
Thursday, February 16, 2012


Hello and Welcome to my first stop on the Because of Low Blog Tour! I am so happy to have a guest post from author extraordinaire, Abbi Glines. Her post features one of my favorite post topics, music. Namely, the favorite music of the main characters from the book. Be sure and read the entire post to find out how to enter the giveaway. Now I'm going to hush and let Miss Abbi do her thing. Enjoy!

Because of Low - Character’s Favorite Songs

Cage (Marcus’s roommate and Willow’s best friend) - “When I’m Gone” - Three Doors Down
Asking someone to love you no matter what screw ups you have is selfish but it’s intense. You want them but you want it all. Even when you aren’t there you want to know they will be waiting on you to return. Loving you when you’re gone.

Preston (Marcus’s best friend) - “Wall to Wall” - Chris Brown
Because it’s bad ass. The girls love me. I feel his pain in this one.

Willow (Female main character) - “All I Wanted” Paramore
It’s real. Everyone has wanted that one person out of their reach. You felt like it was simple. You were only asking for one thing. That one person. But it was unattainable and there was never a way to change that. No matter how badly you wanted it to be different.

Marcus (Male main character) - “I’d Come For You” Nickelback
The guy made a mistake. We all make them. It sucks. The song says he’ll come for her if she ask him to. But he is waiting on her to decide because he has royally screwed up. It is eye opening and every guy who has ever been in love has been there.

Amanda (Marcus’s little sister) - “Fix You” - Coldplay
Dealing with pain,betrayal, and anger. This song talks about how someone needs fixing when things come along to knock you on your ass. When everything seems perfect and then life can jerks the rug out from under you, this song gives you hope that someone someday can fix what you’ve become.

Tawny (Willow’s older sister) - “Follow Me” - Uncle Kracker
It’s fun and let’s face it, this happens. Sometimes relationships fall apart and there is someone else who can make you smile again. Someone who makes life fun again.

And there you have it. What a great list. And having read Because of Low, I can say those are great choices.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Abbi is supplying each blog on the tour an ebook copy of Because of Low and a signed bookmark to giveaway.
To enter all you have to do is comment below. You can get more entries by tweeting about this post and adding a link back. If you tweet about it be sure to add @abbiglines to the post so Abbi can keep up with how many entires you have.
Grand Prize:
  1. Signed copy of Breathe by Abbi Glines
  2. Signed copy of The Vincent Boys by Abbi Glines
  3. Signed copy of Existence by Abbi Glines
  4. ebook copy of Because of Low
ONE person will win all three copies of Abbi’s other books that are now in print signed by the author along with an ebook copy of Because of Low. To enter for the grand prize be sure to leave a comment at a minimum of five of the blog tour stops.

Go here to find all the stops on the tour.
(I have quite a lot of Abbi's Predestined and The Vincent Boys bookmarks. I will give five random commenters a bookmark. )
You can find Abbi Glines at:


  1. Ahaha Preston: Because it's bad ass!! I lie that! I have ears a dew of these songs so I think it's a great choice for each character! Can't wait to read Because of Low!

  2. Oops it's meant to say "I love that" instead of lie lol!! And also that "ears a dew" is meant to be I have heard a few! I'm on my iPod so it's being very annoying! I also tweeted:

  3. Oh great now I have When I'm Gone in my head! And i bet it'll be there all week! Haha. This book sounds good too. Great post! :)

  4. Great list and I love the reasons behind the picks! Love Abbi

  5. This is a great playlist. I am seriously just hanging out on your blog right now listening to music lol! Now I really want to read this book to see why each song was chosen.

  6. Wow, interesting playlist!! My computer would only play about 10sec worth and stop so I didn't get the whole thing. Thanks for that!!
    delivery.RN at gmail dot com

  7. Great giveaway! I've read great reviews for Because of Low and would love it. Great playlist too!


  8. This is seriously the first time I remember hearing of Because of Low. How lame of me, apparently I've been under a rock or something (which would explain why people are always telling me to crawl back under my rock, I suppose).

  9. Oh Lordy,now this makes me even more excited to read Because Of Low!I know most of the songs,ain't heard of Uncle Kracker,but really like Follow Me.Thanks for the tour n the give away! xoxo

  10. Such a great playlist!! :) I can't wait to read Because of Low!! :)

  11. Giving each character a theme some really helps to know what they are like. Look forward to reading the book now! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  12. Great music!!! Cant wait to read this book :D

  13. Love the playlist. It gives a great way to get into the characters' heads.

  14. Okay, I'm now officially a little crazy about books written by Abbi Glines

  15. What a beautiful post! All songs are great.

  16. I love all the songs you picked! I can't wait to read this.

  17. I love how the characters explain why these are there favorite songs!

    Based on their answers, Low and Marcus have to fall in love and stay together forever!! Marcus is so mature, of course we all make mistakes but forgiveness is also important!

    I hope Willow's not talking about not being able to get Marcus!!

    ccfioriole at gmail dot com

  18. I tweeted!/christinafiorio/status/171018308253007875

    ccfioriole at gmail dot com


  19. Ooh, what a great giveaway! I loved listening through all of the songs. Coldplay is love!

    lillyisabear (at) gmail (dot) com

    Thank you so much :)

  20. Awesome giveaway!! thank you!!

  21. Cool playlist! I had never heard those songs before!


  22. AWESOME!!!/FireStarBooks/status/171383177208795136

  23. ooo all wonderful songs!!! Abbi really does come up with some great ideas!!!


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