
Monday, July 23, 2012

Review ~ EASY by Tammara Webber

When Jacqueline follows her longtime boyfriend to the college of his choice, the last thing she expects is a breakup. After two weeks in shock, she wakes up to her new reality: she’s single, attending a state university instead of a music conservatory, ignored by her former circle of friends, stalked by her ex’s frat brother, and failing a class for the first time in her life.

Her econ professor gives her an email address for Landon, the class tutor, who shows her that she’s still the same intelligent girl she’s always been. As Jacqueline becomes interested in more from her tutor than a better grade, his teasing responses make the feeling seem mutual. There’s just one problem—their only interactions are through email.

Meanwhile, a guy in her econ class proves his worth the first night she meets him. Nothing like her popular ex or her brainy tutor, Lucas sits on the back row, sketching in a notebook and staring at her. At a downtown club, he disappears after several dances that leave her on fire. When he asks if he can sketch her, alone in her room, she agrees—hoping for more.

Then Jacqueline discovers a withheld connection between her supportive tutor and her seductive classmate, her ex comes back into the picture, and her stalker escalates his attention by spreading rumors that they’ve hooked up. Suddenly appearances are everything, and knowing who to trust is anything but easy.

Author Recommendation: Mature Young Adults (language, drinking, sexual situations)

"Love is not the absence of logic
but logic examined and recalculated
heated and curved to fit
inside the contours of the heart"  ~Easy

What can I honestly say about EASY? I can't tell you anything that hasn't been written by almost every person who's read this book, that EASY was amazing, brilliant, engrossing, lovely, utterly un-put-down-able, etc, etc. Because it is. This book is every single one of those adjectives and so many more.

EASY wasn't an easy story to read. Make no mistake, it's brilliantly, beautifully written, but the subject matter was tough. EASY is about identity, self-worth, self-awareness, trust, sexual assault, the long-lasting impact of traumatic events, for starters. This was an emotionally heavy, draining book. I read it slowly, making myself absorb each and every moment, made myself step away for a few moments when I became overwhelmed. And Webber handled each sensitive subject with remarkable sensitivity, and honesty. As someone who has experienced (to an extent) what Jacqueline does in this story, I'll admit, I was scared to read this and bit overwhelmed while I did. Jacqueline isn't the only one in the story dealing with trauma, though, as she discovers when she begins to fall in love. I can't go into it because of spoilers, but let me say, my pillow was soaked with tears after I discovered the truth about this characters past. It was heartbreaking.  Bit by bit, though, Webber brings the characters through to the other side, giving them awareness and strength to overcome. It as tremendously apparent that she gave careful consideration to each word, thought, and action of her characters.

As much I've talked about the serious aspects to the book, I have to tell you, EASY was funny. I spent a lot of the time reading staring at my kindle with a smirk on my face or just flat-out laughing. The interactions between Lucas, with his laid-back manner, and Jacqueline were so cute. The emails between Jacqueline and her tutor Landon were adorable and flirtatious. The hands-down funniest moments, though, were courtesy of Jacqueline's best friend Erin. This girl is an absolute riot. With lines like this....

"I have to get to French on time on Monsieur Bidot will question me mercilessly in passe' compose'. I can barely do past tense in English. God knows I can't do it en francais at ass o'clock in the morning."(ebook, 5%)

And trust me, that's mild for Erin. But she is also fiercely loyal, determined. I gotta say, I would love for her to have her own story. But my point is, yes, EASY is very intense, and has so much depth, but there is also laughter in the midst of the pain. Much like life.

Tammara Webber writes characters that I want to know, that I care about, and always hate to leave behind. Her female characters have an adorable, endearing manner that makes me want to protect them, and be their best friend. And her guys? I've been stating for months now that Graham Douglas (from the Between the Lines series) is the fictional love of my life (Not in a skeevy way, of course. I just love him.) That's still true, I think. But holy cow, Lucas gives Graham a run for his money. I'm not sure what it is, they're both thoughtful, gorgeous, and quietly sexy. One advantage that Lucas has is his tattoos. He has lots of them. And what's even better is, his tattoos are meaningful. The type of meaningful that makes your heart drop and leaves you a little bit dizzy. Much like his kisses. *sighs deeply*

Tammara Webber is one of the best authors out there, period. Each of her books has been a pleasure, a priviledge to read. So if you haven't read every one of her books, do yourself a favor and go get them. I guarantee that you won't regret the money and time spent.

Favorite Quotes:

"I felt an impulse to bring my fingertips to his face and trail them over his freshly shaven jaw, the sexy scruff from yesterday gone. His skin wouldn't redden mine now if he kissed me, hard. I would feel nothing but his mouth on mine - and maybe that slim ring at the edge of his lip..." (ebook, 16%)

"My heart reached for him as we listened, staring at each other, and I felt the threads of connection between us- fragile filaments, so easily snapped. Like the poem etched in his side, we were each curving to fit inside the other, and this melting and reshaping be deeper, more resilient." (ebook, 88%)

"The way he kissed me felt like a brand. Like he was tattooing himself under my skin.
He knew all my secrets, and I knew his." (ebook, 89%)

Published May 25th 2012

You can purchase EASY at:
Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble

Source: Personal Purchase


  1. My love for this book is never ending! Easy really is incredible and easily (hah) one of the best books I read this year! Great review!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  2. I love this book so much. One I can read over and over again. Beautiful and heartbreaking but so rewarding. Awesome review and Im glad you liked it!

  3. What a fantastic review!! I am really looking forward to reading this book eventually. It sounds way too good to not read.

  4. Awesome review. I have been wanting to read this book.

  5. OH you're making me want to reread this one. It's soooooo good and you did a fab job describing it. This book was emotional and yet it was funny. Great review girl.


  6. Every quote from Easy is my favorite. I wanted to get the physical copy because Lucas is hott lol, but then it came out and I wanted to read it so badly I got an ecopy instead. Yes definitely amazing and emotional and so worth it. Sooner or later this will be on my bookshelf, it's double worth it.

  7. YAAA I have been waiting to read your review for this one! I know you share my passion for Tammara Webber and her excellence in writing! SO happy you liked it and I totally loved Erin too. Ahh I may have to but this one back in circulation in the TBR pile!

  8. I'm a new follower. Great review. I loved the story.

    My blog -

  9. Great review! I have to admit, the heavy subject matter wasn't readily apparent to me in the synopsis. It sounded more like a fun tennie-bopper romp. :) From your review, the story sounds so much deeper.

  10. I just bought this. After reading the first two the the between series, I couldn't resist. I can't wait to pick this one up.

    I didn't think it was going to be a heavy book, but now I'm looking forward to it even more. Great review!

  11. I never even heard of Tammara, before this book! Now, I will check out all her other books and will definetly pick up this one, too! Love your review!

  12. Dude, I wish my job was reading and reviewing instead of my real day-job...I'll never get caught up enough to read everything I want to read! :( And I *really* want to read Easy. I've heard such great things, and I've never read a Tammara Webber book, so this would be the perfect one to start with. *sigh*


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