
Sunday, March 10, 2013


Isn't It Bromantic? (A Nice Guy Romance Novel) Series: Nice Guy #2
Genre: Adult Contemporary
Publisher: TKA Distribution
Publication Date: 12/18/13
Format: eARC
Pages: 333
Source: Received from author for review.

Having fallen in love in The Bro-Magnet, ultimate man's man Johnny Smith and D.A. Helen Troy marry at the outset of ISN'T IT BROMANTIC? Never has a sports-loving couple been so well suited. Now everything should be wedded bliss, right? Not exactly. On a honeymoon cruise, both contract a virus but Helen recovers more quickly. Still confined to their stateroom, Johnny is fine with her going off on her own, until Helen has a little too much fun playing beach volleyball with an all-male group of German tourists. And things only grow worse as they return home to CT and try to set up life as a married couple. Can Johnny and Helen's marriage be saved?

So apparently... nice guys finish first. And I couldn't be happier.

Isn't It Bro-mantic? is book two in the Nice Guy series by Lauren Baratz-Logsted, and boy am I happy she wrote this book. As most of you know, I love book guys. The rock stars. The athletes. The tattooed hotties with a bad attitude and a wicked gleam in their eyes. But I also love a straight-up good guy with a heart of gold. That's my Johnny Smith, good guy extraordinaire, and newlywed.

In The Bro-Magnet, Johnny did a lot of soul searching, and ended up winning the heart of his dream girl. In Isn't It Bro-mantic?, Johnny and Helen embark on the journey of marriage, and it is not smooth sailing. I'm not going to go into what happens in the story, because honestly, you wouldn't even believe me if I gave you the truth. What happens, particularly on Johnny's end is sweet, sincere, and often epically ridiculous/hilarious. And honestly, I don't know if I've ever read of a better guy. Johnny is seriously the sweetest, most thoughtful, generous guy, ever. He loves his wife, his cat, his family, friends,and will do anything for each of them. He even loves General Hospital, enough to end the work day early so he can go home with his best friend Sam (a girl) and watch together! And he carries it off without being a wimp, or a pushover. He just wants to make those around him happy and to feel cared for.

One of the great, if not the greatest, aspects of Isn't It Bro-mantic? is the male point-of-view. I don't think I've read another romantic comedy book/series with a male point-of-view. It is so refreshing to get a "real" guy's take on love and marriage. Johnny's voice is so authentic, and I must give major praise to the author for that. Many times during reading, I would turn to my husband and read to him, stunned by how perfectly Johnny was written. He was definitely intrigued, as well, and ended up stealing my Kindle to read for himself, after which he gave the book two thumbs up.

Isn't It Bro-mantic? was hilarious and charming, a perfect companion to book one, The Bro-Magnet. I am so thrilled I got to hang out with Johnny again, and I hope it's not the last I've seen of the fantastic Mr. Smith.

Favorite Quote:

  I reach out, wipe one glistening tear from her beautiful eye.
  It's good for a man to know what his job is in this world and this I can do: I can wipe the tear, whether happy or sad, from her eye.  ~eARC, 2%

FYI: This quote is in regards to Johnny's cat:
  "Can I pet your pussy?" --she did not just say that to me, did she?--it is finally too much for me. My response has absolutely nothing to do with my love for my wife, which is immeasurable and unending. It's simply Pavlovian. Cleavage + 'pussy' reference = instant hard-on. This means that I am out of there. ~ eARC, 61%

  "It's not going to be perfect," I say. There will be fights. There will be conflict. But if we just show up every day, and I mean really show up, if we keep choosing one another not just once but over and over again, if we fall in love with each other again repeatedly, like I'm falling in love with you again right now, I think we're going to be ok. You have to trust that."  ~eARC, 89%

Nice Guy Series 
The Bro-Magnet Isn't It Bromantic? (A Nice Guy Romance Novel)
About the author:
Lauren grew up in Monroe, CT, where her father owned a drugstore at which her mother was the pharmacist. She is a graduate of the University of Connecticut at Storrs, where she majored in psychology. She also has what she calls her “half-Masters” in English from Western Connecticut State University (five courses down, another five to go…someday!).

Throughout college, she worked semester breaks as a doughnut salesperson, a job that she swears gave her white lung disease from all the powdered sugar she breathed.

Upon graduation, she began work at the venerable independent spacebookseller, now sadly defunct as such, Klein’s of Westport. There, she bought and sold for the better part of 11 years.

In November 1994, Lauren left the bookstore to finally take a chance on herself as a writer. Success did not happen over night. Between 1994 and May 2002 – when Red Dress Ink called with an offer to buy THE THIN PINK LINE – Lauren worked as a book reviewer, a freelance editor and writer, and a window washer, making her arguably the only woman in the world who has ever both hosted a book signing party and washed the windows of the late best-selling novelist Robert Ludlum.

Since Red Dress Ink’s call in 2002, Lauren has been kept very busy with writing more novels and checking her Amazon ranking on a daily basis. She still lives in Danbury, with her husband and daughter, where she has lived since 1991.

In addition to writing, Lauren’s daughter keeps her busy, accounting for the rest of her time.

Lauren’s favorite color is green.

Lauren’s favorite non-cat animals are penguins.

Lauren wants you to know that, however you are pronouncing her last name, you are probably pronouncing it wrong.
Connect with Lauren at her website.



  1. This shins bozos! Actually without auto correct that meant THIS SOUNDS HILARIOUS! Great review!

  2. What a difference in covers! I like the first one more than the second and if I didn't read your review, I would of totally skipped this.

  3. I didn't realize the sequel would continue Johnny and Helena's relationship. I thought the first book was cute but ended abruptly and I thought that was it. This make she happy. We don't often get to see after the HEA.

    And this quote: "It's not going to be perfect," I say. There will be fights. There will be conflict. But if we just show up every day, and I mean really show up, if we keep choosing one another not just once but over and over again, if we fall in love with each other again repeatedly, like I'm falling in love with you again right now, I think we're going to be ok. You have to trust that."

    Every married couple should say that to each other every morning. Perfect.

  4. Is does sound great! I love that its a romantic comedy from the male POV. If my TBR wasn't so out of control I would definitely read these!

  5. Oh this sounds adorable and I love the title! Great review!

  6. I'm not sure I would have picked these up - because of their covers. But I'm going to add them to my TBR. "...sweet, sincere, and often epically ridiculous/hilarious" is something I MUST read! :) Wonderful review, Andrea, and I'm glad you shared these books.

  7. I haven't heard of this series, but it sounds really fun - thanks for the great review.


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