date: Oct. 16, 2012
Format: eARC
Source: Received from publisher for review.

Candra Ember used to dream of saving the world one person at a time. She never expected to become an angelic weapon and the last hope in the battle against ultimate darkness.

Falling for a Nephilim wasn’t part of Sebastian’s plan. Distraction is something he can’t afford when his rival, Draven, wants what Sebastian has.

Lies, manipulation, and corruption are twisting the lives of the citizens in Acheron. The Arch is missing from Heaven, and a demon is intent on claiming the city. At a time they should be growing closer, grief and paranoia is driving Candra and Sebastian apart.

If the price of restoring the Watchers to Heaven is a human soul, who deserves to be saved?

Why I Chose to Read Iridescent: I've been anxiously awaiting this book since the moment I finished book one, Ember (my review). I needed to know what happens next for Candra, Sebastian and Draven.

It's a battle between Heaven and Hell, Good and Evil...and one girl will be the most dangerous weapon of all.

My. Heart. Iridescent almost killed me! This books was so intense, emotionally and physically, that I could hardly keep up. There was just so much going on in Iridescent: Candra and Sebastian's relationship, Draven's feelings for Candra, Ananchel (HATE HER!), the battle for control between good and evil... Because I enjoyed Ember so much, I was really excited to have the opportunity to read an early copy of this story, and it certainly lived up to my hopes.

Iridescent picks up almost immediately after Ember's dramatic ending. Candra is reeling from everything that has happened. Devastating loss, learning about her heritage, being torn by Sebastian and Draven, taunted and manipulated by Ananchel all takes it's toll on her. She and Sebastian are trying to hold onto the security of their love, but his own doubts, self-loathing, and need for atonement may be enough to drive them apart.

Throughout Ember, I struggled to choose between Sebastian and Draven. Neither of the two was all good or all bad. Both made some big mistakes and provided true swoon-worthy moments. In Iridescent, that struggle isn't the focus on the story. The three are all working to stay alive and save each other. A sad, yet understandable decision does drive a wedge between Candra and Sebastian, and gives Draven an opportunity to prove his worth. Love triangles don't always work, but in this case, with two worthy choices, the triangle is fantastic.

Iridescent was a bold sequel to Ember. The story went to dark, sad, scary places that I never expected. I spent a good portion of the story worried, swooning, and crying. The resolution was shocking, breathtaking, and ultimately triumphant. Iridescent was a wonderful story that tied this series up beautifully.

If you enjoy Paranormal Young Adult with a angels, demons and drama, Iridescent should hit the spot.

Favorite Quote:

  "She had always known Sebastian might be dangerous. Something always simmered below his skin, a scorching, righteous passion forever on the verge of exploding into an inferno with the slightest provocation. He was a force of heaven with an exquisite, virile presence." (eARC, pg 59)

  "He wanted to kiss her. She was sure of it and she wanted him to. She was so sick of running, sick of pretending she was strong for everyone. She wanted to disappear inside something bigger than her. Something that would consume her from the inside out and make her forget everything."  (eARC, pg 188)

Tour Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This sounds awesome! Really need a book that will kill me :P haha! and ooh the quotes are awesome! Great review love!
    - Farah @ MajiBookshelf

  2. Look! We're twins today! Nice review. Loved this book too.


  3. Ohh this series sounds so good. I just stopped by Val's blog and skim/read her review too and you both have me totally wanting to read these books!!!

  4. This sounds so good! I am going to look for these books on Audible now! Thanks for the recommendation.

  5. Ooooooh I love angels!!!! I will have to check out this series it sounds so so so awesome! Great review as always!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  6. I'll need to read Ember first, but I'm excited for this one. It looks really good.

  7. I haven't read this series yet, but it sounds intense. Thanks for the great review.

  8. I love a book that sucks you in and touches my emotions. Sounds like this installment meets the bill. Thank you for sharing with us today and for the awesome giveaway opportunity.

  9. This looks so good! Can't wait to read.


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