
Friday, September 9, 2011

Review: Witch Song, by Amber Argyle

Witch Song

The world is changing. Once, Witch Song controlled everything from the winds to the shifting of the seasons--but not anymore. All the Witches are gone, taken captive by a traitor. All but Brusenna. As the echo of their songs fade, the traitor grows stronger. Now she is coming for Brusenna. Her guardian has sworn to protect her, but even he can't stop the Dark Witch. Somehow, Brusenna has to succeed where every other Witch has failed. Find the traitor. Fight her. Defeat her. Because if Brusenna doesn't, there won't be anything left to save. (From GoodReads)

My Review

I have looked forward to reading Witch Song since I saw the cover and synopsis a few months ago. The cover is absolutely haunting, and the synopsis sounded promising. And basically, the story lived up it. Unfortunately though, after reading Witch Song, I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other.
Witch Song is the story of Senna. She is a sweet, sheltered girl whose life is turned on it's axis when she learns she and her mother are witches. Senna must find the strength and determination inside her, in order to navigate a world she knows nothing about and save the witches and nature. Along the way, she meets Joshen, who assists her on her quest. I did like the characters of Senna and Joshen. The quiet strength they both display is quite touching.  They are "Everyman" heroes, doing their job without flash or bravado.

I also liked the basic plot points of Witch Song. The journey that Senna goes on is strange and interesting. The author did a terrific job of setting up the world of the story. I felt completely immersed in Witch Song.

However, there were a few things that turned me off to the book. There were several instances in which the story jumps ahead large amounts of time, such as six months or more. And that's fine if you have some indication of this. But in this book, those passages of time are mentioned as almost an afterthought.

Another part that bothered me is Pogg. Pogg is, well, a frog man... I think. I think that Pogg was supposed to be an interesting character, but he only annoyed me. And, Senna can turn into sea creatures. I just could not get on board with these turns in the story.

I really wanted to like this book. And sometimes I did. But the parts I didn't like, overshadowed the rest for me.

 I know there are plenty of people who liked Witch Song.  I found two reviews on GoodReads.
Here's one at: Read For Your Future and another at: CorLostForWords

Favorite Quote:

"Something soft turned into stone within her. She had no choice. She had to fight. She had to win."
Paperback, 305 pages
Published September 1st 2011 by Rhemalda Publishing
You can find Witch Song at:
* I received Witch Song via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. *


  1. It's too bad you didn't like this book the way you were hoping too. That is such stinky feeling. Like you, I'm not a fan of books jumping time without telling you up front. Thanks for the review!

  2. Amber-

    I felt bad, b/c I had such high hopes. It doesn't help that I had come off a string of fantastic books...

    Thanks for stopping by & commenting!


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