
Friday, September 23, 2011

Banned Books Week Giveaway Hop

This hop is hosted by Kathy at I Am a Reader, Not a Writer and Jen at I Read Banned Books.
Over 250 blogs are participating in banned or challenged book-related giveaways. We are all linked together so that you may hop from one blog to the next. The hop runs from Sunday, September 24 through Sunday, October 1, 2011.

When I signed up for this hop, I took a look at the American Library Association's page of banned and frequently challenged books. To be honest, I was pretty stunned at the list. The list includes such classics as The Color Purple by Alice Walker, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou, and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Also listed are new favorites such as Harry Potter by JK Rowling, Twilight by Stephanie Meyer and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I am a firm believer that every parent should be able to choose what's right for their family and that there is an appropriate time and place for all things. But I also believe that denial and hiding from the ugly truths of the world only leads to more danger. I also believe that if we can't learn from our history as a people, we are doomed to repeat it.

So, in honor of Banned Book Week, I have a great giveaway for you! There will be 1 winner.


The winner will receive 2 challenged books.
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (challenged in 2010) .
To Kill a Mockingbird - In my opionion, the greatest book written. (challenged often since it's release in 1960, even as late as 2009)
Giveaway Details
To enter this giveaway, you must follow this blog and fill out the form below.
The only mandatory entry is to follow this blog.
Entries will be accepted until 11:59 pm, October 1, 2011.

Optional Extra  Entry (Absolutely NOT Required)
Follow The Bookish Babes on Facebook (+1)

The winner of the giveaway is:

Lena Sledge!
Congratulations! I hope you enjoy the books.


  1. I'm afraid nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to trying to get books banned. I've spoken to people who thought Harry Potter should be banned because "sorcery" was "satanic." I whole-heartedly agree that it is up to parents what their children read. Nothing should be banned, and if they want to change the wording, the original should always still be available. If we cover up past injustices, it is impossible to learn from them.

  2. Coming by to say thank you for participating in the hop this year and giving something away! We appreciate you!


  3. I think this is a wonderful giveaway hop! Thank you & all the other bloggers participating! I really like what Shannon said and I totally agree :-)

  4. Not entering giveaway. Posted on Murder She Writes but reposting where I can, to say thank you for raising this issue.

    Went to American Library Association website for list of banned/challenged books.

    Happy to say, I’ve read most of the classics, or consciously chose not to read a few, but was floored to see To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee; 1984, by George Orwell; A Farewell to Arms and For Whom the Bell Tolls, by Ernest Hemingway; Gone with the Wind, by Margaret Mitchell; and Sophie’s Choice, by William Styron, to name a few on the short list.

    A commenter there pointed out that the Bible often is banned.

  5. I love Banned Books Week. Just last week my children were told they shouldn't read the Harry Potter books because wizards are from hell. I'm not even gonna go any further on this because I will write a novel.

    Thanks for this giveaway.

    ~Asheley (Into the Hall of Books)

  6. Thank you for hosting this giveaway and for being a part of the Banned Books Week Hop!!
    Have a safe and great weekend!! =)

    GFC Follower: SpadesHighReads

  7. Great giveaway! (Hi! I'm #13 on the hop.)

  8. I can't believe some of these bans on books.

  9. I was shocked too! Thanks for the chance to win!

    I'm a new follower!

  10. Thank you so very much! I hardly win anything. So this is great! Happy dance.


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