
Thursday, February 7, 2013


It's time for Doin' It Dirty and I am suuuper excited. The read-a-thon is being hosted by On a Book Bender and Reading the Paranormal. Amanda and Kelly are awesome, fun chicks and make the event even more fun.
There is also a Twitter Drinking Party at 9pm CST.
My Goals:
I have three books I for sure want to get in. 
Here are some books I will go for if I get the first set finished. But really, who am I kidding. I'm an insanely quick reader, but also an easily distracted reader. Plus, something fun came up for one of the kiddos for tonight, so I'll have to step away for a couple of hours.
Those two are super short, so we'll see.

Where I'll be updating:
  • GoodReads
  • Twitter, using the #DoinItDirty
  • I will update this post.

Okay, that's it. Wish me luck and lots of good smut!

Update: I got my main goals accomplished, plus one of my extras.

Total: Two books, One novella, One short story. Best of all, had a great time!




  1. Woo hoo! Go Andrea! Will you be at the Twitter Drinking Party? (I hope so!)

  2. ahh it would be fun to join but have work then a school/club event tonight. Ugh then homework. Boo. Hope you enjoy your reads!

  3. Hah hah, I love that you've made that first book your bitch. Good luck Andrea!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  4. You did GREAT! Thanks for joining us for the second Doin' It Dirty. It wouldn't be the same without you. :)

  5. Great job girl! You rocked it.


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