Saturday, November 5, 2011

In My Mailbox

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme created by Kristi at The Story Siren. It is a great way to put a spotlight on books received during the past week.

For Review~
Unnatural Law, by Natasha Larry (Thanks to the author)
Cedardale Court, by Nathan Lee Christensen (Thanks to the author)
Shadowlander, by Theresa Meyers (Thanks to Entangled Publishing)

Haunted (Dreaming Anastasia, #2), by Joy Preble (Thanks to the author and Teen Shiver blog)
My Soul to Steal (Soul Screamers #4) signed, by Rachel Vincent
If I Die (Soul Screamers #5), by Rachel Vincent (2 copies!), by Rachel Vincent
(Thanks to Harlequin Teen)

A Million Suns (Across the Universe, #2), by Beth Revis (HUGE Thanks to Mindy at Magical Urban Fantasy Reads)

I do have an extra copy of My Soul to Steal and If I Die. If you would like to possibly trade, make me an offer!

Be sure to leave a link so I can check out your mailbox!


  1. I really want to give the Soul Screamers series a try, they sound really good! Hope you enjoy them all, Happy Reading! :)

    My IMM

  2. I think you need to wear lower cut shirts.. enough with the t shirts.. join the rest of us adults... that is all.

    I'll be back for a real comment later.. but it's time to make the cinnamon buns. Yummy. :)

  3. Shadowlander sounds promising. And so far everything I've read of Entangled publishing has been fantastic! Awesome haul, Andrea!

    Xpresso Reads

  4. OH MY GRAVY!!! You got A Million Suns! I hope you enjoy it and all your others. I thought your video was great and your glasses were fine:)

  5. You will so like A Million Suns it was soooo good! you got a great haul :)

    and don't listen to April ... I only wear T-shirts and sneakers and some ppl consider me an adult LOL

  6. I also got Cedardale Court from Nathan, his email made me laugh. That is a great group of books! How lucky are you with the Signed Soul Screamers books! Thanks for sharing! I think the glasses looked great.

    My In My Mailbox

  7. So many good things!!! I hope you enjoy it all!! A Million Suns sounds awesome :) I can't wait to read your reviews!

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  8. Across the Universe is really good. I am sure you'll like it. I love the paperback's cover as well.

    ~Happy Reading!

  9. HI!!!!! I'm back to molest your post. tee hee.

    The glasses look great by the way. You look so sophisticated. I would think that's the look you were going for, but I'm sure it has more to do with the fact you are a bawl bag when you read, and your contacts probably wouldn't fit in after reading shift.

    [Bawl Bag usually isn't a term of endearment... but here it's said with love] L...O....V...E.... Totally emphasized like that annoying song by Ashlee Simpson.

    So I agree you should cut down on review books... because lets face it.. my opinion is the one that most matters. J/k. lol. I see all these books you get every week, and I'm sure most are good, but it's always nice to read what you really want sometimes.

    And Holy Crap, you are lucky.. like so lucky, I want to rub myself all over you and run to the nearest casino. perhaps you could sprinkle some dandrif in a bag and send it my way.. <--- Not accusing you of having dandrif, just offering you a different option besides bodily fluids.

    Okay, I'll be serious now. This is hard for me.. a real comment coming on....

    I'm starting A Million Suns this week.. there you go... whewww, that was tough..

    Now back to being silly... I will be sending your books back... probably Tuesday. There might be something in it that you can't show on your IMM.. Stew on that for a while.

    chow o! Off to make love to a funfetti cupcake with my mouth.. <---- being serious again.

  10. Ha! I just wrote a book instead of a comment.. perhaps I can get this sucker published. I bet everyone would enjoy to buy my babbling.

  11. I've heard so many great things about the Soul Screamers series that I'm dying to read it. Enjoy you new books.

  12. Awesome books this week! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week! Come check out my IMM!!


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