
Monday, July 2, 2012


Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along, just do as following:

·Grab your current read
·Open to a random page
·Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
·Be careful not to include any spoilers so as not to ruin the book for others.

Make sure to share the title and the author so other TT participants can add the book to their TBR piles.

Madly is your average nearly-eighteen year old girl—for a mermaid princess, that is. Madly James is thoroughly enjoying her internship in Slumber when the unthinkable happens—there’s a prison break in Atlas, Madly’s home beneath the sea. A traitor has set free eight Lore, the spirits of what humans know as fairy tales, and they are making their way to Slumber to awaken their descendants. The first spirit to arrive is that of Ulrich Wolfhardt, a man that was once obsessed with wolves and a young maiden he would follow through the woods. After a bite from a wolf, Wolfhardt’s obsession with the girl became an unnatural hunger and the young maiden’s grandmother cursed him with a fate worse than death. And now he’s back…with a vengeance and a bite that can infect others as well. Madly must learn the identity of Wolfhardt’s descendant and stop him before he kills again and spreads his curse across the earth. But the only person strong enough to help Madly is Jackson, the Sentinel who vowed to protect her and the one person capable of breaking her heart. Can Madly resist forbidden love long enough to save the world from Wolfhardt? Or will she have to sacrifice her heart and her destiny to save the ones she loves?~From GoodReads

My Teaser ~

Turning on my brightest smile, I stretched up on my toes and wrapped my arms around Jackson’s neck. “Of course I was trying to make you jealous. How else was I going to get you to kiss me?”

I stared into the powdery blue of Jackson’s eyes, daring him to back down now. I saw the gleam of challenge light the shimmering pools, but behind it was something else—something warm and dark and forbidden.

“Is that what you wanted? For me to kiss you?” Jackson asked quietly, his hands drifting lazily up and down my sides.

As I watched, his pupils swelled to eclipse the azure of his eyes and his gaze flickered to my mouth and back.

“Mmm,” I murmured, unable to speak past the lump of excitement in my throat.

“You asked for it,” he whispered, tilting his head to one side and lowering his lips to mine.

I know this one was a bit long, but I couldn't resist sharing!

Published July 19th 2011

You can find  MADLY AND WOLFHARDT at:
Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble

Find author M Leighton at her website.


  1. Very nice kissing scenes! Cute and hot! Well she asked for it! I'll ask next lol Thanks for stopping by My TT!

  2. And then what happened? Gah! I'll have to add this to my TBR Pile! Another one!
    Stopping through with My TT!
    Happy Tuesday!

  3. Swoon! Love the kissing teaser! Those are always the best! :D

    Here’s my teaser from Defiance by C.J. Redwine! Happy Tuesday! :D

  4. Ohh that sounds swoony!! I really do need to get these books!! They sound really awesome!!

  5. Nice. I love the summary and will have to look for this one. My teasers are multiple this week. On Inside of a Dog, I am teasing Ransom River by Meg Gardiner and, on Ms. Martin Teaches Media, I am teasing Seraphina by Rachel Hartman and Team Human by Justine Larbalestier and Sarah Rees Brennan. Happy reading!

  6. Mmm, nice! Perfect mix of hot and sweet.

    Here's mine:

  7. Ahhh, I can't wait to read this!!

    Here's mine:

  8. Ooo! I'm intrigued, I want to know more about Jackson!! Great teaser you definitely have me wanting to read the book!

    Stop by and see my Top Ten / Teaser Tuesday!

  9. Oh, Jackson. He's so lovely. Heather over at supagirlbooks has that scene from Jackon's pov on her blog. It was for M. Leighton week.

    1. I went and found it for you, Andrea. There are also Jersey and Aiden POVs from Madly and Wolfhardt which are fun too. BUT here's the important one--

  10. Oooh i love the cover, very artistic. And thanks for teasing it sounds interesting.

  11. Oooh...great teaser! I have these books on my TBR for sure. One day I will get to read them! haha! :-)

  12. Ooooooo I LOVED this scene! AND I loved this book!!! Fabulous choice for a teaser.


  13. Best teaser ever! lol
    newest follower!

  14. Aww! Great teaser!! :) This book looks super good! :)
    Heres mine!

  15. I have to read this book soon! Great tease! Thanks for stopping by My TT.

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  16. long teasers are the best! And Jackson sounds hot! Thanks for sharing!

    My TT

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

  17. Um, I heart you. Yep. I do. Totally;)

  18. One of the best teasers I've ever read! I love when there is romantic fun and tension in a book so I'm really going to have to get this series. Everyone seems to be saying great things about this so I must jump on the same path as everyone else.

    Thanks for the great teaser


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