
Sunday, October 30, 2011

In My Mailbox #12

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme created by Kristi at The Story Siren. It is a great way to put a spotlight on books received during the past week.

For Review:
Obsidian, by Jennifer L Armentrout (Thanks to Entangled Publishing)
Hushed, by KelleyYork (Thanks to Entangled Publishing)
Laddertop, by Orson Scott Card and Emily Janice Card (Thanks to Tor Publishing)

Iron Knight, by Julie Kagawa - Two copies (Thanks to Page Turners and Fiktshun blogs)
Through Her Eyes, by Jennifer Archer (Thanks to the author and Teen Shiver blog)
Enthralled: Paranormal DiversionsEn Anthology (Thanks to Karen at FWIW reviews)

Hollowland, by Amanda Hocking (Free on Smashwords!)
Beautiful Darkness, by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
My Soul to Keep, by Rachel Vincent
My Soul to Steal, by Rachel Vincent
Dearly, Departed by Lia Habel

Be sure to leave a link so I can check out your mailbox!


  1. The Iron Knight was so fab! I loved it :) I'm reading Dearly Departed right now too, but I'm having a hard time getting into it -_- Oh well, hopefully it will pick up! Enjoy!

    My IMM

  2. OMG!! enjoy Ash as much as I did! great IMM!!

    My IMM

    Also, I invite you to t my giveaway! 3 winners and there are 12 hot YA titles from where you can choose from!

    Tace care and Happy Reading! ^.^

  3. Ooh I picked up Hushed off Netgalley this week.. can't wait to read it - looks good!

    Michele | My IMM

  4. The Iron Knight FTW!!!

  5. I am hoping to start Iron Daughter here very soon! That is a great group of books! I want to read Dearly Departed so bad, I have heard awesome things about it. I loved loved loved Hollowland, and the sequel comes out next month! I really hope you like Hollowland. Happy Reading!

    My IMM

  6. I'm just now starting the Iron Fey series, I've heard it getting so much love. I was sent The Iron Knight for review, so I'm playing catch up as fast as I can, lol.

    I also keep hearing good things about Dearly, Departed. I really need to get my hands on that book.

    My IMM -

  7. I got Hushed as well I'm looking forward to starting it soon!

    Xpresso Reads

  8. I have Obsidian for review also. I'm hoping to get to it this week. Dearly Departed was good too and I hope you enjoy reading Enthralled.

  9. Nice haul, enjoy all those awesome books!

    MY IMM

  10. So many awesome reads this week. I'm definitely adding Obsidian to my TBR list, it sounds fabulous. I loved Rachel Vincent's Blood Bound but haven't read the Soul Screamers series yet. I don't know what the heck I'm waiting for. LOL

    Hope you feel better soon.

  11. I loved Iron Knight! I got Hollowland for Kindle free too on Amazon! Happy Reading!
    My IMM...

  12. Great haul this week! Dearly Departed sounds really cool, I have it on my TBR list and can't wait to read it :)

    Thanks for dropping by my IMM ^^ I'm still in the midst of reading Pure Red, but so far it's pretty good!

  13. I hope you start feeling better soon. Dumb colds. :) Can you believe stupid amazon didnt send my Iron Knight book yet.. I could enter your giveaway and probably receive it before they send me it.

    I read one book by orson scott card, but it was normal, not manga. :) it was good. Not my fav but still pretty interesting.

    I have enthralled, I might start reading some of it.. but a few of the stories will be spoilerish to me. So I have to be careful. :)

    You are so funny about the beautiful creatures books.. That's how I am, I just keep buying books, I know I will read them eventually, could be a year from now, but they will get read! this is what I tell the hubby. :)

    Great bunch of books! looking foward to seeing all your reviews on them. :)

  14. Thanks for dropping by my page, Hush looks nice. The publisher also emailed me about it. enjoy yourweek!


  15. I hope you enjoy everything you got this week! Especially the two copies of The Iron Knight! Come check out my IMM!!

  16. oohhh i was so close to picking up dearly departed this week!! but i got Eve instead because it's been on my wishlist longer!!! great imm!!

  17. It doesn't look to me like you'll need to read your manga book from right to left, but that's just my observational view from your video. Usually, if the book looks like a normal English-language book, you'll read it like any other comic book. If you DO need to read it the opposite direction, then it should tell you to do that inside the book somewhere very easy to see.

    Manga is just Japanese comic books, and other than a different drawing style, and being usually in grayscale, it's not all that different from normal comic books. The one you have is not a true manga because it's not a title out of Japan, so they're probably referring to it as "manga" because the artistic style used is like manga.

    Hope that helps some! I'm a big fan of manga, so you can ask me anything about it, and I'll be happy to help.

  18. Oh wow, what an amazing mailbox!
    Love the vlog :)


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