
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Blog Tour ~ Blood of Anteros (The Vampire Agape Series #1) by Georgia Cates

Welcome to The Bookish Babe's stop on the Blood of Anteros (The Vampire Agape Series #1) Blog Tour. The tour is being hosted by AToMR Book Tours. You can find the complete tour schedule here. My stop includes a review of Blood of Anteros by Georgia Cates.

Blood of Anteros  (The Vampire Agápe, #1)Series: The Vampire Agape Series #1
Publisher: Self-Published
Publication Date: September 21, 2011
Source: Received from author for review.
"I was tantalized by the mystery of her. The leech inside me came out to find prey, but found none in this enigmatic girl. The close proximity of her essence didn’t entice the monster within, so what did that make her? I had more questions than answers, but one thing was unmistakable; although she released me from her embrace, her hold on me remained."

Cruel circumstances turned Curry Brennan into the wretched monster he hates and refuses to accept, but when an expected turn of events releases him from the bond of his obsessive maker, he returns to the home he knew 161 years earlier and finds the return of happiness and joy in something he didn’t know existed. Puzzled by his growing attraction to Chansey Leclaire, a human, he is unable to resist the captivating relationship that threatens to reveal his existence as a vampire. He eventually discovers the reason he was destined to find what he didn’t know he searched for and is faced with the cruel realization that the living and the immortal undead will always be separated by one thing. Eternity.

Blood of Anteros opens with a rare eclipse and a broken curse. The promise of a blessing and a gift. With such an intriguing opening, the story captured my attention.

I've read so many vampire-centric books. Haven't we all? So I'm always hoping that an author will bring something new to the table, and author Georgia Cates definitely does so. Her vampires aren't a new offering, but her lore of the Agape, or Daughter of Anteros, certainly is. The Agape is a human with supernatural aspects that is meant for one vampire mate. Their bond is strong, and lasting, but not without complications. Naturally.

Blood of Anteros is told from Curry's point of view. Curry is a vampire, over one hundred, sixty years old, who has returned to his former home. He soon meets a girl whose very essence seems to call for him. I liked the story is told through the male vampire's perspective. It's a nice change from the usual human girl's point of view. The voice for Curry is authentic. He speaks like a Southern man from the 1800s (think Bill Compton). He's a proper Southern gentleman is his actions and words.

The object of Curry's love, Chansey, was lovely. I didn't feel as if I knew her all that well, since I didn't get her perspective. She's very accepting of Curry and his ways, but also strong when she needs to be. I look forward to knowing her better in the next book. The fact that Chansey is not fully human does help make up for the fact that her reactions to the events in the story don't always ring true.

There is one aspect to the story that didn't sit well with me: Curry sneaks in Chansey's bedroom at night and watches her sleep. I know, he's so in love and is protective over her. But, in my world, sneaking in my room and watching me sleep only earns you a whiffle bat to the face. Does that make me an unromantic grump? Maybe. I can't help it. Starey eyes creep me out.

Blood of Anteros was a book that I did enjoy, but didn't fall head over heels in love with. But that happens a lot with me and first books in a series. I did find author Georgia Cate's writing to be quite lovely and very romantic and am looking very forward to reading book two, Blood Jewel, soon.

Favorite Quote:

"The monster, deep within me, unexpectedly resurfaced. He no longer lay dormant as he screamed in agony, begging to be set upon this innocent creature. He pleaded with me for one taste. Didn't he deserve it? It has been so long." (ebook, 19%)

You can purchase Blood of Anteros at:
Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble  |  Smashwords


Author Georgia Cates is giveaway readers a chance to win print copies of  both books in The Vampire Agape Series, Blood of Anteros and Blood Jewel.

The giveaway is open to US Residents only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Georgia CatesMeet Georgia Cates -

I am a wife, mother of two daughters and a labor and delivery nurse. I have recently added Paranormal Romance Writer to my list of things to keep be busy, but I am ecstatic to release my debut novel, Blood of Anteros, the first book in The Vampire Agápe Series. Like others that enjoy a great story of paranormal romance, I am easily bored by the tale of an obtainable, ordinary romance and was inspired to create The Vampire Agápe Series. When I am not tied up with my family or delivering babies, I am working feverishly on the second book in The Vampire Agápe Series.(from Georgia

Connect with Georgia Cates at:
GoodReads | her website | Twitter | Facebook


  1. These books sound really interesting, I'm always looking for a good vampire series. Thanks for the giveaway! (:

  2. "Earns you a whiffle bat to the face" LMAO! I agree. I love romantic gestures but I don't want anyone watching me drool on my pillow lol The relationship sounds interesting though. And I also love a male perspective over the usual female one. It's nice to see the guy's thoughts as he is wooing the girl. Great review!

  3. Hmm the sneaking in and watching her sleep sounds VERY Twilighty, that would have annoyed me too.

    Great review, love the cover!

  4. Haha!! The whole watching other people sleep thing is very creepy. I totally agree that it's not romantic, it's stalkery and weird. This does sound like a great book though. Thanks for the fab review hon!!

  5. Great review. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Lol Andrea! I'll make sure not to sneak up on you while you sleep if you've got that whiffle bat ready! This story does sound intriguing. I'm wondering how many books will be in this series.

    Thanks for the giveaway ladies! :)

  7. Next time we visit, I'm going to watch you sleep. Completely AGREE, Curry IS Bill Compton. I also liked the story, but it took a bit for me to get into the story. Nice review love!

  8. I totally agree that 'sleep watching' is creepy, and it's becoming a thing that pops up a lot in romance.
    I have this on my Kindle so I'm hoping to get around to it soon, it sounds really interesting.
    Great review!

  9. I've seen this book around the blogsphere for a few days now and I'm finally taking the plunge and entering a giveaway to try to win it. Thanks for the opportunity.

  10. I love it when someone can pull out a new trick in a vamp novel. :) And I'm something of a Bill Compton fan. Nice review!

  11. Okay, guys! Got it. No more watching people while they sleep. Hee Hee!

  12. I usually fart when I sleep so if anyone wanna watch more power to yah! "I SMELL THE SECRETS THAT YOU KEEP, WHEN YOU'RE FARTING IN YOUR SLEEP!!!" HAHAHAHA

  13. Looks like a book one.


  14. this books looks really interesting!

  15. This is the first I am hearing about these books and am so glad I came across this giveaway and post. This sounds like something I would love and cannot wait to get started!!!


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