
Monday, April 16, 2012


Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along, just do as following:

·Grab your current read
·Open to a random page
·Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
·Be careful not to include any spoilers so as not to ruin the book for others.

Make sure to share the title and the author so other TT participants can add the book to their TBR piles.

Shine (Shade, #3)
No other love has burned so bright

Life can change in an instant, and no one understands that better than Aura. It’s been almost a year since her boyfriend tragically died. She’s finally letting go of Logan’s violet-hued ghost, but not her search to uncover the truth about her past.As the first in a generation that can see ghosts, Aura is convinced that she has a connection to the Shift. She’s trusted Zachary, ever patient and ever by her side, with all that she knows. But when the government threatens his life in an attempt to learn Aura’s secrets, she will stop at nothing to protect herself and the one she loves...even if that means betraying her own heart. ~From GoodReads

 My Teaser ~

"I clutched her back and wept for Logan, too. My grief for him and my fear for Zachary formed a double-stranded rope of misery that would surely throttle me." (pg. 17)

You can read my full review of SHINE here.

Expected publication: May 1st 2012 by Simon Pulse                     

You can pre-order Shine at:
Constellation Books (where you can get a SIGNED copy!) | Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble  |              Book Depository


  1. Nice teaser. I like "double-stranded rope of misery." Beautiful cover too.
    Here's my teaser: UNTYING THE KNOT

  2. Great teaser!! I haven't heard of the author or book before, but I LOVE the cover. I will have to check it out.
    Here is my TT:

  3. Sounds sad! My teaser comes from a mystery this week.

  4. I have yet to start the Shade trilogy but I think I will once Shine is released, it sounds really good but also sad.
    Great choice!

    My Teaser Tuesday!

  5. I LOVED this book do stinkin much!!! You picked a great teaser, I was crying right along with Aura here!

  6. Great teaser. I'll have to look into this book now.

  7. This book sounds sad. Great teaser.

    Heres mine;

  8. Aww :-( Great -but sad- teaser!

    Here's mine for this week:

    Happy reading!
    Vix @ TToria

  9. Great teaser. I've been wanting to read this one.

  10. I really liked the rope of misery bit. Nice teaser.
    Here's My Teaser

  11. I still weep for Logan and he's fiction! LOL He's one of my favorite characters ever.
    My TT

  12. Great teaser! I haven't started this series yet, but I've heard great things!

    Here's mine - from Cathrynne M. Valente’s ‘Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland’!

  13. *sigh* I'm seriously hoping to get to this one later this week. I may put off Unraveling just so that I can! :P Great teaser!

    Here's my teaser. Happy Tuesday!

  14. I have been wanting to read Shade and Shift forever!! I really need to!! I have heard this is an awesome series! Great teaser babe.

  15. Thanks for the teaser Andrea !! Off to read your review on this book :)

    1. Nice teaser, Enjoy!

  16. *Screams*

    I want this badly. How much longer do I have to wait now? Thirteen days? TOO LONG.

    Thanks for sharing that awesome teaser!!

    My Teasers :D (They're actually from SHIFT, lol!)

  17. I haven't started this series yet but I want to! I hope your enjoying it! Here's my TT!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  18. I really must read this series. Great teaser!

  19. I really need to start this series! Shine sounds so good! I have to got to Barnes and
    Noble sometime this week, and I think I will grab a copy of Shade. Thanks for sharing!

  20. i havent read the other books in this series but it sounds just fantastic!! and i know how much you love this series too!!! great tease!
    Tara's Tease and Giveaway

  21. This is a really great teaser. I'm going to have to pick this book up when it comes out. Thanks, Cathy @ Addicted to Books Here's my Teaser

  22. Still need to get caught up on this series. I'm terrible - I've only read Shade. #Fail

    Thanks for stopping by my TT today.


  23. Wasn't this one so great?!?!? I finished reading it over the weekend...ek!

    Thanks for stopping by LIO!

  24. I really want to ger started on this series I'm super curious about it!!


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